[Strongest Solo Variation: Projectile Madness Spectres] LMP/GMP Ice Spear 2x Totem 2x Curse 3x Traps

Icadore wrote:
magicrectangle wrote:
crit damage is better than crit chance because you have a huge amount of free crit chance from ice spear.

I picked up some crit damage (with crit chance) down by the templar tree, and will get some more when I hit the shadow tree. As for why people don't pick up the crit damage nodes near CI, you just have to give up too much to get them. You're either giving up mana or energy shield to get them most likely, which are things you can't really spare.

Thanks for the response, but it would only take one point in +int to get that crit dmg, so not a lot of waste.

And since we also use traps, would it not be better to go for global crit chance and crit dmg than to get crit chance for spells and spell dmg nodes, e.g. the ones right next to the starting point?

Traps are spells.

I have a few questions relating to the build and I was wondering if someone could give me some insight please.

1. I don't know what variation of the build to go with. I'll be doing a lot of soloing so I don't know the most ideal class/build/gems.

2. What's the deal with the word "lightning" in the thread title? Where does lighting damage come into play?

3. How beneficial is Astramentis for a dual totem build?

Thanks for anyone who answers my questions!
blackspiral wrote:
Icadore wrote:
magicrectangle wrote:
crit damage is better than crit chance because you have a huge amount of free crit chance from ice spear.

I picked up some crit damage (with crit chance) down by the templar tree, and will get some more when I hit the shadow tree. As for why people don't pick up the crit damage nodes near CI, you just have to give up too much to get them. You're either giving up mana or energy shield to get them most likely, which are things you can't really spare.

Thanks for the response, but it would only take one point in +int to get that crit dmg, so not a lot of waste.

And since we also use traps, would it not be better to go for global crit chance and crit dmg than to get crit chance for spells and spell dmg nodes, e.g. the ones right next to the starting point?

Traps are spells.

And bear trap does not scale with anything that has to do with spell despite what the toolbar says.
IGN: hyperculler (torment)
What is the difference between:

*Increased critical chance
*Increased critical chance for spells

And if there is any difference, why this character takes both nodes? I'm a bit confused here.
Maybe for the traps?

Thanks in advance.

And sorry if this has been answered before, I didn't read the whole 95 pages :)
IGN: Gonorreitor
Last edited by Valmar#3550 on Feb 17, 2013, 12:36:31 AM
Crit chance affects anything that can crit
Crit chance for spells affects spells that can crit
Treasonx wrote:
Crit chance affects anything that can crit
Crit chance for spells affects spells that can crit

Thanks for clarification, I didint undersand it properly in the mechanics thread (bad English mine).

I thought they were just separate things. Make sense now.
IGN: Gonorreitor
Do you think faster projectile is bettet than iron will?
I currently have 300+str, but iron will only provides little bonus
This may because i already have high spell damage% from wands
So i want to know, have you tried faster projectile?
Casting speed, projectiles damage and speed also higher!
im testing your luxury build
iron will does not increase 60% damage for fire trap
damage gained from str does not effect on bear trap
faster projectile is better than iron will
Hello, I've been following this guide for quite a while, and I love it so far!
I noticed you changed your gear, so I can't remember what gems you used for traps. Could someone tell me some good supports for fire and bear trap? Thanks!
Scruffy wrote:
What's everyones DPS on their totems at lvl80+?

I run with a party for maps and I can freeze-lock most mobs easily, including bosses but I feel like I'm fairly useless in the damage department aside from my traps.

Currently running GMP, and Ele Proliferation with increased crit dmg and my base DPS is 388.9 (I realize that DPS doesn't mean much, but I'd like to compare with others).

Mine is at 800-ish in group, 1000+ when I dual wand. I'm running faster casting, increased crit dmg and GMP.
IGN: Naforce

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