[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)

Tai wrote:
You are using immortal flesh?
i am level 49 and i have an immortal flesh in the stash, my resis on merciless are +- 62%, im going to wait until i cap all the resis or im going to explode in blood! jajajaj

Im doind act1 merciless very easy, this build is pretty OP

This build still be powerfull in endgame?
we need more videos Vandalain! :P

The build IS very powerful in endgame. The only thing that made me die in merciless was the double Dominus in the lvl 74 map :P

I'm keeping the Immortal Flesh everywhere, i don't feel the need of more elemental resistances with all the regen i can achieve.
w00tzor wrote:
Tai wrote:
You are using immortal flesh?
i am level 49 and i have an immortal flesh in the stash, my resis on merciless are +- 62%, im going to wait until i cap all the resis or im going to explode in blood! jajajaj

Im doind act1 merciless very easy, this build is pretty OP

This build still be powerfull in endgame?
we need more videos Vandalain! :P

The build IS very powerful in endgame. The only thing that made me die in merciless was the double Dominus in the lvl 74 map :P

I'm keeping the Immortal Flesh everywhere, i don't feel the need of more elemental resistances with all the regen i can achieve.

im thinking to overcap all my resis and then take the immortal flesh, because that -40% is soo scary! :S

ATM at lvl 49 im seeing merciles very "easy", always avoiding to stay at the center of a big group of mobs.
Tai wrote:
w00tzor wrote:
Tai wrote:
You are using immortal flesh?
i am level 49 and i have an immortal flesh in the stash, my resis on merciless are +- 62%, im going to wait until i cap all the resis or im going to explode in blood! jajajaj

Im doind act1 merciless very easy, this build is pretty OP

This build still be powerfull in endgame?
we need more videos Vandalain! :P

The build IS very powerful in endgame. The only thing that made me die in merciless was the double Dominus in the lvl 74 map :P

I'm keeping the Immortal Flesh everywhere, i don't feel the need of more elemental resistances with all the regen i can achieve.

im thinking to overcap all my resis and then take the immortal flesh, because that -40% is soo scary! :S

ATM at lvl 49 im seeing merciles very "easy", always avoiding to stay at the center of a big group of mobs.

I had a full respec, so i don't know how this build will scale at lower levels, i started playing this at lvl 70, but indeed is very powerful once you got decent gear and enough skillpoints. The drawback of the immortal flesh in kinda big, but with that massive regen bonus it's not that painful once you got your res capped.
Can you post an image of your resis, damage ?
And what items do you have ?

im using stone of lazrhaw atm, but idk when change to an ANVIL
Tai wrote:
im using stone of lazrhaw atm, but idk when change to an ANVIL

In my opinion, change to The Anvil when you get a Rathpith globe shield ? So that you don't stay vulnerable with no spell block.
I kind of feel like the Avnil is not mandatory though, not sure what the OP thinks about this


+ reasking my question

In a Cruel Act 2 rush I accidentally took the skill point by killing all the bandits :>

Did I just miss/fail something big ? Is there a huge difference having +4% cast speed by killing Allira ?
Although there's now bandit respec, I cannot afford it ;)
Last edited by westbryan#7618 on Nov 25, 2013, 4:33:37 PM
westbryan wrote:

In a Cruel Act 2 rush I accidentally took the skill point by killing all the bandits :>

Did I just miss/fail something big ? Is there a huge difference having +4% cast speed by killing Allira ?
Although there's now bandit respec, I cannot afford it ;)

It's not mandatory, the only bandit stuff thats truly make or break IMO is the charges (Merciless). It certainty helps but its not going to stop the build from being super tanky.

Tai wrote:
You are using immortal flesh?
i am level 49 and i have an immortal flesh in the stash, my resis on merciless are +- 62%, im going to wait until i cap all the resis or im going to explode in blood! jajajaj

I would only start using Immortal Flesh once you're able to have a good bit of spell block in addition to being at least a little bit overcapped in each res while being able to maintain a fairly high level arctic armour.
IGN: Ghured
Ever thought of trying Iron Reflexes and Getting the reduced mana reserved nodes in the top left (Sovereignty) and running grace and determination?
Tai wrote:
Can you post an image of your resis, damage ?
And what items do you have ?

im using stone of lazrhaw atm, but idk when change to an ANVIL

At the moment my stats are ( with the Immortal Flesh)

65% Fire Resist
60% Cold Resist
65% Lightning Resist
-48% Chaos Resist

49% Block
36% Spell Block

1009.8 Dps with Incinerate with: Incinerate lvl 19/20q - Added Chaos lvl 18 - GMP lvl 18 - Fast Cast lvl 19 - Iron will lvl 19

4259 HP
4237 MP

262.4 HP regen
227.8 MP regen

BUT! There is a big but now...I'm working on a new chest ( mine in a 5L placeholder for a better rolled one) and with that chest i'll have the Cold Resist capped at 65% that will give me the opportunity to remove my Dream Fragments and replace it with a Coral Ring i got with more HPs and a higher mana regen than Dream Fragments.

By the way, i still miss 5 passive nodes, at lvl 88 i'll gain:

14% Block ( + spell block)
40% all defences from equipped shields ( since i'm using the Globe i'll gain more MP)

So my block at lvl 88 will be around 63% and my spellblock will increase too.

To recap the things i still have to improve:

5 skillpoints ( 14% block and more MPs)
Chest armor ( just need 5 links because i'm using GMP instead of LMP)

Why am i using the 5 links instead of the 6? Because i'm running Greater Multiple Projectiles. With a 6L the mana consumption will be too high to sustain with an high level AA in the higher level maps. After some tries i decided to run the GMP just because it does a lot more damage for the "shotgun effect" of the skill, also it got a wider AoE.

Notice that i'm not using The Anvil ( even if i got it) because i don't have enough Dex to level up the skills without the amulet i'm running atm. When i'll change the chest i'll swap the Dream Fragments for another ring that i got ( with Dex bonus) and i'll run The Anvil for more block/hp regen/mp regen.

When i'll have my equip completed i'll post again my stats and explain a bit better my choices.
With the new patch upcoming, do you think that new skill would work with this build?
iCrucifix wrote:
With the new patch upcoming, do you think that new skill would work with this build?

I think a similar EB MoM Arctic Armor build would work fantastically with Storm Call (assuming the ability is usable). Using Cybil's Paw and going for a heavy block build, on the other hand, is likely a bit too much. Cybil's Paw would not be generating nearly as many hits with Storm Call, and thus would be noticeably less sustainable. Skipping the block portions allows for a bit higher damage and more life nodes. You could also probably skip a lot of the mana regen nodes as Storm Call is significantly more mana sufficient. You'd probably be a bit more reliant on health potions and could see issues with elemental reflect, while this build suffers more against Lightning Thorns and Corrupted Blood.

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