1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
Some thoughts. My mind is blown.

5 Endurance Charges, 147% Armor, 216% Life

My first Marauder, i try this build :D
mjfanatic wrote:

Im new to path of exile and I wanted to follow this build.

I started yesterday with launch, how long do you think it'll take you to re-adjust the build?

let me know, i need some help with it and possible changes from the original post


I love this game !

More or less everything is correct (expect auras). Numeric values are possibly wrong.
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
Hey NinjaArabStrategist and Co :)

Loved following the build you have! :D

Duelist tree for Steel Skin, Master of the Arena and then up to the three life nodes might be an option?

Quickness (30 Dex) and the two Dex nodes above Quickness might be required due to low dex. :(

100 point build - Max Life 238% - Armor 140% - Life Regen Rate Per Min 324%

Love the build, used it in beta. I've been playing with re-creating this on release too.
Some notes on your trial version of the build for release:
- you have a couple of 1-handed mace nodes.
-Might as well take the scion resistance nodes instead of the maurader ones since they are 3% more resist each.
- Iron reflexes not worth traveling so far for now?
IGN: LaImmortelle, HeavyMetalDisco
Shop: 606890
Last edited by nexxx85#2379 on Oct 24, 2013, 10:49:29 AM
I think there is a problem with the pre-1.0 build :

No IR means less armour (1-2k less) and you don't get all life regen nodes. So how do you expect to resist ?

I mean, if we lose armour, we have to replace this lack by increasing the life regen. Or else the char is just not as good for tanking as in the previous version.

I think the Templar's spot is very interesting for some key nodes :
- Amplify (splash dmg)
- 1% life regen
- Faith and steel (armour + @ )

So I suggest to sacrify most of life nodes from the Scion's spot.

Just have a look to my idea :


Comments :
- No elemental adaptation : is it really useful ?
- High regen rate (more than x2 compared to the pre-1.0 build)
- Not enough dext !

Variation that might be tested :
- UP dmg and life DOWN regen and charges (just don't take Duelist's part, replace it by Scion's one + rest in dual mace dmg)

Last edited by Nezkikool#6199 on Oct 24, 2013, 12:22:52 PM
Hey Nas (or Ninja ...)

In your new build you are taking 'One-handed damage and life'.
You also have taken no 2-hander-nodes.
It seems like you have gone away from this being a two-handed build ... is there a reason for this?
Last edited by sikker#5501 on Oct 24, 2013, 1:11:58 PM
Easy 6% life =]

It's okay. I would only change '12% incresed damage with two handed weapon' below Smashing Blows. It's 12% per two nodes, which is 6% per node.

Regen falls off in end-game. It is nice supporting feature, not main source of defence. Imho, it is not proper way to replace lack of armour.
In order to replace lack of armour I took dozens of additional life nodes.

I had headache, because of Templar's Area. This is more about personal preference. It's pretty good one, and we are pretty close. But imho scion's life is better. And for armor I would go for Duelist's one.

Do not care about DEX. It is easly obtained from gear.

Elemental Adaptation is very powerful node. Going from 75% to 77% resistances means around 10% less elemental damage. It's something like "10% more life against elemental damage". Pretty much worth one node.

Thank you for your feedback!
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
If you're building specifically into Carcass Jack would IR still be a useful skill to build over to?
Sometimes you get the bull, sometimes the bull gets you . . .

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