1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Hey NAS!

First of all ty for your really good work!

I play your build since i've start to play poe 2 month ago!

Now after 1.0 i've rebuilded my lvl 84 mara following your trial version of passive tree with some small changes! (i've 103 point because i've killed all bandits in normal and cruel :( )

So <<THIS>> is how looks my actual build! If you want to let me know what do you think about it it would be nice!

Sry for my bad english and ty again!

Last edited by justino#2754 on Oct 25, 2013, 7:31:06 AM

And thx a lot Ninja for you post it really helps me.

I'm currently only lvl 38 so i can only image for a build. But what do you think about it:

With the buff to 2h weapons is there any chance using a staff would be viable? maybe not as viable but would it work late game (i don't expect to be doing the super end game maps)? Iv'e always gravitated to a donatello type character lol
Hi, I'm coming back to playing after several months away and want to start up my 48 ground slam marauder. I've been looking at the builds but not sure that some of the skills work with the post release passive tree. Does anyone have a decent passive tree for around lvl 45? It looks like Iron Reflexes isn't reached by any of the current build links so wasn't sure if I was supposed to try and pick it up now.

is this build still works?
I tried out Iron Reflexes on mine, it added almost 2k armor bringing me to like 8.5k before endurance charges. Thats with self found ok gear. The path to it isn't bad, picking up Master of Arena, Acceleration, Leather and Steel and some dex nodes to help on gear or gems. I'm not sure its worth the 9 or so points but seems to work for now.

Passive Tree

not a fan at all of this build,
with my huge amount of lag spikes i can die every min.
Regarding Auras:
Mortal Conviction is 30% less mana reserved -> that means 0.7 multiplier.
For a 60% reservation Aura -> that is 60 x 0.7 = 42% of life.

So this node without "reduced mana reservation" nodes, it's useless. The later nodes are very scattered around the tree.

I am having big trouble understanding how a BM build would use Auras, even if it uses Mortal Conviction. Reduced mana reserved nodes are out of the way for any mace BM builds.

Regarding IR:
It costs a lot of points to get IR that can be spent elsewhere.
Considering I can get 90% Armour (with only Faith and Steel and physical damage nodes that have armour) and the fact that we will probably not use Grace(see first paragraph), I believe that IR is not much of an advantage.

I am lvl 38 right now on Domination and I have 195 evasion and 500 armor.
I doubt that later my evasion will scale up very much.
So in end game a few hundred evasion (armor points) will NOT count very much.

I am planning at least 7 endurance charges with 100% upkeep.
nebunelux wrote:
Regarding Auras:
Mortal Conviction is 30% less mana reserved -> that means 0.7 multiplier.
For a 60% reservation Aura -> that is 60 x 0.7 = 42% of life.

So this node without "reduced mana reservation" nodes, it's useless. The later nodes are very scattered around the tree.

I am having big trouble understanding how a BM build would use Auras, even if it uses Mortal Conviction. Reduced mana reserved nodes are out of the way for any mace BM builds.

Regarding IR:
It costs a lot of points to get IR that can be spent elsewhere.
Considering I can get 90% Armour (with only Faith and Steel and physical damage nodes that have armour) and the fact that we will probably not use Grace(see first paragraph), I believe that IR is not much of an advantage.

I am lvl 38 right now on Domination and I have 195 evasion and 500 armor.
I doubt that later my evasion will scale up very much.
So in end game a few hundred evasion (armor points) will NOT count very much.

I am planning at least 7 endurance charges with 100% upkeep.

So you are suggesting BM + Mortal Conviction + reduced mana reservation - mace points, in order to be able to use auras, or BM mace build without using any aura? Or not a BM build at all?
I too am curious about whether or not to go for Iron Reflexes now with the change. Is it still worth it? Was it ever worth it? Taking points from that will allow more points into life passives, which is always nice.

Also, is it worth it to go for armor nodes at all, or just get ones that are convenient?

Thank you.

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