[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)

There's definitely more merit to not using Cybil's Paw, I'll give you that. Even with the incredibly high cast speed, I think the paw is still strong enough to compete, though.

90% spell damage increase (assuming max block) isn't amazing, but it should be sufficient. The life gain on hit is just so powerful, I can't say this enough. Even with a .2 cast time (not sure if it's that slow with gemming/passives, though), firing 3 projectiles ends up being 75-120 life gain per second per enemy "shotgunned". It might not seem like a whole lot, but it definitely adds up fast.

With Vaal Pact, I just don't see a need for it. You lose out on the great life regen passives, something a lot of people forget. Instead, you get the life leech from incinerate instantly. Without having massive burst, though, I'm not sure you'd be healing more than 10% of your max health every second.

Just as a note, crit benefits incinerate in now way, sadly. Well, I think you could use crit weakness with crit multiplier to get a bit more damage, but it will not be significant whatsoever.
shdwknght wrote:
I feel that cybil's paw has been made pretty useless now that the casting time has nearly doubled.. what are your thoughts on that and perhaps there'd be a more suitable replacement? ie: a great wand with high +cast speed and +spell damage which would allow you to remove iron will and put in life leech permanently perhaps? Maybe thorns wouldnt be a problem at all with a LL 20% Q lvl 18+

It seems to me this way you could benefit from Vaal Pact.. who needs potions anyway, you can just warp out at the first sign of trouble, turn in circles and let your amazing hp regen take you back up?

I really dont know if any of these suggestions are noobish, i've only been playing for a couple weeks.. but that seems like it would work better now with a slower incinerate

theres some wands with similar stats:

17% increased Spell Damage
75% increased Spell Damage
23% increased Fire Damage
19% increased Cast Speed
62% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
+16 to maximum Mana

It is very possible that a regular decent caster wand will perform better than a cybils paw. You would have to always run Life Leech losing Iron Will but with the damage increase it's probably no net loss in DPS compared to the old incin with iron will and the new without it.

I'm not a fan of Vaal Pact at all, it has big pros but also big cons. Certain hard map mods become trivial but some trivial map mods become very hard. Which is somewhat of a paradox in my eyes, So IMO it's not that great of a node. It also disabled any and all HP regen so the only way to get health back is through leech or a devouring totem.
IGN: Ghured
Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Dec 23, 2013, 10:30:07 AM
As I expected, I knew i had missed something :) For some reason my eyes were not reading that vaal pact disables life regen.. prolly because I learned to ignore that feature for all the chars I've made as it served no purpose for them.

As for incinerate with LMP/GMP I have to believe the new DPS of incinerate with the new added chaos dmg, with a 20% quality life leech gem lvl 20 leeching 10.56% of all damage output has got to be better in both AOE and single target scenarios. But then again.. is that LL gem + a wand going to be enough leech to survive the situations where you would normally (while using Cybil's on top of it) switch out your Iron Will for LL? I dont know which of these two options would really leech more. If you dont know/experiment/figure it out by the time I have my char up and running, I'll post it in here :)
Btw what did you do when they nerfed CWDT? Did you start using lower level supported skills or did you level your CWDT? The guide is a bit outdated as far that goes. Also your guide says to use blood magic but none of your videos use it.. is usage of blood magic an update to your guide or are your videos correct?
I'm using a CWDT that let's me cast level 43 spells, with a molten shell and enduring cry that fits that. I might pump it up to 45 and level each of the other spells one.
So, im lvl 51 now and started playing with incinerate and Cybil's Paw. I can see now why its indispensable xD The leech is just ridiculously good. It also seems to be instant gain, unlike Life Leech from gem or gear. Playing without it, no matter the quality of life leech on incinerate, wouldnt compare to it even remotely i think.
So Iron Will doesn't work on Incinerate anymore? What gem should I replace it with? (currently leveling as Facebreaker until I can use my 5L/find build-suitable gloves)
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems with just potatoes.
--Douglas Adams
Iron Will still works. I was suggesting that, due to the damage buff and cast time nerf, you could swap Iron Will for Life Leech in order to make up for the lack of sustain while still not losing damage compared to prepatch.
Xethik wrote:
Iron Will still works. I was suggesting that, due to the damage buff and cast time nerf, you could swap Iron Will for Life Leech in order to make up for the lack of sustain while still not losing damage compared to prepatch.

oh, okay. Would that be better to swap to now? I'm Lv 44 at the moment.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems with just potatoes.
--Douglas Adams
Level both if you can. Iron Will is better for damage, Life Leech for survivability. Life Leech is good for tough bosses and areas that hit hard. You can swap around easily as they are both red. I've found myself only using Life Leech in PvP and in certain maps.

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