[YoshiXt's Level 100 Physical wander] Power Siphon/Frenzy, CI, Vaal pact, IR, Unwavering

Telik0 wrote:
Curious as to why you grab Arching Blows on your nemesis build. Considering that we wouldn't be grabbing Wand Lightning Damage, supposedly we would need to have a wand with a bonus lightning damage affix for it to take any effect?

From my understanding Arching blows applies to all wand damage obtained with auras, flat lightning damage on gear and wand lightning damage.

The 30% for me is a boost to wrath which is why i take it.
Ah, Wrath, of course. Completely slipped my mind. Carry on.
Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
have some questions, why u dont use add fire dmg? that seem really good with that wand (40-50 more dmg)?
also why u not using new phys projectile dmg?
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595
- the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774
- the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823
The_x_ile wrote:
have some questions, why u dont use add fire dmg? that seem really good with that wand (40-50 more dmg)?
also why u not using new phys projectile dmg?

becase WED gives alot more dps.
69% more elemental damage scales with all your auras and flat damage mods from wands and gear.

I have a level 19 phys projectile gem and will fully test after i vendor recipe it and relevel it to 20/20.
But so far it proves a huge dps loss. The loss of attack 64% (54% faster attacks + the -10% as from the gem itself) makes it feel unplayable for me.

This gem however can be a good replacement for faster attacks for low life wanders.
Since from personal experience it is near impossible to manage your mana with faster attacks + blood rage as.


New crafted addition to my gear :)
Open for mirror service at

My character screen shot will be out of date.

Will update later
Last edited by YoshiXt on Dec 17, 2013, 12:20:45 PM
Hello YoshiXt,

build looks very good, thanks for posting this.
couple of questions tho:

im curious with what skills you used for leveling
and at what level you switched to CI or was it more a matter of been able to reach
a certain lvl of ES?
and how many live nodes would you say are necisary before you can go CI.

sorry if these questions seem obvious to some of you guys.
but im still learning that stuff :)

thanks in advance

WED ? =)
Hi Yoshi! Sick build, now I'm motivated to consider starting my own wander. Still remember when you were new to this game in Anarchy (AnArcanity here) and levelling your first few characters, how far you've come since then :D. GL stay safe on your push to 100
IGN: kmu//KaruiStorm//RIPInDueTime//ScionOrAWonder//RIPPEDInVasionTime//UmbralRampage
elf_01 wrote:
Hi Yoshi! Sick build, now I'm motivated to consider starting my own wander. Still remember when you were new to this game in Anarchy (AnArcanity here) and levelling your first few characters, how far you've come since then :D. GL stay safe on your push to 100

Damn the days i actually enjoyed this game XD
You helped me alot more than you may realise btw, learned alot from you.
Must have been a pain with me linking you every garbage item i find/buy XD
Need to thank you for tolerating me :P
Gaming community needs alot more people like you Elf.

You should give wanding a shot. There is no other build i love more.
Gear can be expensive to obtain but that shouldnt be an issue with your experience :P
If you have any questions im always a whisper away.

Many thanks

Last edited by YoshiXt on Dec 18, 2013, 9:30:09 AM
qquno wrote:
Thanks for sharing.

I see what you and hegemonica have different approach for wanders, you have VP and pure ES while hegemonica uses block + AR/ES and NO VP. Still wonder cons/pros for both builds.

I would be super interested in an answer to this question, as it's something I'm sure you yourself have thought about a lot. What's the pros/cons of going these two pretty different builds?

Heg's build for reference:
IGN: KiPad

Mirror Services (/view-thread/778747): #1 Crit Rings for *ALL* builds (Low-life, CI, and Life), #1 1H Axe, #1 Ar Boots, #1 Life Rustic

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