Frenzy Princess <3 ^^

Josri wrote:

Following your build and like it just a few things confuse me;

5L - Frenzy + LMP + LoH + Pierce/Fork + Weapon Elemental

What does 5L stand for? Also LMP and LoH are not skills right?

What skills should I need to farm/gather for this build? I already have split shot

5L means item with 5 linked sockets. So to translate what Lezli put down as his to go setup: Frenzy (skill gem) + Lesser Multiple Projectiles (support gem) + Life on Hit (support gem) + Pierce/Fork (support gem) + Weapon Elemental Damage (support gem).

This is mid to late game setup because getting 5L armor with proper socket colours can take a while. These support gems also make the skill very expensive mana wise, however, this build might use blood magic.

It is probably that Frenzy will be the main attack skill, one setup will be focused on single target and other setup will be for AOE situations (this one is for AOE).
I'm doing a build like this. Revolving around attack speed [frenzy], Split Shot + Fork + other supports later on [I'm only level 21, haven't found any], and I use poison/ice arrow for smaller groups sometimes.

I don't plan on using elemental damage though. I feel as if it will become weaker in higher difficulties when monsters have allot of resistances.

I'm building my passives / items to help me get Critical Strike very high. Critical strike nodes [allot of them] and bow damage / aspeed nodes, and possibly the life leech nodes, I'll need to have a lot of life leech later on.

Does building crit strike / split shot based Ranger work as well as a ele build like this? I realize it will be a lot harder early on, but level 50+ or so it will probably be easier to run straight CRITS.

Thanks for reply!

So basically ill be using split shot untill I find items with 5 sockets?

Do I put split shot on every first item socket? Does having it 2+x improve anything?
Lezli, first off, awesome build, and great post! I decided on starting a ranger in OB purely because of this build (coming from a long history of witches)

I just had one question that I hope you can elaborate on. Maybe you calculated it out already, but why did you choose to go with Resolute Technique (and then obviously avoid crit nodes) vs. non-100% hit but chance to crit?

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks again!

Looking for some feedback on these changes:


Looking for some feedback on the above build. Some stats:

Two major differences from "Frenzy Princess"
1. Other path to blood magic, this one has more useable nodes I feel.
2. Not going for resolute technique.. not sure about this but a ranger doesn't seem to mis alot anyway? There are no crit nodes but there is always a chance..

Other ideas
* I tried to get a high life regen to support blood magic attacks. This is one of the reasons I went in the marauder area. I'm not sure how useful this is?
* I know this is a lvl. 83 build, the attack speed nodes are the last ones to take and if I need more defence i'll go for leather & steel instead ( or elemental adaptation )
* Is Vaal Pact worth it?
Edited OP, removing excess attack speed and evasion, improving a travel path slightly, and getting the 7th frenzy node as well as Pierce. Fork blows, and Chain blows, so pierce has been the best option so far (I've tried all three).

akira115 wrote:
Lezli, first off, awesome build, and great post! I decided on starting a ranger in OB purely because of this build (coming from a long history of witches)

I just had one question that I hope you can elaborate on. Maybe you calculated it out already, but why did you choose to go with Resolute Technique (and then obviously avoid crit nodes) vs. non-100% hit but chance to crit?

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks again!

When I took Resolute Technique, with pretty good gear, I had 90% chance to hit. That means I gave up 5% crit chance (one attack in twenty) doing 150% more damage (5% increased DPS) for 10% increased hit chance (10% increased DPS). 10%>5% DPS. ^^

You refunded five points traveling that gave you access to +6% all res, +28% life, and +30 Int.
In exchange, you spent eight points traveling that gave you access to 1.5% life regen, the same amount of life, and stun immunity.
In my opinion, this is a terrible trade off even if it didn't cost 3 more points.
You also didn't get Elemental Adaptation. The power of this one node cannot be stressed enough on an Elemental build for both offense and defense.
If you desperately want Unwavering stance, then just spend four points from Blood Magic to get it, and grab Berserking as well. Six points for 15% attack speed stun immunity isn't bad.

Edit: Vaal pact does nothing with Life Gain on Hit since it is already instant life gain. All you are doing is losing life regen and the ability to use potions.
In-Game-Name: Lezli
Last edited by Lezli#6741 on Jan 26, 2013, 5:11:40 PM

For normal bandit reward I took +HP, I don't know what to do, if take +HP again or the skill point. What would you do?
I took Skillpoint/Skillpoint/Frenzy Charge.
In-Game-Name: Lezli
Do you want to level up the gems as high as possible or is it more efficient to keep some of them at lower levels?

I also tried Fork/Pierce and so far Pierce has worked better, I didn't get the chance to try Chain yet.

Level 47 at the moment, still got a level 20 bow and level 15 quiver, not been able to get anything better...but I'm still able to farm pretty quick and haven't had any deaths (That weren't caused by lagging out).

Thanks for the updates.

Hello guys, i've just started playing PoE and I want to use this build for my character.
I'm lvl 23 so i'm still at start, there are allot of things I dunno about the game.
I rushed Blood Magic and I am curios, why do you take the "Savant" points since you dont use mana ?

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