[VIDEO]The Battle Mage/Witch - CI cold crit [NEMESIS]
updated the guide with a video segment where i do a piety run, nothing special though so people can see how the build works on my lvl 85 witch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olg1inbAycc signature?
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nice guide
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updated the guide with bandits and writing some more atm, feel free to ask any question when it comes to the build and any constructive critizism is more then welcome
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I am surprised you actually make a guide. For newer players, it is actually quite good.
There are some inconsistencies, however, so here are my thoughts: In your pre-levelling guide it says that people should acquire endgame gear before they level. I'm not sure that is a helpful advice. No one buys a full set of endgame gear before he starts playing. The only thing you SHOULD buy is a Q FP because, as you said yourself, Q on FP is very important - BUT so is levels: If you start levelling your Q FP when you reach docks farming in merciless and feel somewhat safe, you need to realize that your main attack gem is one level behind, and that is a huge deal with FP. So my advice is that you don't buy anything but a Q FP, and for bosses, you leave the Q FP in your stash and use the one you get in early normal mode, for farming, you use the Q FP. I made that mistake to buy a Q FP at level 65, and I couldn't use it until i was 70. The 4% bandit quest reward if you help Alira isn't half bad if you have no other means of increasing cast speed. It is definitely an option. GMP does NOT protect you from reflect. In your guide it says that GMP is better against reflect. I'm fairly certain it isn't, especially since you yourself stated just a few lines above that GMP will do more damage at the end of the day. Your solution of standing farther away works, because you'll have less damage overall, but "play carefully in general with reflect mobs because..." might be better than limiting your own damage per se as an advice. Using discipline and grace makes sense, but it limits you in terms of flexibility: Forces you to go IR and forces you to always have grace. I use a high level of clarity and discipline, no IR and no grace. You definitely have more armor - but I have a TON more ES (16 passive nodes, mind you!) damage and mana reg - and the mana reg especially allows me to skip mana leech for cold pen. I'll even be able to run arctic armour soon, at around level 80, to make up for the lack of damage. I find that at lease equally viable. I played a HC templar with IR and grace, and I tried the arctic armor way with mana reg earlier, I feel more tanky because of flat damage reduction and increased ES - and I also have more dps. Thank you for writing the guide. |
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" well thx for the critizism it was exactly what i needed since i couldn't think of anything atm what more to improve and yes you shouldnt aquire end-game gear, just that they should aquire some gear atleast so they can use for leveling which is always great to be prepared, though i dont mention end-game gear just leveling gear like HP and resist that is always important while leveling. if it was end-game gear then i would say that they should get dream fragment and eye of chayula right away and use it at start :P but nvm as i stated the guide is not yet finished and needs some more polishing and as you stated about FP with Q is very importent to get it as early as possible which is correct. and about the IR with Grace i always prefeer it over anything else when playing just because of the saftieness it gives me while doing high maps. and yes you can skip IR and go full evasion or just no grace at all and use other auras but i can sustain my mana quite well with no problem at the moment so i wouldnt mind sticking with it since it makes you so resistant to physical damage. and yes GMP does help against reflect as long as you dont shotgun them at point blank then you might oneshot yourself but when shooting from a further distance it does help to take less damage from reflect while from a LMP you take either way more damage because when being further away you do more damage per projectile. when it comes to the bandit i would always advice newer player to skip helping alira since 4% cast speed is not that good compared to a passive point on either more ES or more CRIT since you get casting speed through your gems anyways and 4% is not that big of a diffrence imo. but thanks for the insight from you and i will take it strongly in consideration and as stated before this guide is far from 100% complete so i will have to change some stuff here and there and add some others. added also a new video of me doing a 68 springs map, nothing to shabby or special but just for showing the new player what they might be looking at when "finishing" the build and how it can be in maps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWNEwoCc2aE signature? Last edited by Makavelit0t0#1129 on Dec 3, 2013, 2:21:51 AM
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Awesome build Bro :) Pain as fuck to level it though.But freaking rox :) Thank's for Sharing it.
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whats a good fp dps to aim for? i use 5L fp ml ll lmp fc right now.
my gems are not that high level so that might make a difference. sitting at 1.4k right now, and that feels really low. is it more important to go for spelldamage or crit chance on weapon/shield? edit: im using this build as a shadow right now edit2: current gear, maybe you have some adjustment tips
Last edited by Synisse#5813 on Dec 3, 2013, 4:41:46 PM
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" your build needs to be worked on, you are missing lots of crit nodes and rush for ES at the other side of the tree instead of going the nodes you need first, you need to level up some more tbh. the problem with shadow is that you get usless nodes in the beginning of the tree if you are going shadow while with a witch you get better nodes at start compared to shadow but since you are shadow i would recommend the build like this instead shadow fp you cant skip the crit nodes since you are gonna miss out on alot of dmg and survivability is not gonna be an issue if you are gonna do city of sarn/docks or even piety runs with this set-up so id say try it out when it comes to your gear id say you have to improve your wand, try to get a 80+ crit chance spell wand with decent spell dmg, no need for high spell dmg with extra cold and faster casting that will come in time since those wands are pretty expensive. switch out your gloves for maligaros if you can afford the ES and buy some rainbowstrides instead since u are gonna need the mana later on, a cheap pair can go from 8-15chaos if in nemesis as for dmg anything above 2k with GMP is decent and 2.5k is good and 3k is godly good signature? Last edited by Makavelit0t0#1129 on Dec 3, 2013, 4:57:42 PM
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[noob question] Why are you using elemental proliferation + blood rage?
I'm trying your build and i find it a lot of fun! Thanks |
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" oh that was just to level it because before you could use cast on damage taken with any high level gem, so i leveld my cold snap and connected it with ele prolif, so whenever i got hit for 300 damage it would instantly freeze everything on the screen for good 3-5 seconds with the 50% freeze chance cold snap haves. now im just leveling ele prolif to gcp it to 20% signature?
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