1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
Easy 6% life =]

OK that explains it :).
Two more (related) questions then:

1. You have done a lot to gain extra life, but haven't done too much to gain extra armor on this new build. Now we shouldn't look at armor before level 60, you say, but after level 60? Is the life leech so powerful that we don't really need to care about armor?
(At a glance Faith and Steel looks more appealing to me than +12% life (especially when one already has so much)

2. Extending the above: You have also dropped a few damage nodes (like Smashing blows). Again, is that extra life really so much better than damage?
(I ask because I lack end game experience).
This Guide was my first step into PoE and even if I don't play my Marauder that much anymore I will still respec him after the new build here. :) So I have at least one CHara ready to play, at the moment I still plan new builds for all of my charas, takes a while I'm not a theory crafter. ^^"

Alot has changed, at least the Groundslam Marauder don't need auras to survive and I welcome the skiping of Iron Reflexes, grace was basicly the only Aura that my Marauder ever used.

I hope the Marauder will be useful again, melee always was critical imho and never as much fun as ranged or especialy as my Summoner Witch. :D But it has potential, I just use more links for my Gear, selffound+solo play don't let you do much there over 4l and my GS Marauder could need some more.

Besides that, the build looks pretty solid so far, funny how you take every available life node, even these 6% in the 1h dmg passives or "Sentinel" for the 10% resists. XD I miss the "Amplify" in the Templar area but more points schould solve this problem. ^^
Last edited by Fusion_Power#0294 on Oct 24, 2013, 5:51:46 PM
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:

Idea about trigger gem is awesome, but I would rather support Enduring Cry with 'when damage taken'. 'on melee hit' would waste valueable socket.

That's what I wanted to say, but my English is crappy :/
So this build is still perfectly viable for end-game? Just made my first Marauder on Domination and I am currently following this guide.
1 Eternal = 2 Exalted (ex)
1 Exalted (ex) = 10 Gemcutter's Prism (GCP) = 22 Chaos = 220 Chromatic
So i just want to make an update pre 1.00 vs 1.00 stats

Here's my gear


Pre 1.00
2750 hp
Max resists
7 endurance charge
7k def (with grace)

16.7k heavy strike
10.4k ground slam

4875 hp
Max resists
7 endurance charge
Now here's the bad part :( 1.7k def (2k evasion not usable and no grace)

15k heavy strike (took less dmg nodes after the build to get to amplify)
10.6k ground slam

I think my BOR need to go now
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Oct 25, 2013, 1:38:58 PM
Great build, thanks for taking the time to write it up :D
Will be giving this a go!
nebunelux wrote:
PeelingPaint98 wrote:
If you're building specifically into Carcass Jack would IR still be a useful skill to build over to?

Check my post on Carcass Jack link.

Wouldn't it be ok to have 1 green for faster attacks? I used a 5-linked carcass jack pre-1.00. 3 red and 2 green. For the other green I just threw a cold damage or something into it cause I couldn't think of anything else. I have a shitload of chromatics, but I think its probably a waste to try to get 4 red and 1 green. I really like the increased AOE too much to change.
PeelingPaint98 wrote:
nebunelux wrote:
PeelingPaint98 wrote:
If you're building specifically into Carcass Jack would IR still be a useful skill to build over to?

Check my post on Carcass Jack link.

Well that's a bummer, I might hybrid the skills then, maybe GS->Life Leech->Conc. Effect->Faster Attacks(or Culling Strike)->Melee Dam (If I can pull 3 Reds)

Or maybe I'll just trade it *sigh*

I don't think it's that big a deal. The AOE is worth missing out on a red socket imo.

And as a head's up, i have a 5L 3R2G Carcass Jack that took about 80 chromatics to get. I don't think 3 is that hard. 4 would probably take ages.
So how does this build deal vs chaos damage or do you have enough life to not be wrecked by it later on the game.
How about still going mana plus IR and Grace?
It kinda sounds like a bad trade of to give away the BM node for just one Aura, but we are also getting IR so we can be a bit more versatile in our gear (using Evasion gear).

But you can use still get the BM node (and the -30% reserved) and go Grace-on-life (Alpha's Howl and some more nodes may be needed).
After all, the main GGG answer to Marauder players crying "you totally screw up my BM build with the Auras changes!" was this:
Chris wrote:
I'll repeat for clarity - Blood Magic is stronger than it has ever been now that the auras are so powerful and you can mitigate their costs so much.

So the new tree with the -30% node behind BM, is made that way so BM-users can still get one powerful Aura.
So it feels that by taking the BM node but NOT the -30% behind it and not one Aura, we are screwing ourselves...

96p build (w/o BM, add 4nodes for BM):
342str / 64dex / 24int
233% Damage Reduction (but we will use Grace also)
150% Damage / 39% Attack Speed (with 2H Maces ofc)
273 base life / +203% max life / 174% regen

With the next 10 skill points we can continue into the "usual" Templar area, getting more armor/life/regen and the Amplify node.

High Armor
Good damage
Can use Evasion gear (IR)
Ignore Armor Movement Penalty (Leather and Steel)

Use of BM support gem if no BM node / Life reserved for Grace if taken BM node
Not taking Vigor (+1 Endurance Charge)
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Oct 25, 2013, 2:38:39 AM

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