Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Hope led me here and if someone gives me a beta key we can hang out as a team. I'm gonna choose duelist or ranger.(I'm not sure which one is more handy for now.)
IGN >>====> Auindale
Hey, I have a couple of friends who would love a key. Sadly I've already given away my friend invites. They've been waiting a while for their keys, so I thought I'd look on the forums for them.
Email: atrocity.logic@gmail.com
Or just PM. :)


I have been waiting for an invite for such a long time. I wish I could get an invite to play this awesome game.

Email: vivekrash@gmail.com.

If anyone has any extra key, I would be happy to get one.
Anyone is kind to give me a beta-key? I`ve tested the game when it was open for a weekend and I can say it a great game.
Thank you.
still got 3 keys left, PM me if youre interested. Ill give it to first three guys giving me an inteligent reason why not to actually buy it for 10dollars :) dont want wall of text, just a reason
Hello, if anyone have unused key plz send me one ;) I really need to play this!!!

Hey guys, send me key pls, really want play this game. thanks
im up for an invite!

email: natskie81@gmail.com

Keen for invite bro

mrquazzymoto@hotmail.com or just PM me :)

Won't rest
Victory or Death
Till the last breath

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