1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Please tell me why i dont have dmg..
6k life
77@ -30chaos
6k life
3k armor



6.5k hs
4k gs

trying on 5l my weapon... but not so lucky atm.
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:

You take nearly no damage nodes! I will deal no damage, you idiot!
Your damage will be more than sufficient with no damage nodes. Why is that? Because of strange and complicated why damage is calculated. 6% increased damage nodes are nothing, they won’t increase your total damage by even 1%. We will get damage in much more effective ways, so even 50% increased damage won’t affect it much.
Do you want general rule? Over 10% increased damage per node => does worth it.
Remember – STR also gives you some damage bonus.

Does anybody know where I can find the information that actually supports how 6% isn't even 1%?

I"m not naysaying this at all, obviously people like the build, I'm just wondering where I can read about this in more detail rather than just being told 'dont do this because I say'. I looked around for information on the formulae but didn't find it, so I figured I would ask here.
warzog999 wrote:
Edited: chest piece added

Until last phase it's rather long to kill everyone but it's ok.
When i get to Dominus i can't kill him before i ran out of potions: here i am!

just kill those minions that keep spawning all the time. use walord mark on them before you kill them to recharge all flasks.

hope this helps.

LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
Sicarion wrote:
quick question, i just found multistrike and when i put it on in place of added fire dmg in my 4-link with ground slam,faster atks and melee physical the dps states its more or less the same although i know that the flat dmg is weaker.with multistrike my dps is3.1k and with added fire its 3.3k.anyone knw which would be better or have a rough idea on which i should use??ps: multistrike is level 4 and im lvl 61 in act 2 merciless

For me multistrike is better dps wise than added fire. But then multi less pure dmg per hit = less armor piercing but the regular attack is too slow on marohi.

In order of dps gain :

1-Concentrated effect 2- Melee phys 3-Faster attack 4-Multitrike 5-Added fire

concentrated effect reduces range and aoe of ground slam. think i like increased aoe gem better between those two.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 15, 2013, 2:01:53 PM
I'm level 52 following this build for the most part, I'm on cruel act 3 piety's pets and every time i try to go to lunaris temple i just keep getting rolled hard

skill tree:

maybe I'm just not that good at this game, do I need to grind levels and try to farm currency items to try for upgrades? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
To note, I am not running the aura, just leveling up the gem, am also curious if mortal conviction is worth a point after this last patch?
Iam using this build with my lvl 46 Nemesis Char with the following items atm.

Got 74% fire
75% cold
around 34% light
-20% chaos.

(yes long way to go before lightning and chaos are 75%.


But its a nice build.
Damn Latency issues.
Might come back in a few seasons.
Last edited by Hirukaru#6018 on Nov 15, 2013, 5:56:03 PM
@ kompaniet
concentrated effect reduces range and aoe of ground slam. think i like increased aoe gem better between those two.

It really depend on your gear if you have marohi(amplify is a +) range is good even with concentrated effect.

Thing is it will almost double you dps and its pretty rare there's enemies in the 30% range it take out. Since they run to you

But you need to be able to tank a little more.
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 15, 2013, 8:36:30 PM
LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
@ kompaniet
concentrated effect reduces range and aoe of ground slam. think i like increased aoe gem better between those two.

It really depend on your gear if you have marohi(amplify is a +) range is good even with concentrated effect.

Thing is it will almost double you dps and its pretty rare there's enemies in the 30% range it take out. Since they run to you

But you need to be able to tank a little more.
well dont have a marohi but i have a pretty weapon,so i think i will just try them all and see which i prefer,thanks for all the help
--- Disclaimer: I am not an expert XD ---

-About Concentrated Effect:

Here is my experience, since i just started using this gem 3 days ago (thanks LastMFtoBreathe!):

This is the most dmg-adding support gem i could add, with FasterA and MultiS as base links to GS. I use a Marohi and also have to use a BM gem since i am on mana.

Just consider this: a lvl1 CE gives me 200 DPS more than a lvl19 MeleePhysDmg!
For comparison, here are the DPS for different gems for base link GS+FasterA+MultiS:
*DPS (DPS using Hatred aura)
no other gem: 3.4K (4.6K)
lvl19 MeleePhyDmg: 5K (6.7K)
lvl1 ConcEffect: 5.1K (6.9K)
lvl11 ConcEffect: 5.5K (7.4K)
lvl19 MellePhyDmg + lvl19 AddFireDmg 6.9K (8.6K) -just for test (i removed my must-use BM gem)

Note: DPS (Hatred on) go ~200DPS up using a piece of gear with "adds 7-13 Phy Dmg" and +300DPS with "8% Incr Attack Speed"

Ofc the GS range (AOE) is reduced, but it's not that much and i don't mind (and i don't have Amplify).

You could spend a small amount of currency for 2-3 cheap pieces of gear (1chaos per piece MAX!!!), by lvl60 you shouldn't use three Blue pieces imo...
Find me ingame (MontyTheSlayer), since you are in Standard League i have 1-2 free items for you ;)

Also multiple Life Leech gems don't add leech, but Life Gain+Life Leech works. Those double Life gems hurt your DPS, and like i said before:
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
...Like OP said, remember that your damage is closely linked with your survivability (because more DPS=more Life Leech). From personal experience:
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
...Up until the Catacombs i had no problems, i was pretty tanky and could take anything a lvl-63 area could throw at me...
...Today i finally managed to buy a 5L Marohi, and as i predicted i can now go into the Catacombs without being put down by "easy" mobs :)

About CwDT:
I now use this lvl5 CwDT link:

EndCharges are a bit slower to build up to max, but if you move quick there is little difference than before (always am at max or max-1 charges).
Molten Shell is pretty useless in this lvl, the 400 added armor is barely noticeable :(
Enfeeble works great on the other hand :)

Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 16, 2013, 12:52:34 AM
Lucentdepths wrote:
...Does anybody know where I can find the information that actually supports how 6% isn't even 1%?...

I don't have screenshots, but i remember than on one lvl-up i took a "+dmg" node (10-15% not sure) and the effect on DPS was so minimum that i immediately traded for a Regret Orb and respected the point to use for something else :/

However here are the screenshots for the Acceleration node (+12% Attack Speed) taken:
Hope this helps...
Just killed Piety at level 61. This build has made merciless a joke so far. As long as I keep ground pounding it seems I can't die.

Ground slam dps is 2k
Heavy strike 4k
I have glacile hammer that I use occasionally at 1.3k

All my gear is self found:

fire and lightning are maxed but cold is only 45% w/o charges. I'm dying for chaos resist at the moment. Only at -30%. So far it hasn't been much of an issue though. As long as they are in a group I can ground slam with impunity. Thanks a lot for this guide!

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