DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]
I think turning some of the EKs into Arcs or Shock Novas or similar spells is a good way to improve DPS, but they will not likely experience the same significance of power that the past build had.
In general, the changes to CoC basically reduce burst damage on groups, but smooths out the damage in the long run. I'm not sure if at the end, DPS is the same, but simultaneously, damage feels more consistent and less bursty. I tend to nuke myself less against reflect mobs. What I did was that I swapped out Blood Magic for Added Fire, used only one EK gem (because ir seemed to proc frequently enough) and added Mana Leech to sustain Cyclone while running Arctic Armour. I can swap out Mana Leech for another EK gem or any other support gem that I'd like. Some possibilities include Blind, Faster Attacks or Faster Projectiles. Gameplay wise, the biggest change is that I don't burst down mob packs instantaneously, but still fairly quickly. I spend much less time bursting down a single target. I think overall it's a reduction in damage, but it does make the set up more viable in 5-links. The trade off in damage reduction is more damage consistency with lower crit daggers, and personally, I don't mind that too much because if I was oneshotting mob groups to begin with, I'm 1.5-2.5 shotting them now. I still spend about the same amount of time in the cyclone spin, but I'm more likely to keep 1.5-3 shotting packs than to one-shot them in the past. I still think the build is viable. It's not the "best" build or highest DPS build, but it's not too shabby. It just takes a bit of adjusting. It's still fairly cheap (probably more so now that 5-link set ups are viable and the daggers remain somewhat affordable). |
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I´m pretty sure that its only a bug that multiple instances of same skill dont go off.
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" no it's not. that's exactly what the cooldown is there for. it works the same way CwDT does. " take out the " : "["url=your_link_here"]"the text you want to see appear instead (eg : my build)"["/url"]" |
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Just as strong here.
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hi all,
i am using Spectral throw + life leech + CoCs + EK + EK now the shootgun effect when shooting in a group of monsters dissapeared, but it act like a gatling. so killing a groups is à little little slower than before. but! but the increased critical chance made the EK fired more often. and even in front on a single monster i launch EK more often :) the nerf is not a killing nerf for this build, but it prevent this build to be so overpowerd like before :o |
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" Yeah, this is the only disadvantage I see atm. For the ST users - I think that this is now new optimal setup: ST (lvl 5) -> LMP -> CoC -> EK -> Fireball -> LL If Cold snap is not really proccing the cooldown on itself (which I highly highly doubt) then the cold snap can be used (with some reduction of dmg). MY CHALLENGES ARE DONE ON HC, IT'S NOT SC GUYS!
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" Same. More dmg vs single target and less loss of frames when dealing with a big pack. Build feels smoother and more well rounded. Still miss the madness of 3x ek though, ah well was great while it lasted but still plenty fun. ign: Homegirl
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with ST, 80% base crit chance and CoCs at lvl15 (78% crit chance), having 2 EK increased the chance to cast one EK from 62,4% to 85.9% !!
20% more EK throwed is not as bad |
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" Yes, but still not remotely close of removing 1 EK and adding fireball instead (dmg wise). MY CHALLENGES ARE DONE ON HC, IT'S NOT SC GUYS!
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i tried with ST coc lmp ek ml fa, does Wonder :D i then swapped ml for fireball and it rules
i do have a question, why lvl 5 ST ? is it the optimal damage/cost for leech ? or lvl 1 is enough ? e : i guess we lost the "discharge" burst effect, but its still a lot of dps Last edited by unite01#1981 on Jan 9, 2014, 10:11:54 AM
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