I followed this guide and reached easily Dominus in merciless (although it was pretty long fight against piety).
Now that i'm in front of Dominus it's really difficult too beat him.
Do you feel the build dps is too low to fight againt him or i lack stuff or maybe i have to get better because i should be able to manage him?
Level 68 i have 6k heavy strike
3/4k ground slam
My stuff:
Some gems are here for leveling purpose ;)
Last edited by warzog999#6936 on Nov 14, 2013, 11:48:31 AM
I followed this guide and reached easily Dominus in merciless (although it was pretty long fight against piety).
Now that i'm in front of Dominus it's really difficult too beat him.
Do you feel the build dps is too low to fight againt him or i lack stuff or maybe i have to get better because i should be able to manage him?
Level 68 i have 6k heavy strike
3/4k ground slam
My stuff:
Some gems are here for leveling purpose ;)
you don't have a chest piece. what is your problem with dominus?
your gear looks good.
Im also following this build as well and I have to say overall, playing this build is pretty easy, however ive been in merciless for a few lvls now and ive been having some trouble. Im lvl 63 and Ive been trying to solo Docks for xp and gear, but it feels like im very squishy all of a sudden. I can take on a nice sized group and come out with 90% of my health, but sometimes it just seems like my health literally melts away in 2 seconds while fighting, despite all my keyboard strokes to potions, keeping an eye on my endurance charges, and maintaining attacks up so my lifeleech gem on all my skills does its job. It may be that even tho my resitances are maxed thru gear and passives, i havent accounted for chaos damage which is currently at -48%, or it could also be an issue of not having a 5 or 6L chestpiece for extra gems/dps capability, or maybe its just as simple as me not being able to leap slam my way out of a fight when im going to die. I have a gut feeling its my gear. Im still in the process of getting act 3 meri gear. ive just upgraded my 2h mace that does 200 - 300 damage roughly which gave my dps a nice boost. infernal strike does 2.5k dps and heavy strike does 4.3k dps. ive been using enduring cry, warlords mark and immortal call as my "oh shit" button. Ill use molten shell too from time to time. ATM i have 2.5k health too with 90hp regen a sec give or take. ive been considering removing some resistance passives to get more life, im 4 nodes shy of filling the scion's health passive ring in the middle. The only difference between the guides recommended gems is that ive been using infernal blow instead of ground slam, and ive invested a passive point into Lava Lash which adds +30% to fire damage because of infernal blow being my AOE-ish ability (to explode large groups in just a few hits). Ive boiled my recent difficulty in merciless to a combo of gear, not have a 5-6L chestpiece, -48% chaos resist, and possibly lag or desync. Any help or advised would be grealy appreciated (about everything else except lag or desync, because im well aware those 2 are completely out of my control)
P.S. Playing this game still gives me flashbacks going through puberty and Diablo 2 haha.
Sounds like you're not really following this build. Your hp is way too low, you should have another 700-1k HP at your level and you should have finished the Scion's health nodes by your level. Second the whole premise of this build is ground slam because it gives you range which gives you survivability. At 63 docks should be do able but it's probably better to do fellshrine until you level up a little.
quick question, i just found multistrike and when i put it on in place of added fire dmg in my 4-link with ground slam,faster atks and melee physical the dps states its more or less the same although i know that the flat dmg is weaker.with multistrike my dps is3.1k and with added fire its 3.3k.anyone knw which would be better or have a rough idea on which i should use??ps: multistrike is level 4 and im lvl 61 in act 2 merciless
quick question, i just found multistrike and when i put it on in place of added fire dmg in my 4-link with ground slam,faster atks and melee physical the dps states its more or less the same although i know that the flat dmg is weaker.with multistrike my dps is3.1k and with added fire its 3.3k.anyone knw which would be better or have a rough idea on which i should use??ps: multistrike is level 4 and im lvl 61 in act 2 merciless
For me multistrike is better dps wise than added fire. But then multi less pure dmg per hit = less armor piercing but the regular attack is too slow on marohi.
In order of dps gain :
1-Concentrated effect 2- Melee phys 3-Faster attack 4-Multitrike 5-Added fire
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 15, 2013, 11:32:45 AM
quick question, i just found multistrike and when i put it on in place of added fire dmg in my 4-link with ground slam,faster atks and melee physical the dps states its more or less the same although i know that the flat dmg is weaker.with multistrike my dps is3.1k and with added fire its 3.3k.anyone knw which would be better or have a rough idea on which i should use??ps: multistrike is level 4 and im lvl 61 in act 2 merciless
For me multistrike is better dps wise than added fire. But then multi less pure dmg per hit = less armor piercing but the regular attack is too slow on marohi.
In order of dps gain :
1-Concentrated effect 2- Melee phys 3-Faster attack 4-Multitrike 5-Added fire
oh nvr bothered to think of conc effect for groundslam thanks anyways!!!