[1.2.0] Lightning arrow bow ranger (3 Auras/ life based/ max dps/ good survivability)
Also can i use frenzy and split arrow instead of LA ? endgame viable? i love split arrow :)
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You can make anything viable for endgame. The only thing which is different from early and midgame is the dmg output and life of the monsters.
So yes, you can use frenzy and split arrow. The build is actually optimized for elemental dmg; all the projectile nodes are especially good for this type of build. If you were pure phys, you might better take higher phys nodes (there are some 10+ on the tree), but in the end the differences will be only marginal. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
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There was an important change to Deadly Draw in 1.0.2:
Before the patch, the cluster offered: 25% Crit chance 6% phys dmg 70% crit multi, Now the cluster offers: 40% Crit chance (15% incr) 40% phys dmg (34% incr) 50% Crit multi Multi (20% decr) So 15% crit chance and 34% phys dmg for 20% multiplier, BUT ALSO 2 more nodes to get there: They force us to take one crap node (10 dex) and one at least decent 12% phys dmg node. So effectivity per node decreases. Your getting something for it (mainly phys dmg), but that's not the best trade-off bec you could get that elsewhere too. Pure phys rangers will be very happy though and also this build benefits quite a lot in terms of dps. I want to add that in my opinion, clusters like the old deadly draw would have added more flexibility to the passive tree. Why? Fewer nodes + keynodes take less points to reach. If you got many of those kind of nodes spread on the whole tree, there are more overall options on how to spec your character. In contrast, the new style like deadly draw 1.0.2 or the health ball cluster on the Scion area pretty much force you to get there. It's less flexible and more mandatory. But it's still a very good cluster and one of the best ones for rangers I guess. Anyways, build on page one will be updated very soon. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Nov 29, 2013, 8:56:58 AM
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Hey Dan, i was wondering why don't you take the Finesse note that is 2 points away, and you get attack speed, accuracy, and 20 dex? Just wondering i'm sure there is a reason for not just curious
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The reason is simple ;) It's a very good node but it's too far away if you don't cross it directly. Not worth getting there for 4 or so? points
http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Nov 29, 2013, 1:18:52 PM
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46 lvl. (54 points)
Wildly lacks damage. (350 have now) What will advise?
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Hey dan, if i get a thicket bow that has one elemental damage spec on it does it matter if it is lighting or fire or anything? If it was lighting would there be a damage increase then if it was fire or cold?
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Currently in Act 3 Cruel (Docks clearing) with a very close variation of this build and it's working very well, currently flying through areas with no hassle, even had 0 deaths so far.
Death's Harp is an amazing bow for this build, well LA in general, at least while leveling...if you have one or can afford to pick one up, use it. (Ignore links, just using slots for leveling gems) Current dps numbers:
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" I wonder how you got this far with this amount of dps. You need a better bow and you need to link the gem slots via orbs of fusings. I recommend to read the mechanics thread or maybe a beginner's guide first if you haven't done that yet. " No it does not matter. Proj nodes increase any element and there are no passives taken which just increase a random element. Only if you e.g. had gear +% lightning dmg, you'd prefer that source over the others. " Nice recommendation for leveling. In endgame I think Lioneyes is a better choice though because of the higher base dmg. It doesn't get you too far for example if you have a ton of increased % dmg nodes but your base is too low (in theory). But you would have to test how much of a difference it is in the concrete case. Assuming Death Harp is not very expensive I would expect it to be significant. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Dec 1, 2013, 8:59:30 AM
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With this build how do you have enough int to use your blue gems/ elemental dmg gem in your gear? :S noob question probably but please answer.
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