TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*
i dont care the stats but a design for a crosbow would be swsome.
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Level 50 Dex/Str 70/100 Damage 100-175 Can be wielded as a weapon 10-20% chance to reflect incoming damage. 20% chance if not reflected to take 2x of incoming damage. 35% crit% 25% increased crit damage. 45 life 1-40 lightning. attacks without an ability have a 25% chance to stun/bash the target. You are allowed to use 2 shields. |
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Quiver of the Frozen Tundra
Converts all Elemental Damage to Frost 15% increased slow percentage Lifesteal Increased Attack Speed Chance on attack to summon a Blizzard Storm damaging all enemies within 15 yards. --- If I dont win the item I want an avatar!!! :) Closed Beta|Open Beta|Release|League Only
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KingGorlak's Mighty Defender
+200 to 350 physical damage on hit 100% chance to knock back players with shield charge. would be the main stats of the shield. It would be a pure str shield with high armor on it. |
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Storm Walkers
Boots 20% run speed increase +16 Intelligence 20-30%Lightning Resist 20-30&Cold Resist 20-30%Fire Resist *Player Cursed with Elemental Equilibrium* Rain or snow i will go!
Inog's Innocence
Ring +30 life (implict?) +10% Energy shield recovery +10% Max Energy Shield +3% Max resist 20% Item Quality *Purity* - add a reasonable rank Only faith is inscribed. Last edited by elenora#7685 on Dec 10, 2012, 8:07:28 PM
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Flaming Gauntlets
Glove slot Armour: 80 Energy Shield: 60 level 39 str 50 int 80 +1 Fire skill gems socketed +5% Chance to ignite +10% Increased Fire Damage +51 Max Mana OR +25-30 Intelligence OR % Reuced Mana reserve 28% fire resist Cold Damage taken increased by 20% OR -25-30% to Cold Resist Cleans those with the power of Fire! Last edited by elenora#7685 on Dec 10, 2012, 7:57:15 PM
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Flame Tongue, Robe of Prophet
Energy Shield: 450 Requires Level 60, Int. 170 - Burning Soul (Put your body in flames causing fire damage - 1% of total life per second) - Cold resistance -% (variable 15-17%) - Cast time of fire spells -% (variable 7-12%) + Fire damage +% (variable 220-250%) + Fire Teacher (Minions have fire aura which causing 10% of their damage to all enemies around, small area of effect) ---------- Burn their houses, burn their towns, as your soul is burning in the hell. Last edited by Skorpionkz#5490 on Dec 10, 2012, 7:23:52 PM
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Heathen Mask +87 Evasion +28 Energy Shield 5% Chance to Ignite on Spell. 50% Increased Mana Cost. -25% Armor. -25% Evasion. -25% to All Resistances. 20% Increased Critical Multiplier Gain's frenzy charge on critical hit. Extra gore. Flavor Text: You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go Hope this gets picked spent a lot of time trying to balance this. |
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Here's my three suggestions:
Crown of Excess
![]() I sort of imagine something like the Nazguhl Helmet from LotR, just with the Artistic freedom to not obviously look like that.^^
Text in case the Picture doesn't load
Circlet (Gleaming/Petrified/Ezomyte)
Req. Level (57/62/67) +20-30% Energy Shield Spells in this item deal 50% Physical Damage* Enemies lose 10% Resistances for every Elemental Status Ailment** +25% Burning Damage 25% reduced Duration on Elemental Status Ailments Skills in this item are supported by Level 5 Elemental Proliferation "Insanity is doing the same thing twice, and expecting a different result. Sometimes, it works."
Originally, the idea came from a discussion with Nuclear Raven about how to improve burn damage on his unique, and I figured it'd be nice to decrease the time, but increase the damage. This item concept is basically the evolution of that into something slightly over the top. The Phys Damage Change is meant to take 50% (Or 100%, if that's easier to code) of the base damage of a spell, no matter what type, and turn it into physical. Then, all the other conversions, adds, and whatever apply normally. Doing this off the bat and only to the base damage prevents circle conversions, as no elemental damage can actually be "converted" to physical. -Resistance on Status Ailements means: Burning, -10% Elemental Resistances, Shocked, -10% Elemental Resistances, Chilled, -10% Elemental Resistances, Frozen, -10% Elemental Resistances. Yes, the latter two mostly happen at the same time. Alternative: Instead of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th mods, have:
Fiend Dagger /Golden Kris Req. Level 44 +100% Damage if Target has full Health (global) +25%-50% Damage -80% Max Mana 8-10% Mana Leech +75-100% Mana Leech Rate +50% Dex Requirement Phase Acrobatics "Feel their power It's run it's course See it spill Make it yours"
Thought of as a dedicated weapon to bring down enemy magicians, the weapon exploits their Energy Shield by dealing higher damage before they are actually hurt, which against fragile targets is most of the time. The 100% Damage increase would work with spells as well, which curiously makes the weapon very good for Blood Magic Casters, dealing double damage with the opening strike; Thus, I added an increased Dex requirement to make the opportunity cost higher. When using the weapon in it's originally intended function, one has to carefully manage mana load, as nearly no pool remains to trigger high level skills, but the insane leech should provide if the skill deals sufficient damage. Maybe the Leech Rate for Life should be increased as well? As a further massive advantage, the weapon offers Phase Acrobatics without requiring Acrobatics, thus granting 20% Spell Dodge at no further cost. The Mana debuff might be a bit harsh.
Maelstrom Beacon
Primordial Staff Level Req. Level 42 Adds 10% of Elemental Damage as Chaos +25% Increased Totem Life Curse Gems in this item deal 10-20 Chaos Damage Curses cost 25% less Mana +50% Mana Regeneration 300 Life Regenerated per Minute "They don't know your Heritage"
This originally started as a Keystone idea in a thread still linked in my signature, with the Intent to buff Totems at the cost of direct attack power. As that was a bit stale, I thought about a way to also improve curses for a real 'Shaman' Build. The Chaos Damage seems pointless at first, but in fact it turns curses into an attack spell that can be augmented with Added Elemental Damage Gems; For example, an Elemental Equilibrium Build could alternate between Conductivity with added Cold, and Frostbite with added Lightning, for a more or less constant -60 res on the enemy, in a very large AOE. Obviously, high Mana costs, slow cast speeds and low damage kind of discourage that approach. Below are uniques I originally suggested as well, feel free to read them. I felt that it's hard enough on the jury already, so I retracted them to have only the best items highlighted.
Goliath Gaunlets Req. Level 58 +61-100% Armor +25% Chance to Knockback with all skills Adds 5%* of Armor as Physical Damage 10-20% More damage when unarmed Unarmed Attacks deal an additional 1% damage per 5 strength** Unarmed Attacks can use mace skills (Alternative: Unarmed Attacks have 6 AOE)*** Me crush!
Meant as a high level Alternative to Facebreaker, Hammerfist would be more defensive. I even thought about adding blockchance and stun recovery when unarmed, but that would result in a list of mods that reads very boring. The Additional Physical Damage will make it useful to regular weapon wielders, while more damage when unarmed can make the gloves attractive to spellcaster that somehow got massive increased mods already. Compared to Facebreaker, the damage is notably lower, so I doubled the strength modifier as an attempt to buff it and really evoke that feeling of a huge barbarian crashing his enemies with enormous fists of steel. I've been thinking about making the phys/armor bonus unarmed only, but giving a global phys damage % based on strength, including weapons. *The damage bonus might end up being rather significant, and might need to be toned down. ** Or just change it to something like "+20% Strength", but that has the disadvantage of being a massive health buff. Unless it's also only when unarmed, in which case it's flavourful, but hey, boring to read. ***Meant to allow unarmed attacks to use the likes of groundslam. A base AOE could do the same.
Mana Coil
Coiled Staff Req. Level 26 Base Attack is a ranged Projectile Benefits from Wand Passives +10-30% Spell damage +50% Crit Multiplier Skills in this item are supported by level 5 Added Lightning
A hybrid of sorts, this item would benefit from both staff and wand passives, and thus be a formidable ranged weapon that can also use melee skills (if that is possible coding wise, if not, it's still a great 2h wand. I see a problem with it becoming weak on higher levels, so no one can really specialize on it.
Berserkers Garb
Shabby Jerkin Level Req. 34 +500 Evasion +10% Strength You take 20% reduced extra damage from critical strikes Gain a Frenzy Charge when an enemy scores a critical strike on you +10% Attack Speed Always has 6 Sockets "Defense but an excuse for a lack of offense."
Really, it doesn't need to be a Shabby Jerkin, but it should look like one. It is mainly meant to be a source of frenzy charges, but the main inspiration was "How to create a potentially high Link item for low level characters". I originally wanted +5% Strength per Frenzy Charge, but that might have been a bit too much. Zaanus: Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C ___ Isn't a "no" better than an ignore? Last edited by UnDeaD_CyBorG#7056 on Dec 11, 2012, 6:55:46 PM
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Pricking Surgical Needle
Carved Wand -------------------------------- Wand Physical Damage: 8-14 Critical Strike Chance: 12% Attacks Per Second: 2.4 -------------------------------- Requires lvl 15; 80 Int ---------------------------- 9% Increased Spell Damage -------------------------------- 4-7 Added Physical Damage +60% Base Critical Strike Multiplier +50% Critical Strike Chance Culling Strike 20% Reduced Cast Speed Less Gore -------------------------------- "Surgery was just one of her hobbys" Last edited by jaankoo#1089 on Dec 11, 2012, 9:18:07 AM
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