[1.0.4]Scion - Incinerate Tank - Mind over Matter, EB, almost Max Block | Facetank a lot of stuff

killerman4000 wrote:
I think the general idea is that Ligtning Coil reduces the physical damage by a huge deal.
It's sort of an armor that gives 40% damage reduction if backed by lightning resistance.
Got lucky and rolled it to 6 sockets at the 30th try or so. Now to 5/6-link it.

I got a feeling spending points towards life would keep you alive longer, than spending them on armor. However not grabbing Iron Reflexes makes me feel kind of queasy, considering that I could probably drop a 30-Dex node after grabbing the +10 on the way.

Armor suffers from pretty brutal diminishing returns, don't it? It would probably be effective to have at least some, (Thinking grace converted to armor by IR, here). Besides our favorite armor pieces got evasion on them.

Agreed. I think these are two the basic strategies for mitigating physical damage in this build. If you can afford and make a 5L/6L Coil, then you'll probably want to add on Purity of Lightning and beef up on resists. Otherwise, Grace+IR helps provide some bare minimum physical mitigation and helps to converts any wasted Evasion rating.

Grace+IR can also be backed out of if you change your mind. It's a straight line of 4 pts from MoM that aren't connected to anything else. Though, really late game you could probably do both once you've secured gear, level 20 reduced mana supports, alpha's howl, etc.
About the Cloak of Defiance vs Lightning Coil debate. I think that lightning coil is much better for damage mitigation. It's probably the best armour for physical damage mitigation you can get. It always works based on a percentage rather than an absolute value like armour rating. Lightning coil combine with arctic armour and what armour rating you character has would probably make most physical attackers tickle. If someone running op's build and had 4000k hp, they would probably tank Baal smash with little less than half life left.

That said I am still getting a the cloak of defiance first. Been too lazy to work out the math to see which is better for tanking more common hits but I regardless I feel that cloak of defiance allows for a cheaper build which is good for a new and first character on nemesis. The armour itself is less by an exalt or so and doesnt require extra lightning resist. Also it takes the place of the mom skill points which you can spend on iron reflexes and the extra mana and mana regeneration lets you drop discipline for grace. So you would get around 2500 armour and even more if you are armour nodes. But this is just theory crafting. I'll give an update the day I switch from cloak of defiance to lightning coil.
Last edited by lucky13th#3673 on Nov 22, 2013, 11:30:40 AM
Playing this build, level 63 so far an loving it. Just ran to Docks and joined a party hoping to get some quick easy exp. However most mobs at Docka are Fire Resistant. What would be the best way to go around this? I know there's Fire Pen, but I don't have 2 blue sockets, and don't really wanna Chrome it. Maybe there's another skill that could be useful with this? I have a 15/11 FPulse, however FP works better on crits, and this build doesn't use crits. Here's my chest.

sam6555 wrote:
Playing this build, level 63 so far an loving it. Just ran to Docks and joined a party hoping to get some quick easy exp. However most mobs at Docka are Fire Resistant. What would be the best way to go around this? I know there's Fire Pen, but I don't have 2 blue sockets, and don't really wanna Chrome it.

What about Elemental Weakness or Flammability? Both of those lower fire resistance by quite a bit.
I have Flammability with Curse on Hit, thing is I was doing Docks as a party, and parties generally override curses often.
I think Added Chaos Damage forces some through resistance.

My Lightning Coil skipped right past 5-links and became 6-linked, woho.
Still tinkering with the skill gems, can't seem to get enough mana for GMP, so I'll keep using lesser until I get slightly higher Mana Regeneration.
Stone of Lazhwar makes a great leveling unique for this build, especially when combined with Crest of Perandus.

20-30 Intelligence
50% of Block Chance applied to Spells
30-50 Mana
10-15% Cast Speed

The Stone + Crest combo gives you 20% Spell Block with 0 passives. Very nice for leveling.
Hi there! i am a level 80 nemesis scion who saw your build once upon a time, and thought it looked quite amazing, after following it inch by inch and also copying your gear exactly gem slot for gem slot i was able to solo dominus on merciless nemesis after i hit almost all my quality gems in my chest (life leech, faster proj, mana leech) ect.

anyways i do find the build quite amazing and yes i can solo the dominus on merciless!

what im asking is , have you ever tried doing poorjoy's asylum? if so would you see it a possibilty to be done with your current gear? i know that with 20% arctic armor, and inner force you can block the last boss for all her autos. but clearing the trash mobs that hit for 3.5k as white could be a problem, let me know if you have had any adventures in poorjoy's asylum or if you do see it as a possibilty!

Also for everyone out there thinking hey, maybe i could change up the gear in this build, you dont need to its amazing , copy his gear piece by piece just like i did, and you will be able to clear anything, even merciless dominus with ease :D
I thinked about ballistics (it can help to get enough projectile speed to remove faster projectile support and replace it with fire penetration or added chaos), made few build in skill calc (100 point used), and done this table:


Don't know, which one is better
(first one is my current)
Last edited by alt0172#5861 on Nov 24, 2013, 8:56:54 AM
alt0172 wrote:
I thinked about ballistics (it can help to get enough projectile speed to remove faster projectile support and replace it with fire penetration or added chaos), made few build in skill calc (100 point used), and done this table:


Don't know, which one is better
(first one is my current)

Have you played with and without Unwavering Stance? I'm wondering if Heart of Oak + Stun/Block Recovery is enough to compensate for the loss of US. If so, then these builds open up a lot of flexibility. They probably have higher overall damage, a slightly easier time gearing with extra baseline dexterity, and easier access to Iron Reflexes.

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