Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques

Looking forward to your next update.
Im not sure what "great work" you speak of is being done here.

He's just voice his opinion eloquently...

Quite frankly, I enjoy playing the game also. And with playing the game come's good drops once in a while. Its inevitable, if you play enough it does happen.

No wether or not that drop is "allocated" to you is a different thing. Because you can see 50 good uniques and only ever get the allocation on maybe 1. Leaving you feeling unsatisfied and empty after grinding for days only to see a nice drop that isnt yours.

That being said, ive learned to not complain and just enjoy the game I am playing.

And it works out.
Invasion - No Sacrifice No Glory

NotRegret wrote:

Sorry about the delay but these things take forever to write. I've also got IRL stuff.

Yeah, I hate it when Ireland gets in the way. :D
Nice to see you're still alive.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Deux wrote:
Im not sure what "great work" you speak of is being done here.

I'm not either since he never said "great work".

However this is a cool project that shows skill can compensate for less than great equipment.
Last edited by robble#7905 on Dec 22, 2013, 4:18:45 AM
Gibe updates please, love this blog :)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Very interesting read, NoRegret. You really should talk to a publisher. ;)
*burr hugs*
Play more and write more, dude.

Cant wait for the Next Log and now christmas is comming :(


I guess you wont play much before the new year hits?

Never play PoE when you are physically and mentally exhausted.

New log is up. Its my shortest yet.

Holidays suck
Good read. I'd agree, don't play when you're exhausted - I've killed several promising HC characters that way in closed beta.

Given the state of the economy, I'd still consider trading for a weapon upgrade depending on drops. You proved it yourself that such blues should never be higher than regals, which is cheap. Plus:
- Self found will almost never net you a freebie 5L while leveling. (If it does, RNG will prefer to give you ones on 2-handed weapons.)
- You aren't likely to get higher than what you have now unless you grind, which is not the point of this adventure. Moreover, caster weapons have comparatively larger mod-pools to draw from.
- IMO trading is a part of mature PoE leagues. The currency that you have will already net you fun gimmicks like dual-Gauche + stone of Lazhwar (which I want to play around with next). It's okay to buy cheaply, if you show people what cheap is properly.
Last edited by zharmad#7992 on Dec 23, 2013, 3:23:30 AM
Pretty crass waste of time just to prove a point which isn't really more than a personal opinion. Would have been easier to just ignore the people you feel are whining or rmting and move on.

Imagine what you might have achieved playing the game the right way with the same time/effort.
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