Dec 24: One-week HC Race

This is no court and we do not need to prove anything.

With the information given so far we know that he is using a fake account. We know that he is using it for a reason.

Does this prove that he is account sharing?

Is it highly likely that he is account sharing
Just because I enjoy playing devil's advocate..

..he could have made a new account for numerous reasons, not just to hide account sharing.

The most obvious would be that he didn't want everyone up his butt the whole time or to have a reputation to get trolled on his main account.

He could just have numerous accounts and saved this account to be MORE mysterious and wonder who he is.

Even if account sharing was happening, the character Lightspire still couldn't die(which obviously the witch on the account did die).

Even if account sharing was happening, there is still a gap in playtime that is reasonable for one person. I have a 2 year old and I can tell you that I game late every night and wake up early everyday with him, leaving me with 5-7 hours of sleep for the past 2 years(except the few nights grandma babysat). So it isn't like the character is getting extra playtime.

I don't like the idea of account sharing, but I couldn't say a guy is guilty without knowing he was doing wrong, even if it was likely.


If you want to know who he is, see who he runs with. Most likely the group he runs with now is the same group he ran with before. Unless they all made new accounts.

DeLLyDeez wrote:
DCDTDito wrote:
This is like i court buddy i say that he account sharing i think that 14-16 hours a lot for a single person and thus i think he account sharing,i would say the same for kripp but UNFORTUNATELY he has video proof to back it up,so your go buddy prove me whit 100% effiency that he isnt account sharing.

I didn't think you were dumb until I read this.

If this is like court than its innocent until proven guilty. The "proof" you've given doesn't prove anything. Anyone could easily play that amount and sleep that much.

Come back with real "proof". There is no need for us to prove you wrong because with the information given so far you're not right.

You dont understand ive given a notable proof that it hard to play 18 hours on 6 days it he still considered innocent but at this point you gotta give counter arguement to prove my point is wrong,which you havent done yet which troubel me into thinking i am right.
DCDTDito wrote:
You dont understand ive given a notable proof that it hard to play 18 hours on 6 days it he still considered innocent but at this point you gotta give counter arguement to prove my point is wrong,which you havent done yet which troubel me into thinking i am right.

Read my last post. Its completely possible to play that long. Before a kid and after highschool I used to play Wow/Dota for 14 hours EASILY.

If there was $50 dollars worth of items for a game I enjoy, that I knew I had the capability to win, I would push myself for 18 hours a day.

--- Keep arguing about the time, because honestly it is your worst argument. Derp.

The only "good" argument so far is the new account and even then it could be considered a stretch.
Last edited by DeLLyDeez on Dec 29, 2012, 10:38:53 AM
Funny stuff.

Btw, playing that much is child's play. 6 hrs sleep is plenty. Just wait til some Koreans start playing. They will literally grind until thr keel over.

Jelly is jelly.
DeLLyDeez wrote:
DCDTDito wrote:
You dont understand ive given a notable proof that it hard to play 18 hours on 6 days it he still considered innocent but at this point you gotta give counter arguement to prove my point is wrong,which you havent done yet which troubel me into thinking i am right.

Read my last post. Its completely possible to play that long. Before a kid and after highschool I used to play Wow/Dota for 14 hours EASILY.

If there was $50 dollars worth of items for a game I enjoy, that I knew I had the capability to win, I would push myself for 18 hours a day.

--- Keep arguing about the time, because honestly it is your worst argument. Derp.

The only "good" argument so far is the new account and even then it could be considered a stretch.

Again you feel threatened because i am right and see the need to insult me proving my point even more and that you could push yourself to 18 hours but havent done it prove no point i could go around and easly say that whit coffee and chocolate i could keep myself awake for a week yet i don't do it.

You've not given tangible proof to defend your point all you keep saying is a long version for tldr i got no proof and i just say random shit and add your wrong and then insult people.
Last edited by DCDTDito on Dec 29, 2012, 10:59:53 AM
Last reply to you, because I feel you're set on your point. This is like Obama vs Romney, no one will ever win until it gets voted for and even then someone feels cheated.

I have stayed up 18 hours straight. The matter of sleep doesn't matter at all. Have I done it gaming? No? Have I had a reason to do so such as a RACE for MONEY? No. Would it be very easy to do so without a job/family commitment? Very very easy.

So that breaks basically your whole argument. Anyone that uses a little common sense could tell you that 18 hours gaming, 6 hours sleep for one week would be simple with no commitments other than gaming, eat, sleep. With no stream, how do you even know he plays for that full 18 hours? He could take a 10 minute shower or 10 minute dinner break.

Waste your breath though, because the only real "proof" (which I use loosely because I was told never to say prove.. yay psychology!) is when a dev comes in here and tracks his IP or some other fancy tech they use and tells you he is sharing accounts.

Well.. unless he himself comes in here and says it. That would make things even more fun.
Last edited by DeLLyDeez on Dec 29, 2012, 11:25:42 AM
DCDTDito wrote:

You dont understand ive given a notable proof that it hard to play 18 hours on 6 days it he still considered innocent but at this point you gotta give counter arguement to prove my point is wrong,which you havent done yet which troubel me into thinking i am right.

Dude! just because you cannot cope without 8 hours sleep every day does not mean others can't.

I for one, manage quite well with an average 3 hours a day most of the time. Sure I have periods where I am able to get a good 8 hours in and honestly I wish those periods were far more regular.

During the October New Default/Hardcore leagues Reset Race I placed second at the one week cut off. If the stats are still available I'm pretty sure you will find that I was offline for a max. of 10 hours (estimate). And there is NO WAY I would have let anyone else play my char.

Chris wrote:
These are the standings at the end of one week. Prizes have been awarded as mentioned in the initial post.

  • #1 Mouze (dmouze)
  • #2 Jerk (taekvideo)
  • #3 Sorienzz (Sori3n)
  • #4 NewSlurms (SL4Y3R)
  • #5 Aethias (Xikorut)
  • #6 RegnarDrowsII (Ceto)
  • #7 BashYaCranium (JustSomeNoob)
  • #8 MoosiferHC (Moosifer)
  • #9 MrCookieCutter (Qpic)
  • #10 Onorh (Spysong192)
  • #11 HoneyBuns (theomni)
  • #12 WhozWhoz (EpsiIon)
  • #13 Berxerker (ElDrinja)
  • #14 StimpsonN (StimpsonH)
  • #15 DonkeyWhisperer (Fishclock)
  • #16 Warash_I (GKS)
  • #17 Sulphuric (Colenzo)
  • #18 FlatHead_Jr (MyH4o)
  • #19 Yotsuba (doteko)
  • #20 Funcrusher (Funcrusher)

  • #1 PandaMajere (NotThat)
  • #2 CJ_FrozenTotem (Coldet)
  • #3 qqChris (Metronomy)
  • #4 SKZ_MetalSpoon (lazybones)
  • #5 Prozon (Prozon)
  • #6 Frantic_Disembowelement (grindis123)
  • #7 Abjeguran (Waves_blade)
  • #8 LaEncantadora (IMDisappoint)
  • #9 _Spacke_ (Spacke)
  • #10 FizZya (FizZya)
  • #11 Chick_Corea (kennae)
  • #12 Carbo (Mesho)
  • #13 Minyun (Bricks)
  • #14 Meow_x (meow66)
  • #15 Nermesia (Ezhiel)
  • #16 TaiPan (snull2011)
  • #17 MLO_SauronSatan (Sauronsatan)
  • #18 Technique (Lbs)
  • #19 SKZ_JUJU (jujuman)
  • #20 No_Life_Queen (Gercyn)

Regarding Account Sharing: I for one actually fail to see why people get so up tight about it. I'm pretty sure that a "shared" character has a far greater chance of dying in HC race conditions.

I'm certainly not a Krip Fanboy - but I do have much respect for his skill. Where Many of us had been playing PoE for several months, Krip literally knocked our socks off in the first race he joined. And here once again he has literally stolen the show once again. Skill! OK and decent hardware :) - I'd kill to have the hardware/connections that so many of you out there have.
I'm BACK :)
Last edited by Coldet on Dec 29, 2012, 11:34:10 AM
If people want to share accounts I don't really care but if they act that they just one person when in fact they are two/several it's just lame imo.

I am always awake 18h per day and I do fine with 6h per night and have done so the last 10-15years, maybe sleep 1-2h more on weekends but for one week I could do with 3h sleep per day no problem and done so several times when games are released.

Last reply since you guys can't see the point im trying to push out.

1. it not about being able to do it,it about doing it.2 different thing,i can shoot someone but i havent done it i can go into space but i havent done it etc.

2.i don't about account sharing i was just trying to point out that he could be doing seemingly slightly less legit thing like someone had accused kripp of doing but had nothing to show it while kripp stream all his progression.

3.Proving that YOU could do it doesnt prove that HE is doing it thus it doesnt break shit bro that why i asked for CONCRETE video proof or actual post from the owner.

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