[Strongest Solo Variation: Projectile Madness Spectres] LMP/GMP Ice Spear 2x Totem 2x Curse 3x Traps
After trying a cold witch myself and being satisfied with it, there was only one thought that haunted me:
What could be better than my ridiculously powerful Ice Spear totem spamming around like crazy? Right, you get it, make it two! Damn, a new witch it is ^^ Nice write-up and step-by-step guide. Really appreciated for us not that much experienced folks! I do not have GMP yet, nor do I know how to get it (a drop I believe?), but I'm sure it'll work just fine with LMP until I can get my hands on the big brother. |
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" GMP is quite expensive for beginners as it can cost up to 1GCP. I have been using LMP for most of the early levels, and some of the later levels as the mana efficiency and damage proved to be better than a unleveled GMP. Since 2x LMP ice spear totems fair just as well as 1x GMP totem in terms of crowd control coverage, there is not much downside in early levels. Of course 2 leveled GMP ice spear totems can cover the entire screen. IGN: hyperculler (torment)
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Wow, that was quick. Thanks man.
So I'm good with LMP, that's all I needed to hear. Off I go. I'll think about getting GMP when the time is right. Thanks again man, I'm going to do this right now ;) |
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Does shock work the same on mobs as it does for mobs on us?
The duration is based off the % of the total hp that the crit does, so my question is if you apply shock via a non crit is the duration based the same thing? % of the overall mobs hp I would assume? If this is true, wouldn't just investing towards some higher damage overall be more efficient in the build since the shock duration will be very minor due to low damage and as the mobs level (and their hp goes up) then the shock duration will only be less? I will admit I didn't look up a thread about shock mechanics before posting this, but I love my ice witch and I think this is a good build, but curious if the lightning is wasted and all that extra mana really "needed". I guess it would be needed if you want to spam all the curses and two totems within the same few seconds. Curious as to what variations you have tried to lead up to this and if you have tried to acquire the needed mana through gear, rather than the %maximum mana nodes at the top? I see that you even have reduced mana on the totem... which I definitely would not consider to maximize farming (iiq/iir). |
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" In regards to shock, I don't know how long it lasts, but it lasts long enough for me to take advantage of it. When a group of mobs gets shock stacked and triple debuffed, they get one shotted by my ice spear totems so even if it lasts one second it would be effective (they last about 4-5 seconds the last time i checked). There is no need for damage and definitely not efficient to get damage nodes. Damage gear is pure luxury. Extra mana nodes are needed for survivability. The biggest problem with surviviability and DPS (clearing time) all relates directly to the lack of mana, which means you cant position your totems properly/constantly and no mana to cast defensive curses = death. I don't have good gear so i put points into the nearest mana tree i could find. in this updated build tree (made today), i put more points into mana and its working out fantastically. and of course, without reduce mana gem the spell totems cost way too much mana IGN: hyperculler (torment)
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I got GMP and LMP and am experimenting with it. And I got to say, LMP seems to be superior. It deals more dmg and therefore stuns longer (if needed) while costing less mana.
With GMP the light-show is really hilarious but it doesn't really feel stronger. Mostly those additional projectiles are wasted - or at least I feel that way. And since the dmg takes an even bigger hit, it just feel inferior overall. Of course it covers a way bigger area, which is probably the point later on. In any case, it's really hilarious. Nothing like ramping up a huge amount of mobs to watch them getting mowed down in a rain of spears flying around. Funny as shit indeed! |
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" yeah, using double ice spear totems with LMP now and they clear pretty well, I think the inflated mana cost and lower damage may not be worth it. Since they are casting at one target essentially so, the other projectiles may not even be effective. Same argument could be said with LMP, but I feel that the slightly lower damage is made up for with good totem placement, but I find it hard to believe that out of the 5 ice spears more than two or three are actually connecting. Would be curious to see the OP use LMP and let me know if that works out just as effectively. |
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i don't really have any math to back it up. I tested both LMP and GMP end game. GMP is just better by a long shot in terms of clearing and crowd control. most of the build is done through trial and error (as you can see i am still updating the passive tree frequently)
IGN: hyperculler (torment)
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I can absolutely imagine that GMP is better later on.
I guess I'm just lacking the dmg to make it work (I'm still very low, end-30th). Obviously, once your Spears are hitting hard enough, having more of them gotta be a good thing. |
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im trying this build right now and its the first build that works for me in ruthless
i got a question how do you manage the ridiculous mana cost of arc, is spark a option for shocking and have you ever tried arctic breath with fork? i saw them jumping from target to target casted by a other player but not sure if its effective like icespear and if i manage to get a 6l armor would it be reasonable to put cold penetration as last gem or are there better options? |
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