DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]

DarkManda wrote:
with ST, 80% base crit chance and CoCs at lvl15 (78% crit chance), having 2 EK increased the chance to cast one EK from 62,4% to 85.9% !!
20% more EK throwed is not as bad

this is exactly what im feeling too. it feels like 10% flat accuracy buff and free critical weakness has been applied to cyclone procing more consistant EKs.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Question unrelated to the minor nerf:

How would one go about running a cyclone CoC EK type build WITHOUT life leech or blood magic? I know it can be done as I've heard of others that have done it, but I don't see how you could survive melee without life leech
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Guys,this is huge nerf. the important thing is not the percentage of spell cast by 20%. whether you put 2 or 3 or 4 ek, only 9 projectiles will be casted back and forth. before, it was 18, 27. therefore, even though, there is high percentage that ek will be casted because of today's patch, only 9 projectile will be casted at once everytime you crit. not 18, 27 projectile at once.there is huge deal loss. the peculiarity of this build was great dps even though it's easy to die because of low defense(especially because of tabula lasa)but after patch, this build neighther high dps nor high defence. since the peculiarity of this build is gone, it's good idea that looking for another viable build. now, this build is worse than discharger. my danmaku cannot kill even normal mob packs. but discharger, it does. so i will quit this build and i will find another build.
tabula rasa is for having a cheap 6L. If you have a good 6L with def/res/life/etc...use it.
yes with the patch 1.0.5 you will lose a huge dps amount if you used à 6L with 3 EK spell.

Just keep one (or two, if you don't have a high % crit chance with your stuff) EK, add other spells and you will do a lot of DPS again (but it will effectively less than before)

honnestly, this nerf had to be done because this build was so overpowered!!! (killing Dominus was just a joke... ) now it is just a nice viable build like others.
Last edited by DarkManda#0040 on Jan 9, 2014, 9:35:49 AM
lky940820 wrote:
Guys,this is huge nerf. the important thing is not the percentage of spell cast by 20%. whether you put 2 or 3 or 4 ek, only 9 projectiles will be casted back and forth. before, it was 18, 27. therefore, even though, there is high percentage that ek will be casted because of today's patch, only 9 projectile will be casted at once everytime you crit. not 18, 27 projectile at once.there is huge deal loss. the peculiarity of this build was great dps even though it's easy to die because of low defense(especially because of tabula lasa)but after patch, this build neighther high dps nor high defence. since the peculiarity of this build is gone, it's good idea that looking for another viable build. now, this build is worse than discharger. my danmaku cannot kill even normal mob packs. but discharger, it does. so i will quit this build and i will find another build.

somethings wrong if one ek proced doesnt kill a whole pak. u can test with one of ur eks in a 2L EK LL. if it doesnt consistently crit and destroy whole pak u are missing something in ur build.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
DarkManda wrote:
tabula rasa is for having a cheap 6L. If you have a good 6L with def/res/life/etc...use it.
yes with the patch 1.0.5 you will lose a huge dps amount if you used à 6L with 3 EK spell.

Just keep one (or two, if you don't have a high % crit chance with your stuff) EK, add other spells and you will do a lot of DPS again (but it will effectively less than before)

honnestly, this nerf had to be done because this build was so overpowered!!! (killing Dominus was just a joke... ) now it is just a nice viable build like others.

This was not viable build for those who wore tabula. easy to die. for make it viable, you have to wear 6L nice roll chest but it's too expensive. if you wear the expensive chest for making viable, it is just same with other build like soultaker+aegis. the peculiarity of this build was we could make high dps although we paid 3ex for tabula only. but now it's dead. this build will be expensive build to those who want this viable. cos dps is nerfed at the moment and if you don't have high roll 6L chest, u will just die. anyway, i agree with your point that this build was op. Now, this build is just expensive build.
Last edited by lky940820#7459 on Jan 9, 2014, 12:11:12 PM
I am still a bit confused, where do you guys get that only 1 spell now fires per proc?

So I should not run more then 1 EK?

Single target seems okay, but it's little less effective in big mob packs.

lky940820 wrote:
DarkManda wrote:
tabula rasa is for having a cheap 6L. If you have a good 6L with def/res/life/etc...use it.
yes with the patch 1.0.5 you will lose a huge dps amount if you used à 6L with 3 EK spell.

Just keep one (or two, if you don't have a high % crit chance with your stuff) EK, add other spells and you will do a lot of DPS again (but it will effectively less than before)

honnestly, this nerf had to be done because this build was so overpowered!!! (killing Dominus was just a joke... ) now it is just a nice viable build like others.

This was not viable build for those who wore tabula. easy to die. for make it viable, you have to wear 6L nice roll chest but it's too expensive. if you wear the expensive chest for making viable, it is just same with other build like soultaker+aegis. the peculiarity of this build was we could make high dps although we paid 3ex for tabula only. but now it's dead. this build will be expensive build to those who want this viable. cos dps is nerfed at the moment and if you don't have high roll 6L chest, u will just die. anyway, i agree with your point that this build was op. Now, this build is just expensive build.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

-lky940820 1/8/2014

lky940820 you just suck at this game move on to something easier, like Mario party or something. Stop crying because you can only afford a tabula. That item is a fun way to get a 6L not the end game chest. These are the type of people that cannot succeed at a game without exploiting it. Play another class if you cannot handle this one, don't say it's completely unviable.

I still one shot most things and was rolling through lvl 75 maps last night without issue. The build is perfectly fine all this calls for is for people to put their thinking caps on and rework this new Nerf and buff into something we can make stronger.
Last edited by viper9494#1345 on Jan 9, 2014, 1:11:32 PM
Okay, then give ur 6L chest to me then i will stop crying. u are rich right? hahaha okay go on. just rich in POE not REAL-LIFE. bear in mind that most of player in this game, they want to play cheap and effective character. NOT LIKE YOU.
JUST SPENT ALL OF YOUR EARNED MONEY IN POE. STUPID. btw, do u have a job? or ur job is POE PROGAMER? hahaha
Last edited by lky940820#7459 on Jan 9, 2014, 1:11:34 PM

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