Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques
Sad to hear you're out of fun, but
" just to add some thoughts for who's interested (not that I expect that the OP will read it) 'End game' There are different types of games. Some have a (more or less) straight/fixed content (->adventures etc), some are (partially) random, others are repetetive. On some of this, its really possible to add more content, others cant leave or expand their story endlessly; and this has nothing to do with ", but mainly with the (initial) philosophy of the game. You are right, ": a filler to keep players active, to give them something to do as they finished the storyline - as an alternative option to a fresh starting. I cant see anything bad in both options for the given genre, nor in the dev's decision itself to try to keep their players base active. ^^ 'Trading' the fact is, that you cant eliminate the advantages of trading: interacting with other players always increase your possibilities in general and your possible item pool in special. (as long as there are no restrictions like char/account binding) the other thing is: we're in a ROLE PLAY 'type' of game. Trading is one possible role in this, same as a healer char or any other build that not really focusses on the gameplay itself/alone. You cant (shouldnt!) restrictive predefine what roles are 'allowed' and which are not... ...but they SHOULD take care that the impact of those (kind of - gamewise - inactive) 'roles' did not affect other players that much as it actually influences the game: flipping ruins the economy for every player that has (by whatever reason, timezones are one of them) no direct access to the "initial"/first seller of what they need/want. Different to the realworld's market, there are no physical goods: meaning there's NO need for logistics, nor storage capacity (beside stash):: there's no NEED for the price-driving dealers, beside that little fact of timezones. " Would be nice for the invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: & |
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" What NotRegret hates or not hates doesn't change anything about what he proved with his Blue Item endeavor. And that is what Stormknight is using as his arguement, not NotRegret's preferences. " He also stated some conditions that needs to be met for him having that fun. And one is not being provided by the game itself. I am not saying D3 can't be fun. It is what it is and if that is what you are looking for, it sure can be a lot of fun. Just as PoE if it is what you are looking for. I can understand that people would love Path of Diablo. Since there are enjoyable aspects in both games that overlap in some of the Target audiences of PoE and D3. But they are still targeted at different people. And trying to force certain things on one game or the other can dilute the experience and can be detrimental for the Core-Target audience. Also since both were mentioned here. Krip only uses 2 actual aktive skill. He has 2 Pet skills, 1 movement skill, one semi-active skill that applies a DoT and his 2 active skills. What is there different to having 1 Movement skill, 1 Single Target active skill, 1 AoE active Skill, curses as semi-active and auras? And having the skill system that D3 does, may have it's Pros, but every Character progresses the same skill-wise. Back in the day I dreaded the Idea of playing Hardcore in D3. The thought of having to play the exact same character again, if I want to reroll the same class, bored me into oblivion even before it happened. Edit: To add to the target audience thing. What PoE has going for it, are niche concepts in the current Isometric Hack'n'Slash Dungeon Crawler market. Homogenising the game with the other contenders to make it more suitable for some overlapping part of the audiences, will at some degree only hurt PoE. Because the more similar the games get, the more the most 'polished' game will win out. Most certainly meaning the Studio with the bigger budget. So staying in their niche and polishing up slowly can be the better decision. And I am using the word 'polished' loosely here. A polished jewel can still have flaws on the inside. “Demons run when a good man goes to war" Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Apr 16, 2014, 7:37:37 AM
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" NotRegret traded for blue top items. He didn't play self-found, nor will you self-find or craft more blue top items than you will self-find or cratft yellow top items. Check some of the prices for really good blue gear. Same lottery. Even if he had, his experiment concluded with him quitting the game. What more than "QED" can anyone really say to that? | |
Notregret didn't prove anything with this play through. Props to him for doing it, but all blues isn't that much different than all rares if you have 2 top end mods in all slots.
Main difference would be clear time. All he did was take the time to finish the game with a slow progression. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. |
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" Exactly. There's a big diff between self found and traded for top tier progression blues. Most of the time when I level self found in lucky to have one good mod roll even in rares. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. |
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" GGG staying in their niche is precisely why NotRegret, Krip, myself and many, many others have stopped playing. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls |
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" And that should matter why? You can't please everyone. There are bound to pe people who can't get into the game, get bored of the game or get frustrated etc. etc.. That is natural. So they should sway from the Core because of that? Also, if you want to speak for krip, then at least use the context he provided. He said he stopped playing PoE because there was nothing more for him to do. “Demons run when a good man goes to war"
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PoE became successful because it strayed from the 'mass appeal' being tacked into the majority of games hitting the market. It became successful precisely because it told mass appeal to get bent. So why would they think mass appeal is the way to go now? Because they experienced success by choosing to not add sappy 'everyone wins' content? Doesn't make much sense to me.
Surely there are glaring problems in the game, but those problems are not that everyone doesnt have a 6 link shav or whatever. Those problems are not that you dont consistently have only level 78 maps. Those thinks are players goals, and not promised by the game. In fact the game has always been about keeping you from getting those things, and is still extremely successful in regard with the anticipated reception of the game. Making sure to have a pact with all players that they will receive those things as drops, and never let the player feel like it is a long shot is not and should not be the design goal of PoE, and goes against everything that attracted people to the game in the first place. this thing on? Last edited by LostForm#2813 on Apr 16, 2014, 10:44:31 AM
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" Not sure people are asking for 'mass appeal' so much as they're asking for poorly designed elements to be reworked. Glaring example to me is, extreme RNG to ensure trash loot and encourage trading, then having the most tedious trade system you could implement. That's just poor design. Or maybe balancing the game around alt+f4 using one shot mechanics. Asinine. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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" I'd like to see where Krip said he had nothing more for him to do in PoE. I remember him saying he tried SoTV on launch and couldn't get motivated to play it, that he was bored. He said he would have loved to have the things SoTV had earlier when he was playing actively. He even goes on to say that if he got that bored that quickly with PoE, he was doubtful that he would play RoS for long because it would probably bore him, too. Except, he IS still playing RoS because he's having fun. Like I said, ironic. But you're right, why does it matter? I already accepted that GGG is resistant to change. As it is, Poe isn't for me. As long as it has supporters like you playing. By the way, how is Invasion/Ambush? Going by your character list, are you even playing those leagues? ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls |
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