Custom/Diamond Avatars, and their stories.

My avatar is based on the character Shadow. He is hands down my favorite character and I've run multiple different builds for him into the upper end of the level range. In fact, since he was released, I have not played another character to a high level. I always end up playing him again whenever I try. So, needless to say, I greatly enjoy the character and his quips since they added in the voices have only further affirmed my decision to use him as the foundation for my characters.

With that in mind, I wanted to have my avatar tied to his character but I couldn't make a decision on it. Initially I wanted to make the avatar of him but after reflecting on it for a while I decided against this. So, instead of having an avatar of Shadow, I have an avatar looking out from Shadows eyes as he finishes off his last target. Shortly after he would find himself betrayed and sent to Wraeclast; yet my avatar will always be a snapshot of the moment that would define the next chapter of his life.

I'm very happy with how it turned out and I am very grateful that GGG allowed me to define such a pivotal moment in a main characters history.
If my girlfriend ever found out about this, I would get my ass kicked. She does not know I dropped a grand on this game.
Although it is my money to do with as I please, she'd still kick my ass if she found out and she IS into gaming.

-looks over at fiveby5- well arent u lucky then eh? went and found a gamer girl who doesnt care how much he spends as long as she gets a shiny ass kiwi! true love yep yep.

My avie... well uh story.... storyyy..... hmmmm... right well I never really thought of a story or reason o,o. Kiwis are cute? Rainbows are awesome? Is win? I could make up some badass story about it but you see, I'm hungry, and very lazy.

I got diamond because my fiance has it, and I wanted that damn kiwi! To justify it to myself and friends I got it because its helping out the game :D. But the truth is the kiwi. Yep I'm a bad bad metis >:D

Man if this was a thread to explain diamond items, I would sound so witty and awesome!
My Kiwi's name is Fluffy.
It eats souls and small children.
Don't fuck with Fluffy.
So story, lets see.. My alter ego/ gamer handle is the XvXReaperXvX. I've been known as this for so many years. Long enough so that when I googled my gamer name I found pages and pages of my gaming life. Yet if I search my real name I get nothing. I've been using a picture of a Reaper tattoo that I found on the net. Needless to say, it wasent gd enough. So thats basically why I chose to have the reaper pic made. I put forward what i imagined my avatar to be and they made it. It's exactly what I was after.

As for my uniques. I bought 5 diamond packs and have planned each. Pack 1 and 2 are going to be axes. 3 and 4 will most likely go toward axe 2 for extra cost. Pack 5s unique I plan to give out to the Poe community in a giveway ill be holding very soon.

So yea. That's about it.
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
My god, a 3k axe?!

You are mad.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
MonstaMunch wrote:

This sounds great. I can't seem to find the thread you're talking about using the search function, do you happen to remember what the thread was called?

I think it was this thread.

Dead and buried, almost 3 months old now.

Towards the end at page 2, it says to try PM Samantha, the Community Support Manager and hopefully she can put together an account for you. It appears this was done for one of the posters in that thread. I don't know if they're still doing this, I am assuming so, so good luck, hope this works out for you and potentially other keen supportive fans also, and we have more Diamond supporters soon! :D
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
Fiveby5 wrote:
I have an avatar looking out from Shadows eyes as he finishes off his last target. Shortly after he would find himself betrayed and sent to Wraeclast; yet my avatar will always be a snapshot of the moment that would define the next chapter of his life.

OMG! This is what I'm talking about, that was awesome, thank you so much Five! For both the story, and the support. I too, love me some shadow action, but I use him more along the lines of a summoner right now. Dont get me wrong, I'll assuredly be using him as an assassin type, with daggers and claws and the like, but that will be later after OB.

metisuneatn wrote:
Kiwis are cute? Rainbows are awesome? Is win?

Yes...You went all out for the pet Kiwi, no shame in it.

XvXReaperXvX wrote:
So story, lets see.. My alter ego/ gamer handle is the XvXReaperXvX.

Pack 5s unique I plan to give out to the Poe community in a giveway ill be holding very soon.

Nothing wrong with using your gaming persona as an avatar. I would do something similar to that idea myself. And I saw that little contest. I would insert myself into it, but I would rather support the game with a diamond pack than win my item creation in a contest. Best of luck to the winner though!

THESE are what I am TALKING ABOUT! Stories behind the avatars! Love you guys, love this game, and Cant wait to see you on the other side!

(Horned Rat, you not get your avatar yet? maybe next patch?)
'It is good to contact a moderator if you feel someone is being a twat' Charan, Forum Moderator

Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG
Last edited by Zalm#4445 on Dec 5, 2012, 12:45:51 PM
my avatar relates to my account name, which is one i've used for ages. it's inspired by a lesser demon Ualac that appears in the Hellboy story 'Box Full of Evil'

in that tale he's been trapped in a box for what must be centuries:

The Countess opens the box, and what looks like a fly flies out of the box and into her mouth. Possessed by the demon, she turns her husband into a monkey

er ... skipping the bit about the monkey, Ualac steals the crown off of Hellboy's head but is eventually recaptured and is miniaturised, entombed in amber and given to Astaroth (along with the crown) to look after in Pandemonium.

hence, a (Wraeclast) fly in amber

all of this somewhat ties into the unique item that is being developed too, but i cannot say too much about that right now. :) as others have mentioned i'm sure the devs are "busy as" getting OB sorted so i'm more than happy to wait knowing i can support such a great endeavor with some $

edit: and just want to acknowledge Max's fantastic artwork on not just my avatar but many of the diamond one's i see. he pretty much nailed it first go from my written description. cool beans.

Last edited by ualac#0162 on Dec 5, 2012, 10:01:42 PM
Reserved for story.
RIP Bolto
Whatta great thread! It's a nice complement to the Avatar thread, 'cause I like hearing these stories, too. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
ualac wrote:
Possessed by the demon, she turns her husband into a monkey

Wow.... interesting...I like the story though! I've pretty much used Zalm for many a year as well....too bad the only thing I know about it is it means Salmon in dutch....not intentional to call myself fishy, but it happens sometimes.

Covert wrote:
Reserved for story.

Uh oh...I feel a DOOZY coming on....what secrets lie in story for us!?

Thank you all for posting so far, I love this thread, and I cant wait to hear from some more Diamonds on their avatars! Hey...if you know someone who has a special avatar, but ISNT a diamond, tell them to come on over and describe how they got the special avatar! I'm looking at you MaverickRoll!
'It is good to contact a moderator if you feel someone is being a twat' Charan, Forum Moderator

Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG

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