[1.xx] Islidox's Build tips/critique section for Rangers
Hello everyone,
I've just started playing this game and am enjoying it quite a bit. I've settled on the Ranger after trying a few other classes out ( nothing significant just first act stuff ). Since I've decided to run a Ranger I began to think about what I envision for her. I played a ton of D2 and loved my Straf-a-zon so am looking to go a similar route but using Split Shot as I'm an older player ( never you mind how old! ) and my fast twitch and aiming skills are falling off sharply. My focus points are: Haste Evasion Crit chance Mana to run it all non stop Life enough to take a few shots and run away ( I hope as I've not got any significant time under my belt. Things I don't have that I may regret... well run speed comes to mind. I only have 4% built in by way of passives. Resists also come to mind with only 12% built in. I'm learning the mechanics as I go ( 2 days in, I have a LONG way to go obviously ) so is this viable? Many thanks for the help that I hope will come. This community seems to be very knowledgeable and giving indeed. Kudos for that too! ~Nintova Build Specifics
Haste: +49% all +65% Bow Evasion: +184% Armor: Net gain 54% after taking acrobatics Mana Pool: +80% Mana Regen: +100% Mana Leech: 2% physical damage leeched as mana Life Pool: +84% Crit Chance: +340% Crit Mod: +50% Resists: +12% Dodge: 20% Frenzy: Charge - +3 Duration - +36% Evasion per charge = 4% Strength bonus applies to projectile damage Proposed Build Last edited by Nintova#3195 on Jul 25, 2013, 2:33:23 PM
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@Nintova: what you want for your build is basically the same thing my build offers: physical/crit/evade/dodge Bow Ranger.
For reference, here's the post that has an in-depth guideline of such build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224/page/30#p4113880 There are several differences between my build and yours, namely mine has far more defense in life (which you must need to complete all 3 difficulties and clear the lower-level maps). Also I take more efficient paths to get to the important notables. Take a few minutes and go through the guide, and if that's not to your liking, then I can work something else out for you. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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Hi there. I am very new to the game and have a Level 33 Ranger. I am just stuck at a point where I'm not sure what branch of your crit/evade ranger tree to go first. Do you have a breakdown of where you talent tree would be at around lvl 40?
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" I mention in the Leveling Guide that past 39 points allocated, you should be heading towards the Duelist tree. Essentially along the path to Mana Flows, you pick up the notables/passives you need before actually getting Mana Flows. Leveling Guide:
This is a 117-point leveling guide. We will be taking Oak/Oak/Kraityn quest rewards for Normal/Cruel/Merciless respectively.
Keep in mind that my current/planned build does not reflect the leveling guide below because of the certain gear I own. The major difference is the inclusion of several +allrez passives to help compensate for mediocre equipment. I don't need said passives, so I have more freedom to spend points on other passives. 1. 25 points in 2. 39 points in 3. 61 points in - This section will hurt due to the fact that you're spending a majority of your points on dex nodes to reach Mana Flows. The Beef and Wisdom of the Glade notables (+30 to x) are important for leveling your skill/support gems, especially your Decoy Totem. Once you get some proper gear with enough Int/Str stats, you can respec out of the +30stat notables. 4. 81 points in - Grab the 6/6/10% life cluster before moving up to the Shadow tree. Get Nullification and Mind Drinker. Getting Revenge of the Hunted comes last. You should be around the low-mid 60s at this point, and should not be facing Piety until you get those notables. 5. 97 points in - This should be the level 80 mark, and ripe time for maps. Grab the following notables in this order: 1) Savagery 2) Diamond Flesh 3) Assassination 4) Coordination 5) Conditioning 6) Master Fletcher 7) Acrobatics. 6. 108 points in - Get more life, get Phase Acrobatics, get the 2 15% increased physical damage nodes next to the Aspect of the Eagle notable. 7. 117 points done - Fill out the tree to whatever you believe is lacking. Remember, your skilltree should always be evolving and changing. If you get a ton of resistances on gear, you can opt out of Diamond Flesh and +6allrez and put those points into more evasion/life nodes or offensive nodes. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Jul 25, 2013, 4:07:13 PM
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Hi Islidox,
What bow look better?. The Yellow is enough for my level? (I'm lev 72) How much cost a decent phis bow? Thanks you !! Last edited by Aimix#6385 on Jul 25, 2013, 4:29:42 PM
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Looking at your build I see some similarities but little to no focus on Haste as was the main gist of my attempt. I'm not conversant (yet) in the acronyms being used but it seems that with a high enough evade a life pool can afford to be a bit lower(clearly conjecture at this point). At least in other games in which I've played. I understand your "inefficient" comment, to a point. I purposefully went two routes that used one more passive for the Main stat boosts. So, in effect it wasn't inefficient, just different. There was purpose involved. I was adding more STR for the Iron Grip boost(granted I'm not experienced with the nuances yet but it does occur to me that if you take Iron Grip you would necessarily need enough STR to make it worthwhile).
My thought was to get as many arrows in the air, as fast as possible with a high crit chance. Having a low crit mod (only +50%) should be offset by the volume and speed of the build (in theory of course). I understand my view of the game is horridly narrow having such a small amount of exposure to the game itself. I'm simply applying years of gaming experience theory crafting to this and seeing what sticks. I really appreciate your input, and hope that you can take a moment to enlighten me on my theory (be they crack pot or otherwise). Thankfully I'm not far into my leveling and can just make a new Ranger if needs be. ~Nintova Without Iron Grip - best guess: Last edited by Nintova#3195 on Jul 25, 2013, 6:29:23 PM
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@Aimix: Use the Rare Citadel bow! It's much better than the Chin Sol, especially if you're a physical/crit Ranger.
@Nintova: Concentrating on attack speed implies another factor - having enough mana/regen to sustain said attacks. If you want to do said build, you're probably going to have to link a quality Mana Leech support gem to your main attacks in order to sustain it. Also you have to understand this. Past lvl 70, it gets much harder and longer to level up. I reckon level 85 is when the leveling really slows down to a crawl, where doing lvl 68 Lunaris Runs wouldn't even net you 1% of the EXP bar. Which is why you need enough survivability before level 80 and you don't want to waste points on +10 points in the later levels. Iron Grip requires a lot of Str for it to be a worthwhile source of damage. Taking 5 passive points to reach IG isn't worth the journey, as you can consider whatever Str you have and divide it by 5. In the old build, you had around 200 str? 200/5/5 = 8 phys dmg per point taken. It's not worth the journey. When it comes to theorycrafting, a lot of good players always consider the end benefit and divide it by whatever the number of points it took to reach there. If it's more than what you could grab elsewhere (and immediately), then it's worth it. If not, you're better off spending those points elsewhere. This especially matters a lot past level 70 when the leveling slows down exponentially. If you want to focus on attack speed, consider this build at 119 points: Another point to keep in mind, is that you should always envision your build to have the most necessary notables/keystones by the end of 97-99 points (@ level 80 depending if you take any of the Bandit rewards). It's good to plan out your endgame lvl 100 build, but for most players it will never happen, so keep that in mind. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Jul 26, 2013, 9:23:43 AM
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That makes perfect sense, thank you. I have since retooled my build ( at home where big brother isn't peeking all the time ;) ) I made it to the end boss of act 1 and found why being HP heavy early is a good thing. Without the ability to fill the HP and mana flasks easily in that fight it came down to run n gun while eating a bunch of damage along the way.
I'm taking baby steps on my Path to Exile. Again, thank you. ~ Nintova |
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Thank you for your physical bow ranger guide. I am lvl 37 and it rocks. Its my highest character, because i am new in poe. If you have some tips for me.... ;) Passive skills I use at the moment frenzy for 1-2 enemies. And multiple arrows for 3+. First i had terrible mana problems but after some shopping this problem was solved. It runs at the moment very smooth. Equip:
greetings, shAd |
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Sry im new here... What does
IG, IR, RT means?? |
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