[1.2.0] Lightning arrow bow ranger (3 Auras/ life based/ max dps/ good survivability)
How viable is this in Nemesis?
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" Interesting. Did you try mana leech? How did it go or in other words, was the leech rate far too slow to sustain your mana? To get more int you could also use Astramentis. Or the 2 x 30 nodes are a good investment, which you took already. *Should i keep my current gear and follow the skill tree you sugested? Yes. Your gear looks very good to me, nice bow. You can continuously upgrade piece by piece but it's getting a lot more expensive. The only bow which is really much better - for this build particularly - is Lioneye's Glare, because it always hits. This means you don't care about accuracy at all. It's also better than Voltaxic in this build, because you stack a lot of phys and try to convert this to Lightning via Lightning arrow. Voltaxic users go a different route by using split arrow combined with ele dmg. *Should I get Charisma and run 3 auras on Alphas Howl? (what would be the 3rd aura?) You are using Haste. I'd try Wrath and compare DPS. Simply use the one which gives higher dps. If you like to be safe, you could also use determination for 50%+ MORE multiplier. This means 1.5 x your total armor. I'd not go to Charisma if you can get lower reservation otherwise because it's so many points up there. You could try the 5% node next to Iron Grip instead. Otherwise I don't know, you have to compare the benefits of the 3rd aura + all the points to get there vs 26% projectile dmg/other benefits you give up - probably NOT worth it. *Should I change helm for a Rat´s Nest and run only 2 auras? Depends on the last question. " Imho very viable. Ranger is a very safe class. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 6, 2013, 7:13:33 PM
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Ty for answering that fast! =D
I tried mana leech, but could not spam skills, even runing one single aura.. Maybe if dps was higher = more mana leech and faster kills (not sure about bosses). The problem on getting mana reservation next to Iron Grip is that its not enough for runing 3 auras 60%. Alphas Howl 0,08 + Reduced Mana gem 0,29 + Reduced Mana reservation 0,05 = 0,42 reduced 100% - 42% = 58% // (aura)60% x 58% = 34,8% // (3 auras) 3 x 34,8% = 104,4% Can´t run 3 auras with only 5% more reduced reservation Using Rat´s Nest would for sure increase dps. But i just love the fact that i cant get frozen with Alphas Howl (I used to die a lot frozen TT). With the 5% more i could run 2auras 60% + 1aura 40% (purity of elements), not sure if worth. I could keep Alphas Howl runing only 2 auras (not using Haste atm.. just leveling it up), but it seems like a waste of remaining mana. Or I could get used not getting frozen =D (hardly) and run 2 auras with Rat´s nest what would increase dps. Once you said it´s not worth spending 6 points for getting charisma, is it still viable getting the 5% next to IG and run the 3rd 40%? Oh.. and other reason why i wanted charisma that bad, is because i would get some extra int in the way. Not much, but helpful. Again, ty for the help! |
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Yeah so forget about that 5% Node, but I'd still not waste that many passives for 1 additonal aura. It's really up to you, if you think you can benefit a lot from the aura + like 20 int more on the way to these nodes to make use of higher level blue gems, just go for it.
I wouldn't use Purity of Elements endgame, it's really only worth it if you got bad to medium/good gear (not much res). If you got very good gear, you always have enough res without that aura. I don't know I prefer Alpha's over the other helm, but that really depends on the situation. Immunity to freezing is very strong as you noticed. But you'd have to test it on your own, if the dps-increase is worth it to switch helmets. I cannot make any test myself because I am on a break right now. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 7, 2013, 2:43:46 PM
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Hi again!
Well, Im really curious. It will probably take a while, but I will test both helmets and the 3rd aura. I´ll keep you informed! Ty for your time, cya o/ |
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I always see builds up here with no movies posted at all, demotivating.
Either post vids of 70+ (+reflect + ele ress) maps, or dont post a build imo. Show that you can fully explain your build / character while doing maps makes you far more believable not to mention, more professional. This also shows your not blowing smoke out of your ass. Dont get me wrong, build looks decent. But confirmation is always the key for me to take a build. |
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" Honestly, you are in no position to demand anything here. What I present is for free, and it has been a lot of work to write all that. Also if you understood the game, you could see what a good build makes. You can just compare the RAW NUMBERS of the benefits gained by the passive tree. This is INDEPENDENT of any items. In comparison videos are always influenced by items and individual situations. It's more for entertainment than anything important. The game is not as complex that you need to make a video to understand a simple ranger build. For example this build doesn't use elemental equilibrium or other uncommon nodes. Finally I am on a break right now, so I cannot make a video. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 9, 2013, 1:21:30 PM
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so what should i use from lvl 1 to whatever level LA gets viable on nemesis hc? melee?
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" At the beginning you can use whatever you like tbh, because the differences are not that high. But when you took the first projectile nodes on the tree, I'd opt for a bow and whatever gem provides the most dps. E.g. Burning arrow, frost arrow, frenzy, split arrow come to my mind. You can use all of those because they all benefit from phys dmg. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 9, 2013, 10:53:25 AM
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the links apears to be broken. can you relink them?
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