1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Hey, quick question regarding gear for this build. Got a 5L last night with low phys dmg rolls. Was still an upgrade in terms of dps, but could be a lot better. Do you think it's worth trying to craft it into something better, or will this take me pretty far? I'm currently in Merc A1 farming ledge.

Anesthetize34 wrote:
Hey, quick question regarding gear for this build. Got a 5L last night with low phys dmg rolls. Was still an upgrade in terms of dps, but could be a lot better. Do you think it's worth trying to craft it into something better, or will this take me pretty far? I'm currently in Merc A1 farming ledge.

The current damage is not much more than on Geofri's baptism which is a lvl 27 unique hammer. If you are feeling lucky you should reroll it with chaos orbs or alchemy + scourings whichever is cheaper these days. Don't know how many attempts it will take to get a good roll so i think it's cheaper to just sell it and buy a better one.

traded 20 alteration orbs for this.

about a chaos of value i guess. so unless prices have skyrocket it should be relatively easy to find a better.

Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 13, 2013, 10:50:48 AM
IMO (but many many others say the same) crafting is not worth it for "normal" players, not unless you got more than 50ex and you want to try and craft an uber-piece (results not guaranteed)...
Unless you use an Alt at lvl10 or something :P

LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
...I think ill just level the CWDT to lvl 18 like my other gems.
2700 dmg shouldn't take that long in maps...

What gem do you plan to trigger with CwDT? Your decision in making me very curious...

Unless i got the patch notes wrong, you will only be able to trigger a very low-lvl gem, less than lvl5 maybe (can't find a screenshot of a post-1.0.1 to verify) for CwDT @lvl18. For a dmg-dealing skill, you will be benefited by the smaller "Less Damage" penalty, but what <lvl 5 gem is worth that?
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
IMO (but many many others say the same) crafting is not worth it for "normal" players, not unless you got more than 50ex and you want to try and craft an uber-piece (results not guaranteed)...
Unless you use an Alt at lvl10 or something :P

LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
...I think ill just level the CWDT to lvl 18 like my other gems.
2700 dmg shouldn't take that long in maps...

What gem do you plan to trigger with CwDT? Your decision in making me very curious...

Unless i got the patch notes wrong, you will only be able to trigger a very low-lvl gem, less than lvl5 maybe (can't find a screenshot of a post-1.0.1 to verify) for CwDT @lvl18. For a dmg-dealing skill, you will be benefited by the smaller "Less Damage" penalty, but what <lvl 5 gem is worth that?

I'm using Cwdt + Enfeeble + Molten Shell + Enduring cry

Yeah I had to read a couple times the patch note to get it.
You can't use a gem that require a higher lvl than the requirements of Cwdt.

So right now the max gem lvl requirement I can use is lvl 37
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 13, 2013, 11:07:15 AM
LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
...I'm using Cwdt + Enfeeble + Molten Shell + Enduring cry...

Damn, i didn't read the patch notes correctly, i had to jump ingame to confirm:
Now for a lvl1 CwDT you can only trigger a gem that is so low-lvl, that it's "required level" is lvl31 at most !!!

None of the linked gems below works because they require lvl 52-66 :(

This needs more thinking, but maybe i'll just link it with a lvl1 Enduring Cry or something, i really liked the auto-charges thing..
With 2700 instead of 440 dmg needed to trigger a high-lvl gem, i have to re-plan (or go again with what most people do lol), but now it's sleep time...

Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 13, 2013, 11:32:40 AM
kompaniet wrote:
Anesthetize34 wrote:
Hey, quick question regarding gear for this build. Got a 5L last night with low phys dmg rolls. Was still an upgrade in terms of dps, but could be a lot better. Do you think it's worth trying to craft it into something better, or will this take me pretty far? I'm currently in Merc A1 farming ledge.

The current damage is not much more than on Geofri's baptism which is a lvl 27 unique hammer. If you are feeling lucky you should reroll it with chaos orbs or alchemy + scourings whichever is cheaper these days. Don't know how many attempts it will take to get a good roll so i think it's cheaper to just sell it and buy a better one.

traded 20 alteration orbs for this.

about a chaos of value i guess. so unless prices have skyrocket it should be relatively easy to find a better.

Would it be a waste to Divine my mace? I don't know what the possible range for the %increased phys dmg is. My main reason for buying this mace of course is the fact that its 5L.
Yes it would be a waste to divine it.

If it were a karui maul or imperial maul (much higher base damage on item type) then it might be worth it to craft it but as is save your orbs to buy a higher damage 2her.
Have you tried using mortal conviction right besides blood magic? My understanding is it may make one aura feasible?
perhaps for hatred?
We need some theory crafting about the new changed cast on damage taken gem.
eladir wrote:
We need some theory crafting about the new changed cast on damage taken gem.

The only way I would see is to lower your armor to take more dmg.
Then idk how damage are taken in account with Molten Shell and End charge full (for Cwdt gem).

I know i won't return to cast the manual way. I was just not using them because by the time you cast 3 skills you could already have killed the mob

I tried a Cwdt lvl 14 and it was still doing a fine job. (full end charge at all time)
it's a pretty good tradeoff 1850dmg and all your gems can be 14-15.
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 13, 2013, 1:24:21 PM

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