TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*

Are we there yet? I have no idea how we are going to narrow this one down. :)
Others Great Casts
Okay so I realized I haven't done any jewelry, so I wanted to cover that hole with a choker that I think has a lot of character...

Keep in mind, once you equip this, there's no going back... You're going down. Not recommended for Hardcore players!

Is such power worth a sure death?

And with a simple yet very, very powerful ring:

Last edited by Falcord#4858 on Dec 14, 2012, 3:48:59 PM
Falcord wrote:

Probably OP (especially being a ring - 2x global support), but would be really cool to have in game.
Half of theese suggestions are way OP, but it's still fun to see them =)
My items (with most important modes)


Invisibility diamond flask
invisibilty during flask effect
100% less damage


Low lvl magic gloves
convert frenzy charges to power charges


Giant tower shield
10% incresed max block chance
100% less damage
uses both hands


Chain belt
cannot use flasks (100% less flask charges)
+3 to max power charges
+3 to max frenzy charges
+3 to max endurance charges


Connected Wildowsilk Robe
65lv 322es
100% increased energy shield
always has 6 linked slots
-3 to linked level of gems


Handcuffs (gloves)
50% less cast speed
50% less attack speed
100% damage converted do chaos damage


Full Wyrmscale
50% increased skill duration
50% increased evasion and armor
33% fire defense
+25 inteligence

http://path-of-exile.pl - Polish Path of Exile Website

Last edited by Path_of_Exile_PL#2293 on Dec 14, 2012, 4:57:39 PM
d0nX wrote:
Half of theese suggestions are way OP, but it's still fun to see them =)

Not my kraken flask!!!! Strickly PvE typically 1 use per zone flask! Very balanced IMO and should win!


Infinite phase run, with a cost.

Infinite summons, with a cost.

Betrayal: Every time a summon dies there is a 10% chance that your remaining summons will turn against you.

Unique 3D art- http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/342452
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
Last edited by XvXReaperXvX#7217 on Dec 14, 2012, 5:16:31 PM
The Judging will now begin
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
Good luck everyone.

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