1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

hey guys have you tested this build guide ? is it any good in in merciless lvl 65 - 80 ?

did you have any problems ? just dont want to reskill with regrets.
dan166 wrote:
hey guys have you tested this build guide ? is it any good in in merciless lvl 65 - 80 ?

did you have any problems ? just dont want to reskill with regrets.

This is my first time ever playing this game and I had no issues clearing merciless with this build whatsoever. Softcore though. I def can not kill Dominus without any deaths.
So what level are you guys leveling your Cast On Damage Taken gems to? Was using level 1 linked to maxed decoy totem but that is not an option anymore.
Monty_The_3rd wrote:


Nice job, i hope MultiS didn't cost you a fortune... Now on to 5L and Faster Attacks ;)
But why use that awful Vitality Aura... Determination is nice, Hatred will boost your DPS if you have the Dex/Int for it, and Grace does wonders if you have taken the IR node (needs Dex also). Personal opinion ofc :)

I'm not actually using any auras I'm just leveling the gem for some reason, don't ask me why :P
Faster attacks is a Dex gem isn't it? That mean if I ever get a 5L chest it will need a green slot?
Can you guys help me

I'm about to change my build a little can someone check if i missed something
or if it's not optimized in some way

Passive tree

Note for myself V2

Lvl 84 and going to get sentinel near scion life at 86 (or maybe the dex and int nod)

p.s.: i'm not sure about lava lash but i'm testing it because of added fire dmg
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 16, 2013, 6:11:23 PM
So after messing around during beta I never really got much past Act 1 in this game. I would just get bored and roll another alt. Anyway I found this guide after picking up PoE again and went straight from 1-39 and beat Normal difficulty fairly easily. I helped myself quite a bit by trading 2 chaos orbs for a Geofri's Baptism Brass Maul at level 27 and that helped tremendously. I highly recommend doing the same. Pretty much just used leap slam / ground slam and face tanked most of the first play through. Going forward I need to get a nice 4 link item although I might roll a Scion and take a break.

Anyway thanks for the guide and here is my final build and gear after finishing Act 3 Normal.

Build: (Level 39)


Last edited by FULLMEAT#4287 on Nov 16, 2013, 3:37:49 PM
If someone with high dps could post his stuff pls i would greatly appreciate :)

What allways bug me in this kind of games is which stats should I get on which item ?

Last edited by Raizdoe#6842 on Nov 16, 2013, 4:01:09 PM
Hmmm why not going for Iron Reflexes node ? Wouldnt it make sense ? More Armor better survivability?
dan166 wrote:
Hmmm why not going for Iron Reflexes node ? Wouldnt it make sense ? More Armor better survivability?

Hmm yeah i'm thinking about it but 6 nodes is a lot just for that (2k eva without Grace though)

I could do this Passive Tree instead (but i lose 1 end charge and 18% duration)

Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 16, 2013, 5:01:12 PM
Unwavering stance and iron reflexes are both not worth the investment imo. The reason is that armor mitigation is extremely desirable against many mobs that have lower hit damage with higher total number of attacks, but evasion improves your survivability against single powerful monsters.

In later game, you will find that it is extremely rare for mob groups to kill you, and instead it is the map bosses that will be a threat. The way the math works out is that against a single, powerful mob the EVASION you have (say a 10-20% chance to dodge his ENTIRE attack) will keep you alive much more on average than mitigating his massive damage done to you by an extra 10% (which is all that I would gain from these abilities). Keep in mind the boss is going to hit you every single time if you take these two passives and there is just no way you will survive without 100ex in gear.

You can also avoid being stunned by getting the eye of chayula and for physical damage mitigation just run around with 4 or 5 endurance charges like I do, freeing up a bunch of passives to put in to damage or regen or hp.

note: there is a lengthy mathematical description of why a mix of evasion and armor is most optimal somewhere on the intertubes.

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