Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques
" You play!!! Last edited by drewiey#1972 on Dec 20, 2013, 9:05:56 PM
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" I'm not sure why it matters how much currency someone else has? Other than general inflation I guess. But the "pretty good" items are still so plentiful (just look at all the shops in the forums) that they'll almost always be affordable to most people. Sure, godly drops and crazy legacy uniques will continue to rise in price, but do you really NEED those types of items, even to play the way you like? " Maybe so, but is the game really unbalanced now? As for making the game more challenging, self-imposed restrictions like self-found, what NotRegret is doing, strange build alternatives, etc. are all ways that the game can currently be made more challenging. " Is RMT really a big deal right now? Also, there will ALWAYS be demand for RMT services. If a shortcut exists, as vile, stupid, and unrewarding as it might be, some people will take it. " Maybe...I for one already have lots of characters and I've only been playing since just before release. I actually have more fun with alts sometimes because I'll find a great piece of leveling gear and they become super-powerful. Just like the playstyle you enjoy. Does it matter if you're mowing through enemies in Act 2 Normal or a level 77 map? Other than the potential use of 'end game' drops, that is. " I don't see how the current system prohibits either at the moment. What you're describing is certainly the way I play. " So what you're advocating is that everyone should get the items they need to mow down the current end-game content (i.e. maps with crazy mods) without spending a lot of time grinding or trading, and a new tier of obtainable items be added for those who *do* want to spend a lot of time grinding and/or trading. " Here's my question - do you really NEED those 20+ exalt items to have fun mowing down monsters? |
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" I was more of a GW person myself, but at least in WoW you can get the carrot without RMT or 2 months of trade camping. Don't even start the Softcore vs. Hardcore argument. That is so irrelevant here you may as well be talking about pink space cows. @Eight88: "Here's my question - do you really NEED those 20+ exalt items to have fun mowing down monsters?" To be honest, 20+ ex rares is okay when they are the top mirror-worthy items. However, when their are 20+ exalt build enabling unique items, then it becomes a problem. At the very essence, I'm a min-maxer, competitive, formerly semi-pro gamer and I hate being given the run around when it comes to that goal (min-maxing). If you want to halt my progression, beat me, don't beat my luck or my patience through RNG and trading. You won't ever hear me complaining about Tetris because when I lose, the game beat my skill. I fucked up to lose. In PoE, literally nothing is stopping progression other than things just plain not dropping. The ability for developers (not just GGG) to lazily implement a low drop rate to "make a game more difficult" is such a blatant waste of my time that its almost offensive. Maybe I'm the only person on the planet that wants to get back to games that outplay players and away from digital treadmills to run players on? |
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" a. You could never EVER compete with trading by finding gear, no matter the drop rates. You're pitting your own drop rates versus the tens of thousands of others combined. As long as trading in any form exists, this will always be the case. If you don't want to trade and strictly want to kill monsters I strongly suggest you go play Gauntlet or one of the hundreds of other games that strictly deals with "killing monsters" and does it multitudes better than PoE. This game is multi-faceted, if you only want to kill monsters, you can have a better experience elsewhere. b. What exactly are you implying? That only good mods should ever roll on items? Shortsightedness at its best. c. I also enjoy end-game almost exclusively. Guess what else I enjoy? The sense of accomplishment when I can actually clear that content comfortably. You want everything and you want it now, but you fail to realize that without failure there is no success. Diablo 2 is not a good example here. D2 had nothing even remotely challenging for PvM, but it ended up having great PvP whether you realize it or not. PvM would have died a long time ago if PvP weren't the entire driving force of the economy. You'd be running meph all day with nobody to sell your goods to because everybody could already make a joke out of PvM and there was nothing left to do. Now you'll argue that that's bullshit because you were farming gear for other characters, but that would be a bold-faced lie. You were farming for gear that had a perceived value, that value all trickled to the Dueling community, PvP drove that entire economy. Conversely, PoE strives to have a legitimately challenging end-game PvM, and succeeds in every way. The gear needed to make the game trivial exists, but is not easy to obtain. No, you can't have everything you want (or think you need) immediately, because the game would just be beaten and forgotten. That is not the goal. IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh |
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" a) I'm not talking about my drops vs other players drop directly. I'm talking about the fact that it is far, far more profitable to flip items than to grind for items and sell them. I don't mind trading, but to be expected to spend a month in trade chat to accumulate any remote form of wealth is nonsense. b) No, I'm saying having the option of equipping rares isn't nearly as rewarding as they make it sound. c) I'm not looking for anything to be handed out. I stated that several times in my recent posts. What I expect is to be able to play the game and accumulate wealth. Not flip for 20 years. And rather its for PvP or PvE, does it really matter what you are acquiring the gear for? Either way its to push your character to the max. Nothing says PoE's endgame can't be made harder. Since everyone will have more access to gear, the endgame can actually be balanced around everyone having god-tier items (not that they should be handed out, but should be more common than they are now) for a more consistent experience. Now, everyone has the same goal, instead of the upper echelon of PoE wealth repeatedly leveling characters and smacking the shit out of the endgame content. In fact, my idea sounds more balanced than it is now. Last edited by Terrornoid#4502 on Dec 20, 2013, 11:06:01 PM
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" This. This is the time that those of us who think drops should be better are talking about. The guy who keeps swearing they are ok, plays in standard. The junk league where everything ends up. It's not hard to get shit there, guy. No one is talking about that place. I got shit worth well over 200 exalts there, but its a playground league. Sorry to inform you of that. You also get to use the quantity gem, and even if you don't use it personally, i'm sure you have a culler who does. with boring end game, there is not a lot of reason to keep playing if stuff doesn't drop. That's just the way it is. Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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New Log is up.
I'm pretty amazed about the number of views on this post. I'm glad its entertaining and hopfully I'm giving some hope to some new players so they won't become Sams. I've gotten a lot of whispers thanking me for this log. Sorry about the delay but these things take forever to write. I've also got IRL stuff. |
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" I have several high level characters that are all pretty strong but two in particular - an infernal blow facebreaker marauder and esp my discharger witch are those uber characters you say you seek. You know what? It is a lot of fun to mow through a map in a few minutes and not even come close to dying - for a little while. Then it gets boring because there is no challenge left. You should pray that your character never reaches the pinnacle of badassedness or you will quickly become bored. The OP of this thread is proving that you don't need great gear to advance - what you DO need without great gear though is great tactics and skill. Something your writing suggests you don't have. Seriously, you are trolling this thread. You are not even talking about what the OP is setting out to do - and doing it quite well. You are quite off topic. There are plenty other threads to complain that you can't advance because gear sucks. Go have your pity party there. Meanwhile the OP of this thread is kicking ass with blue gear and it sounds like he is having a whole lot of fun doing it. Last edited by robble#7905 on Dec 21, 2013, 5:21:25 AM
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" Who me? Check my characters tab... I have an 86 FP mara in dom and now I'm leveling an Aegis duelist... who is going on 75 now. PS: Aegis is beyond broken. IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh |
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" Don't apologize. You're the one doing the work. Everyone else is along for the (great, imo) ride. Keep it up when and as you can. zombiedismembermentfuckyeah!
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