Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would literally suck d**k for a key.

Well maybe not literally...

Not even figuratively...

But I would do something, like... hold your hand or something... but not in a gay way, like the way any woman would hold my hand. Not at all.

So basically, I have nothing really of value but my word that this key will not be used for evil... Unless you're into that kind of thing in which case, I'll sacrifice twenty first borns in your name.


ill lub u.
I'm that type of person that dieing to saying "thank you". But i can't do that because i'm that lucky to find a special person that is willing to hear my words.

(So if anyone willing to donate a key and hear my words message me.)
Last edited by KillaJ213#6435 on Nov 6, 2012, 7:11:13 AM
Waiting for key since april... Love this game...
Last edited by xZodiac#2018 on Nov 6, 2012, 2:58:56 PM
I would love a beta key. I need something to pull me away from Torchlight 2 :)

If anyone has a key they wouldn't mind sharing it would be much appreciated :) you can pm me or something if you have one to share Thank you In Advance :)
i wait for a key since april :P damnit its been so long and i dont have a freakin credit card :S i would support this game like crazy if i hadone :S if anyone has a spare key pls PM me... Thanks in advance
i want one too plase!!!! emai: miguemouse@live.com please i will love a key please i really want one!

May I have a beta key, please?

Thank you,


PS. I would truly appreciate it. Thanks.
I'm a girl who played D2 for 9 years. Actually I intended to wait for open beta but then I heard about Brother Laz working for GGG. Was his fan back in the D2 days so I made up my mind to try and beg for a key :-p

Currently playing TL2 too but that bad voice acting (almost the only bad aspect in their game :D ) is really getting me....

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