TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*

Mirrored Ring:
On-hit effects proc twice per hit
-30% attack speed
Voracious Phylactery
1 blue socket
If your HP is reduced to less than 10%, any gem in its socket is destroyed and you gain 100 HP for each level of the gem. This effect cannot occur more than once a minute.

It looks like an extravagantly ornate gold circlet with the gem socket lined up where one would fit into the art of the circlet itself. The art surrounding the socket might look vaguely like a maw.
Old Sages Grasp
Paua Amulet
+30% mana regen
Cursed with level 20 Enfeeble while wearing the ring
+spell damage mod (only counter act the loss of spell damage from the enfeeble curse, note all other damage types will still be lowered)
X% of physical damage taken is reduced from mana instead of health
Last edited by Lionguild#4990 on Dec 5, 2012, 6:02:33 PM
Here's two items inspired by the God of thunder in norse mythology, Thor. Will update when I can think of quotes and more things to add flavor wise, and obviously the numbers could be way off.

Thor's hammer, couldn't get the font to work for some reason.

Why these stats? -- According to Prose Edda Thor's hammer would never miss. Thus I thought it fit to give it the 'Resolute technique' passive. The lightning bonuses because he's the god of thunder. Thought increased character size could be fitting for a god.

Thor's less known belt.

Heavy belt

+100 to Strength
10% Increased Maximum Life
1.0% of Life Regenerated per Second

Why these stats? -- According to Prose Edda Thor's belt doubled his strength. Thus the stat theme of this belt.
IGN: Jykkar
Last edited by gpoc#2727 on Dec 6, 2012, 11:52:18 AM
One I recently made

This is a fun idea.

Great Shard of (insert the name of the motherlode of skill shards)

50-75% increased spell damage
7-10% more spell damage
Skill Gems in this item are supported by level 18 Faster Casting
Skill Gems in this item are supported by level 18 Greater Multiple Projectiles
Skill Gems in this item are supported by level 18 Iron Will
Skill Gems in this item are supported by level 18 Fork
+2 to level of gems in this item
Cannot have links

The energy coming from this giant crystal imbue it's holder just as much as the lesser shards.

(Graphic of a more or less prismatic shard)

Twin Swords of Conflict

Counts as dual wielding instead of two handed.
125-200% increased physical damage
Your main hand attacks deals an additional 70/100-150/200 fire damage
Your main hand attacks apply lvl 12 flamability
Your off hand attacks have 50% increased attack speed
Your off hand attacks apply lvl 12 vulnerability
You cannot block attacks

no flavor text due to alpha secretsssss in it.

(Graphic would be be a flaming sword and a sword that have energy "leaking" from it (kind of like how steam would radiate from a very hot sword plunged into water))

N.B. The curse would overwrite each others constantly (hence the conflict).

Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
Since I lost my own reply in this thread, I'll write an other.
I would like a unique items with improves your mana regeneration directly by how much healt loss you have
like, if you are 50% hp, you have more 100% mana regene
a paua ring maybe
or a staff
or a dagger
if I have to do one;
Adrenaline Heart
Paua Ring
(the looks is like a carnage heart, but made out of black marble)
20% implicit mana regene
2% increased life regene per 1% health missing
10% increased movement speed on low health
5% increased cast speed on low health
5% increased attack speed on low health
or maybe hybrid damage or I don't know something cool, but since the amulet is all about being faster the closed you are about to die, only things like speed and regeneration really fit in)
cannot crit on full health(since, on full health, we should think slower, and since INT is the crit stat...)
"I think faster when I'm about to die."
Nevak the Alchemist(mad alchemist!)

an other one I think is about is a Claw
Eagle Fang
Eagle Claw(see the pun?)
Implicit life leech 6%
+5% MORE critical rate per 10% accuracy rating
+50% MORE critical rate if 100% accuracy rating
50% of the monster health back on kill (or adjust yourselves that number)
10% increase movement speed (flyyyyyyy)
projectiles deal 50% more damage (being a eagle has some down points)
"Sharper eye, sharper claw"
some shaman dude

a flask which gives "always hit" for some seconds

if I think of something else I'll write it
Last edited by kadrek91#0601 on Dec 14, 2012, 6:33:59 PM

Add to this that it turns your hair into long waves of flames and i am so in!!!
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
Awesome thread and way to promote and support PoE. Here is my dream item for when I win lottery and can donate 1K to GGG.

Helm of the Giant

*Helmet in the shape of a giant Neanderthal looking skull*

Player loses 2% life/second while wearing item

If player gathers 10 charges of any kind he becomes 50% bigger and receives a massive boost in speed, attack rate, and damage for x seconds. At end of timer player loses all charges.

"Archers hold fire!! You are going to make him angry!"

-Captain Stalis, commander of defending forces in the siege of black stone keep.

Last edited by sijima#0482 on Dec 5, 2012, 10:46:03 PM

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