Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

e-mail mister.tort1k@yandex.com
Please I very love this game and wait it.And i want play it:(
I just randomly stumbled upon this game today. I'm dying to play it now. If someone sends me a key, I will have my girlfriend make you sandwiches for a year.
i'd be willing to possible give some tf2 items if you're into it

thanks in advance anonymous benefactor :3
Hello ppl how are u ?
I'am still waiting for a cb key since february !
If someone ve some in bagpack and wana drop it i'am your exile !

Thx very much cya :).
Been waiting for over a year and nothin' :'( If someone is kind enough Id greatly appreciate it.
Ive been waiting for quite a while. Since the open beta weekend at around March I think or was it May? At any rate the game looks really awesome and I would love a chance to play some more.
Please PM me if you have an available key and thank you.

Edit- ended up purchasing a key.
Last edited by EmperorZoran#3765 on Nov 6, 2012, 3:47:21 PM
I want a key too ; (
looking for my lost key anyone find him?
Last edited by KillaJ213#6435 on Nov 4, 2012, 7:28:14 PM
Give me a key and I will be your friend. You know you want to.
Give me a key and I will be stop sining Justin Biber SONGS !!

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