1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
" Before I would worry about the chest armor I would probably be looking to get a better pair of gloves with life and resist as well as doing the same thing for the boots. You have to remember that life and resist are the two important stats on our gear. A piece of gear that does not have both is junk. |
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i just love this build been running it for some time now (63lvl now) i have changed only 1 thing or should i say added.. i have 20% infernal blow with melee splash + added fire also so when i face easy mobs like zombies i just leap in and swing once with infernal blow and everything just well... dies.. heres my current gear mostly self found the mace was 5 chaos rest is 1alch - self found - 1/2c
The middle potion has saved me SOOO many times when leaping off screen into huge mob packs |
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What would you prefer,
52% increased Ph. Dmg OR +8%hp and Iron refl. I mean this. AND this |
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--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert! ---
@setsail4fail: Since you have a 10% LL Carnage Heart you could maybe try removing the LL gems from your skills and replace them with dmg-giving support gems. You could also try out Multistrike (maybe in place of LL or AddFire)... Also 12% IIQ is good to have, but depending on your life nodes you could have 250-400 more life with another belt... @BulKratos: BoR has the one major con: can't use Chest piece. Still a good helm and many people use it. If you think you can do with losing the chest benefits (sockets/links, Armor, Life, Res) and you can afford it, then fine. Note that although BoR is a "7L max" like the Marohi, Blind is wasted if you have Unwavering Stance... Tabula is nice for lvling chars, but i haven't seen many people over lvl60 that use one... Surely you can find a better Armor if you can afford it ofc... Personally i would prefer a 5L with good stats than a Tabula for the same price. I have been trying out a Carnage Heart myself recently, i like it and i plan to keep it. Still there are soooooo many possible stats for jewellery and so many Uniques (Astramentis for example), that it really depends on what stats you want/currenty missing, play style, build, personal preference, synergy with other gear/tree nodes, and so on... Getting Int or Dex was a problem for me only at low-lvls, when spending 1-2 chaos was a big deal. You can have all the stats you need if you spend a little bit of currency for cheap stuff ;) Finding them is the hard part, lol xD Your 310DPS Mace if not bad for your lvl, but it is on the low side and it's low-dmg/high-AS (and only 2S). If you can find a better one (around 350DPS) for cheap, go for it. Also at lvl71 you should have at least a 4L for each of your skills. @DjNanos: Both seem ok to me... One life node doesn't make much difference imo. Personally i would drop a couple of a dmg nodes to take Amplify. Also if you are going to take Acceleration, you could go 2 points more and take Leather and Steel: 24% AR is nice, but the Move speed is the one i like the best. Pure AR Armors have a 8% Move Penalty (check http://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/armour). Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 30, 2013, 2:49:11 PM
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" Which nodes would you replace to get amplify? even tho idk if its worthy removing 15% phys dmg for ampl. |
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Maybe like this?
http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMPzBQgFE0YkRkuGjgb-iXfJ-0ppS3SMZ4yCTWSNug62DrhQT9HfkrITdhN404qUEdQUFHmVElXDVhjWK9Z818_ZU1qk2xGbmluqnJscql4DXuMfNmBb4LkgziE2Yjxiq-MdozPkBGQVZHOmSuePJ7NogCkGaZXpmSnMKeEqWipbqvFrFmsqrQvtfK2QbndvYG-ir6nvrzAD8AaxtjJmNIh0k3Uj9Xt2WHeweSt51LsOO8O73zwH_Iv8kX2SPe-_gr-jw== Still there is no right or wrong, it's a matter of personal preference... You can have your dmg nodes if that is what you like best :) If you can afford it (Regret orbs value has gone sky-high since the Bandits respec recipe), you could try it for 2 points. That is what i did, and i will never go back. Relative: Here is the difference one node does (HP and DPS): http://imgur.com/a/PD0Gl#0 *Note the life is +12 to base, not 12% Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 30, 2013, 4:41:36 PM
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I am happy for you getting a 6L armor, but... What is the matter with Dom people? Sold a 6L with those stats? Sorry to say, but those stats are not good enough for a 6L... Life is "ok", but only one 13% res??? Never mind the >400 AR... Must be a really low ilelvel item... Majestic Plate is lvl53 min, i don't think it's much higher. Check the ilevel and post if possible please (pick up the item on your cursor and type in chat box "/itemlevel" enter). Still you can get up to 41% res if it's ilvl60 or higher (35% max if not), and up to 99 life if it's ilvl64 (89max for ilvl54). You spend some currency for the 6L already, personally i would Alch it all day long until i got >70 life + 2x >30 res, and maybe a descend AR rating. I mean honestly i vendor armors with those stats (no 6L ofc), i won't even sell them for 1chaos :/ ilevel 53, i don't know what i should do with that armor, i love 6L and it's balanced my weak gear |
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" Im so confused men...ive got weap and armor 5L and got GS + Life L. + Blood M. + Multi. + Conc. Effect + Hatred ON = 2621 HS + Blood M. + Faster Atk + Melee Ph. Dmg + Added F. Dmg + Hatred ON = 5414 You think i have to replace some gem with some other maybe the con effect with a melee phys gem or not ??? PS1: I cant see anything but your tree on the pictures you took PS2: Iive got 2 CWDT, one has Molten, Enduring, Enfeeble and 2nd one has Decoy, W. Mark you think i have to remove something from cwdt and replace it or sth ? with bloodrage or frenzy ?? or something else ? PS3: By using Amplify, i make con effect gem more worth using ? PS4: Im maxed res, wont need to go under scion's resistances..so ive got 4 "free" nodes to use.. Check below GEAR
Tree 62lvl 3367hp using 2 auras, determ and hatred Offense
Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Nov 30, 2013, 10:55:33 PM
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Don't touch the Armor... What you are going to do is what all of us do: use this piece until you can afford to get a better one ;) As long as you didn't get robbed with the price, a 6L is still a 6L. Just think of it like you traded AR and res for having 6 linked sockets. Not that bad. But ilvl53 is too low for mods. If you try to alch to try and get the best possible (or close) AR/life/res mods, you will never get your money back when eventually you sell it... Just be happy you have a 6L :) @DjNanos: I don't understand what you confused about... Not having 10K DPS with GS? If yes, well you a have a sub-200DPS Mace, lvl 15 gems at best, use BM and LL gems in some sockets, haven't taken all your builds dmg nodes yet because you are still "just" lvl62, and so on... The nodes from Skull Cracking will help a bit, so will Baptism by Light ;) Still the biggest improvement will come from a better Mace, and then from higher lvl gems. Your AR is good though :) *Pre-release i did 3K GS with a 5L Marohi at your lvl! xD PS1: I took new screenshots just now, only for you! I seem to be posting ofter the last days, so i don't include my gear/tree in every single post. PS2: I am still not confident enough in my "knowledge" to suggest anything more than this: a "low-lvl" link of CwDT+EndCry+Enfeeble works great. Molten shell is "meh" in low lvls, i am lvling up a second CwDT now to try it with a high lvl MoltenS. PS3: I would not use your words exactly, in a way Amplify gives you back some of the GS range that ConfEffect took away (not that that's the only use of Amplify ofc). PS4: There are many things you can use the points on: more life from the Scion circle, go for Skull Cracking or Baptism by Light, take the AR/life nodes in the path to Amplify, go for IR... Personally i would suggest life or Skull Cracking. Also be on the lookout for gear that will help you spec out of the Attributes nodes you have taken. Still not a priority, other things are in the top (Mace) and you still gain lvls relatively fast now. My stuff (mostly crap!):
*I haven't used my Mana flask in many days, will replace tomorrow with one more HP flask. Also second CwDT and Immortal Call on gloves are just for testing/lvling. Other "random" gems are for lvling (like the LL on the Helm) Dusk Knuckle is my main ring, because of the Int/Dex and Mana Leech. The other is just a crap one i use for the high life, until i find something with more useful stats. Fresh and more detailed screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/H68J9 Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 1, 2013, 1:55:10 AM
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