1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Ninja, how about trading the 15% lighting and cold resist near the marauder start with the 18% lighting and cold resist north of sentinel by scion? It's 3% extra resistance on both for free, isn't it? The fire one would cost an extra point to uphold the path so I'd leave that as is.
IGN: Rhano(main), Ryler
nebunelux wrote:
nhanb wrote:
I just found an awesome 4L combination on Reddit today: Cast when damage taken + Eduring Cry + Immortal Call + Molten Shell. It greatly improved my survivability now that I'm close to endgame (doing merciless sceptre of god quest). An alternative might be replacing Molten Shell with Decoy Totem => you now have plenty of time to move away from tricky mobs and spam Ground Slam to leech back your life!

These gems are all strength-based and Cast when damage taken is the quest reward for a quest in Merciless Library. It's like a perfect gift from GGG to people playing this build :P

How does Cast when Damage taken work?

So you said: Cast when damage taken + Eduring Cry + Immortal Call + Molten Shell

Those skills would trigger when damage taken.
The question is which one, in what order? since there are multiple gems that should on damage taken.

I don't see any reason to link more then 1 skill to Cast when damage taken.

Personally i don't like to consume all my endurance charge automatically.

I use : Cast when damage taken + Enduring Cry + Molten Shell + Warlord's Mark
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Just posted 1.0.0 version. I hope it does not have many bugs. I would love it you find some!

Thank you! You are right!

@LastMFtoBreathe, nhanb, nebunelux
Thank you for your feedback about Trigger Gems. I am constantly reading your posts! Such informations will have place in the guide once I will fully know best configuations!

@Monty_The_3rd, nebunelux
I am very glad to hear your opinions about auras. There are three ways of running auras:
- One aura with Blood Magic Keystone and Mortal Conviction Notable, but is dangerously decimates life pool
- One aura without Blood Magic Keystone and sustaining attacks with mana
- Two Auras without Blood Magic Keystone and sustaning attacks with life by Blood Magic Support Gem

Those ways are not newbie friendly, but they will have thier place in guide. In improvements sections.

Yes. All melee build are very prone to desync/lag. That is very sad, because they are awesome!
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
Last edited by NinjaArabStrategist#0191 on Oct 26, 2013, 3:34:05 PM
thank you bro, i search for a post like this one, it should be very usefull
Thanks for this build! Breath of fresh air from my summoner! ^.^
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Giving it a go - I reeeped trying to do my own thing again :)
Thanks for the update! :)
Ty for the awesomeness of yourself, I'm trying to up a duelist but with the cost of the important items and the strange mechanics I start to regret it.

I learned many things in your guide, you speak about some stuffs that are not mentionned in the other guides I have seen, so yes it's noob friendly, but deep enough to speak about advanced mechanics.

Really your are a nice guy! Thank you for not speaking to us, noobs, like we are complete retards who don't understand things.
Reading through this thread I found the following updated build which I will show below. It is not the same build as the OP has on the update portion of his OP. But I need to ask some questions concerning it. First I will start off with the link. then the questions.


I like the above build because it is the type of build that I would want for my first high level Marauder. It has the high life, high armor with some decent damage which fits my play style. Now on with my questions and I will number them to make it easy on those responding.

1. The above build is for 120 points how do I tailor it for the normal 96 points that most players shoot for? Since the majority of players rarely make it to level 100.

2. In order to reach 120 points do I have to kill all bandits in all difficulties in order to get 120 points?

3. Do I use the same skill gems as in the OP?

4. Do I use the same gear that is mentioned in the OP?

5. Do I build into with a fresh level 1 the same way that the OP would do it?

6. How much total mana reserved reduction would I have with the skill Mortal Conviction plus the Reduced Mana gem?
First of all, thank you very much for the guide. I have one question: why not pick Iron Reflexes? Does not matches pretty well with Unwavering Stance?
IGN: SavageMurderer

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