[VIDEO]The Battle Mage/Witch - CI cold crit [NEMESIS]
" yes i would suggest re-rolling witch and go with ice nova/freeze pulse combo while leveling just get a fp quality 12% because its very important u get it signature?
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Why 12%?
I got one 8% is that bad? i spend all i have to get it =/ Im new to poe so... Thx for this build, most fun build i played so far, the summoner is sooooo boring :P Again, if you have any tip besides the ones on first page, im all ears! thx mate https://www.collava.app
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" because a 12% is really cheap you can get it for 3chaos easy in trade chat after that it starts becoming pricey when its 15%+ as for tip becareful for perpetus in city of sarn :) and get as much life nodes as possible and gear with as high life as possible+armor thats all then grind untill you get currency for CI gear :> signature?
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How do you deal any damage whatsoever in the end game with a cold/crit witch? I'm at level 78 now and still haven't managed to become relevant in parties of 6 at maps of 66+ (never been throughout the game, actually). Got lvl 18 FP, got pretty much the same nodes as you do in the entire tree, 33% crit chance and 400% multiplier, something like +120% spell damage from gear. I can survive pretty much every lowly map in the pool, got enough ES and resists even with crappy items that I have.
But my DPS is just a joke, mere 1300-1500 as shown by the game. If I crit (which isn't that often), I make some visible damage. Without crits I just stand there and tank damage for the party, curse and try to freeze mobs to become useful. I have FP 4-linked with GMP, mana leech and life leech. I can't sustain attack without mana leech, I need life leech to restore my shield. How do you progress this sort of build from 1k DPS to 10k DPS? :-( |
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" first of its really hard to tell this when you dont post your gear nor your tree :^) but post your gear and tree as you have it now and ill take a look and i will happily help you! signature?
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Cool. Tree here (planning to regret that one last life node from CI transition and then get heart of ice, can't resign from any DEX/STR nodes yet because of gems and not enough of either on gear):
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAv4FQgdjDkgQexEvEZYVUBXXFr8ZhRpsHRQfAiepKwosnCy_LR82xTvhQZZCw0NjRKtG10cGVa5WSlZjVytY9V3GXfJfamZPZp5tGXBScLtw1XFNc1N_xoFJghCGrohrjDaOPI5kj0aPpo_6lQSZmprPnaOdrp3EnqGio6cIpyuus6-bsji0xbUEtve2-rcxvjrAUcBUwQDBxcHzwuzDbdeG2CTa3dsa2-ffhN-w4vfjhOQi62PsGPPq9Uv3pvrS_Ks= Gear:
Using Discipline + Purity, 4L-ed FP and Cold Snap. Planning to do spear with cull too, when I level it up/get other things. Got 3k ES and full resists and defence-wise I generally feel very very comfortable. I have slight trouble keeping mana up though (but I assume more dmg = more leech = that issues vanishes). Last edited by delray#1652 on Dec 10, 2013, 5:52:17 PM
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" saw your tree and i think you are doing this build in softcore i belive? first of your wand is REALLY bad dont know why you have a wand for lightning builds feels like you havent watched the gear i use or read my guide at all... switch gloves to maligaros, if you wonder what gloves they are watch the gloves im using in page 1, switch out your boots to rainbowstrides, they are important for you since you gonna need the mana for your freezing pulse, get a better shield also. your hemet can be switched out for a better one with more ES and you should switch out that chest you are using tbh for a better one with more es cheap, as for the rings you have no dream fragment, no chayula so im guessing here that you are playing softcore and i wouldnt be suprised if you die a lot also get a 5link because that will increase your dps by a lot. next time try reading my guide before asking for help :) it shows that you havent read my guide at all or you are just being lazy... ps: 5link i suggest Freezing Pulse - Faster Casting - Greater Multiple Projectile - Life Leech - Mana Leech the gear that is core for this build and you should get asap signature? Last edited by Makavelit0t0#1129 on Dec 10, 2013, 6:28:11 PM
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I'm too poor to buy all that. :-( Mostly playing self-found/self-crafted here. I have Maligaro's only out of these items, switching to them increases my crit chance by like 3%, to 36%.
My amulet for example as cheap and as crap as it is, it has +20% spell damage on it and extra 65% crit multiplier, I don't feel like spending 2 exalts to switch that only so I cannot be stunned and gain +11% IIR - I don't get stunned at all, much less get killed for it. Crit multiplier alone that I'd lose changing to Chayula is more than I gained from switching Aurseize to Maligaro. Removing that amulet cuts my DPS by 1/3 really. I do play softcore, and I don't mind dying a lot just to figure out what to do better. I don't die to stun/freeze though at all. Just played a dunes map with two leaping bosses and survived that, really don't feel like I need more defence at this point (though a new chest/helmet would be most useful). Will try to get other items, I guess my wand must go away first. Speaking of, is there anything constructive I can do with Taryn's Shiver - without having to 6L it (I cannot afford to even think about that)? I found it, people want to buy it badly so it must be good, but I can't really figure how to fit it into my build. Maybe rather than looking for a new wand/shield I could just use that staff and kill two birds with it? Last edited by delray#1652 on Dec 10, 2013, 7:17:24 PM
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" as a CI i dont recommend it, i would advice you to sell it, and buy yourself a decent wand with the currency you get from it and a decent shield, you need to level your freeze pulse gem to since it gains damage from levels and as for your crit get DOOM CAST its right beside the big CI node at the left side its 60% crit chance and will scale off with your maligaros and while you get it you will have 43-46% crit chance and u will see your dps increase http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Doom_Cast signature? Last edited by Makavelit0t0#1129 on Dec 10, 2013, 7:47:57 PM
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So how important is IR? I saw a post earlier saying you don't HAVE to get it. Could you make a tree that doesn't use IR? Or would you just recommend getting it anyway? Thanks for the guide! :)
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