[1.2.0] Lightning arrow bow ranger (3 Auras/ life based/ max dps/ good survivability)

hello there, I got a question about very end game, aka lvl 75+ maps

How often do you die in such maps/whats your current lvl?

I am currently hesitating if I should go this build (Vaal pact + 6L Lioneyes = cheaper) or go the Blastrophe version (Votaxic without Vaal pact = much more expensive).

I mean how often do you get into situations that the inability to use life flask is a pain the ass?

thanks in advance
Instincts wrote:
With this build how do you have enough int to use your blue gems/ elemental dmg gem in your gear? :S noob question probably but please answer.


no it's actually not a noob question. As this build only goes around the ranger part of the tree and a little western you don't get any int nodes. You could take one + 30 node on the way but tbh I would not trade that for life or dps.
Instead you can try to get Astramentis or other good amulets + all stats. Try to get some + int gear, and only if necessary, you could still get the + 30 node. Finally if int requirements are becoming too high, you could principally also stop leveling the gem (not recommended though.
If you need more recommendations, you would have to post more info on the concrete case (gem, requirements, your current gear etc.).

Aerinqq wrote:
hello there, I got a question about very end game, aka lvl 75+ maps

How often do you die in such maps/whats your current lvl?

I am currently hesitating if I should go this build (Vaal pact + 6L Lioneyes = cheaper) or go the Blastrophe version (Votaxic without Vaal pact = much more expensive).

I mean how often do you get into situations that the inability to use life flask is a pain the ass?

thanks in advance


this is easy to answer. If you ever watch Twitch or youtube, you will see that you generally don't die to random mobs/packs lategame with good gear and high AS. Vaal pact is not really the difference here because you simply clear the whole screen before anything gets close/becomes dangerous.
What can become a problem is reflect mobs/lightning thorns. And here vaal pact does the job.
The 2nd source of danger is burst damage, but there is currently nothing which can prevent this. That's why even people with the best gear die from time 2 times if they are careless.

How often do you rip? I cannot play currently so I don't :D, but back when I played some months ago I was only playing hardcore, so death is not an option. But in the future I might play only Standard/Domination for chills and to play around with fancy builds. We'll see.

http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 2, 2013, 7:00:30 PM
Hello i have a question what are the pros and cons of skipping vaal pact and using life gain per hit instead of life leach it does amazing job so far with LA+chain?Thanks in advance
Donio wrote:
Hello i have a question what are the pros and cons of skipping vaal pact and using life gain per hit instead of life leach it does amazing job so far with LA+chain?Thanks in advance

The pros of vaal pact + life leech are that you never have to worry about reflect.

Let's say you hit for 40,000 damage. 15% is reflected directly on you (after mitigation due to armor/res etc.). That makes 6,000 damage. Now if you got 15% life leech you will leech 6,000 life, so exactly zero damage is reflected.
Assuming you use life gain on hit it's different. You only leech like 50 life per hit, so assuming your attack does some AOE you could maybe leech 300 life if you hit 6 opponents at the same time.
This is theory and it only plays a role if you got HIGH dps. Before you reach that level, there is no particular reason to prefer life leech.
http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 2, 2013, 6:27:29 PM
All these numbers are for the very late part of the game which im nowhere close to so my question is, is it better to stay with life gain and spend these 15-16 points to vaal pact on more hp/res/dps (your build without vaal pact)untill i reach the late game also my first theory was using blind as a way to facetank bosses can i have your thoughts on that? thanks again and sorry for my english
Donio wrote:
All these numbers are for the very late part of the game which im nowhere close to so my question is, is it better to stay with life gain and spend these 15-16 points to vaal pact on more hp/res/dps (your build without vaal pact)untill i reach the late game also my first theory was using blind as a way to facetank bosses can i have your thoughts on that? thanks again and sorry for my english

You very well can. But note that if you have to respec ~ 16 points later to get to vaal pact, that's 16 regret/chaos orbs. For some people that's something..
http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Yo, thanks for the post, very informative, scanned it very quickly, what about gear?

Some feedback on Vaal Pact. I am not using it right now, lvl 69. I use life gain on hit(immediate) with chain it good enough for now. End game I am not so sure it will be good enough to mitigate reflect mods on maps (ele ref -+ max is imba!), will have to see. If not I will use Vaal pact.
Last edited by Kenza#6269 on Dec 3, 2013, 3:15:35 PM
Great Guide, TYVM.

I think I am off to a great start although I was just making my skill path look like your FINAL version. I see you posted what it should look like early on and I am wondering how many points will have to respect to get them to match.

In the early (50 points) version you have some Mana and Primal Spirit selected and you take the branch to the left of Fervor. While in the final version you take the branch right of Fervor and the Mana and Primal spirit nodes are no longer selected.

So, I take it using the leveling paths and then removing some nodes later makes the early mid game go easier?

Here is my skill tree so far at level 24. I still ahve unspent points as I wasn;t 100% sure If I shoudl be following the final version path or following the early level path and repect.

Sorry to be such a noob. This is my first time playing PoE.

Last edited by __SirPuFFaLoT__#4898 on Dec 3, 2013, 1:09:01 PM
__SirPuFFaLoT__ wrote:
Great Guide, TYVM.

So, I take it using the leveling paths and then removing some nodes later makes the early mid game go easier?

Yeah that is the idea behind the leveling specs. They are never going too far out of the way though and you will get several free respec points by questing through the game.

Kenza wrote:
Yo, thanks for the post, very informative, scanned it very quickly, what about gear?

Hey, I posted a lot of info on gear on page 2 or 3.

But generally just look for life, evasion/armour, elemental res, chaos res on defensive gear and for chrit chance, crit multi, phys dmg/ele dmg, attack speed on the rest.
http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 3, 2013, 7:11:03 PM
Hi there!
Im new on PoE. Uping a range following this guide. Im 77 now and a im kinda lost =P
My current gear:

(I´ve never posted anything, did i do it right?)

And this is my my skill tree so far:

Int is a big trouble for leveling up blue gems, expecting to get better gear with some int. As you can see, im using blood magic gems and Carnage heart.. working fine so far..and runing 2 auras.. Idk if its my gear but I cant spam skills with mana. Anyway.. I will use zero mana for skills. So plz help me:
*Should i keep my current gear and follow the skill tree you sugested?
*Should I get Charisma and run 3 auras on Alphas Howl? (what would be the 3rd aura?)I´d probly loose the 26% projectile dmg right under scion.
*Should I change helm for a Rat´s Nest and run only 2 auras?

As I said, Im new and dont have much recurse for tests TT
Planning on refunding -> Vaal Pact when I get more life and dps.
Enlight me plz!!



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