Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Been waitin' for quite some time for a beta key, I'd greatly appreciate one! PM only please :)
Hi! Would love to get an invite! PM me please. Thanks!
I rly would like to play this superb game.
Gimme a chance by sending the key/invite: norritorias@gmail.com
cheers and have a nice day!
Hiho, i will be pleased if someone can give me invite. Thanks, Babeq
I would like one, too
Strange, Ages did not change this Place
I would love a beta key. <3
So erm... shall i promote myself? Yeah, i love Path of Exile. Well, i do really! Actually i can't wait for that key. I often give feedback so it wouldn't be wasted with me :D

PM me or well...


Toes itching already.
I would like a beta key so PM please if you have spare key or invite.

Thank you.
Hey, I have a couple of friends who would love a key. Sadly I've already given away my friend invites. They've been waiting a while for their keys, so I thought I'd look on the forums for them.
Email: atrocity.logic@gmail.com
Or just PM. :)

Last edited by Atroc1ty#7274 on Nov 6, 2012, 2:01:00 AM
I would like a beta key so PM please if you have spare key or invite.

Thank you.

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