1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

bijat89 wrote:
This is maby a mad idea...but theres only 1 nod that increase melee dmg..therfor all nods taken work with spectral throw...how about run this build with spectral throw instead? im current 52 and abit bored at ground slam so gonna try it =D

Then take also Iron Grip.
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
bijat89 wrote:
This is maby a mad idea...but theres only 1 nod that increase melee dmg..therfor all nods taken work with spectral throw...how about run this build with spectral throw instead? im current 52 and abit bored at ground slam so gonna try it =D

Then take also Iron Grip.

Do you actually think this is a viable option? If so please add it to the main post! Thanks!
vax wrote:
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
bijat89 wrote:
This is maby a mad idea...but theres only 1 nod that increase melee dmg..therfor all nods taken work with spectral throw...how about run this build with spectral throw instead? im current 52 and abit bored at ground slam so gonna try it =D

Then take also Iron Grip.

Do you actually think this is a viable option? If so please add it to the main post! Thanks!

Well... No. Speccing into weapon type with Sceptral Throw is not good idea. But with this build it won't be much worse I think.
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
So for the Cast on Damage Taken gem do you recommend that we level the gem to 20 or keep it at level 1?
Why are you getting nodes on the top left? (also those two on the bottom left) there's 11 spent getting another endurance charge, it gets you 30% phys 20% armor 28% life and 60 str. IMO kill oak in cruel and use those 11 points elsewhere.

some quick playing around with those points got me a ton of value
Last edited by SRTurboNJ#0483 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:34:48 PM
Sothpaw wrote:
So for the Cast on Damage Taken gem do you recommend that we level the gem to 20 or keep it at level 1?

Definitely keep it at lvl 1 because of the damage threshold.

I had to learn it the hard way and 15 scour later back to lvl 1 :P
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
Sothpaw wrote:
So for the Cast on Damage Taken gem do you recommend that we level the gem to 20 or keep it at level 1?

Definitely keep it at lvl 1 because of the damage threshold.

I had to learn it the hard way and 15 scour later back to lvl 1 :P

Ah I see. I was worried about the increased attribute cost but the damage threshold is also a huge factor. Level 1 it is, thanks.
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
Here is my feedback now that i decided to spend my points:

Using Mana, IR and Grace, i am at about the same Armor, same DPS (a bit less but no Hatred now), and +1700 life.
Character is much more "tanky", i hardly ever used a flask and killing Kole was much easier.

I will post again or update this post tommorow, i have left 3 skill points unused so i can try out using BM too. although since i was using Mana before and it still works now, i am just fine with Grace (total AR 6.4K without / 12.1K with Grace).

Hey it would be cool if you could give us an update to how it's going with that! Thanks
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
Here is my feedback now that i decided to spend my points:

Using Mana, IR and Grace, i am at about the same Armor, same DPS (a bit less but no Hatred now), and +1700 life.
Character is much more "tanky", i hardly ever used a flask and killing Kole was much easier.

Didn't get to Piety because servers are restarting now, but i did the Archives quest and got the Cast when Damage Taken gem: It works excellent like all others say (CastWhenHit + Enduring Cry + Molten Shell)!

I will post again or update this post tommorow, i have left 3 skill points unused so i can try out using BM too. although since i was using Mana before and it still works now, i am just fine with Grace (total AR 6.4K without / 12.1K with Grace).

Skill tree:

"Temp" Gear/gems: (*)

*so far only used my "MF" helm/gloves/Boots and used Quantity gems on both GS and HS.

This sounds like what I might do. Don't really like using the BM gems, but it seems like the best way to go.
bijat89 wrote:
This is maby a mad idea...but theres only 1 nod that increase melee dmg..therfor all nods taken work with spectral throw...how about run this build with spectral throw instead? im current 52 and abit bored at ground slam so gonna try it =D

I have tested Spectral throw on this build, and it is extremely viable. In fact I'd recommend it for levelling.
However, you might as well stay Spectral Throw and just build specifically for it instead, as it is a MUCH better skill than ... well, than anything else in the game.
- Unless of course you think Spectral Throw is facing a serious nerf. Then you could level with Spectral Throw and change to this build once the nerf hits.

The problems, as I see them, is that Spectral Throw is Dex and Str, so you need more Dex than normal for this build (which will lead you to take Dex nodes or something). And that you need to remember to carry around a lot of other skill gems you won't be using, simply because you need to level them.

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