The case for FFA Loot

When a player says "my loot" I always look at it in the sense that they are saying "The loot that I should get for playing the game and killing the monsters (solo or in a group)".

This is what I mean anytime I use that phrase. People who like instanced style drops would prefer that loot be fairly divided. Its still random what you get which is fine but at least what you see is yours and people aren't seeing loot with their names hovering over briefly which people then yell "ITS NOT YOURS UNTIL YOU PICK IT UP!"

Standard Forever
Just wanted to jump in and say I recently started playing PoE again with my brother and well... I really think FFA loot sucks. :/
I get the argument that PoE is all about the "cut-throat" feeling but I thought there would be a cut-thorat league.. so why not have it there and have personal loot on default league?
Point is that especially with orbs being a useful currency, grouping up with other people feels like a punishment.
I really think the game would be more fun with personal loot in the default league and FFA loot in the cut-throat league and perhaps even some increased drop chances there. :)
Erenor wrote:

– I believe a lot of people have yet to make positive experiences with FFA looting. Get out there and make them!

- Disabling FFA or giving certain options has an huge design impact (and im sure this has been discussed somewhere else so I'll be looking for the right topic and link it here). The first step was made with the timer.

Just realize that now we talk about "my loot". This is not possible without your name showing up on it in the first place.

1. I have been video gaming for over three decades. I have been to the dance many times. I know what FFA loot is all about.

I will NOT keep trying it in the hopes that I have some positive experiences. There are many other players as well who will stick to soloing.

2. Adding certain options will have negligible effects on those who play FFA now. It will have a huge impact on those who don't play FFA and just solo. It will allow them the freedom to join public groups and actually have fun instead of frustration.

3. Posters need to use some terminology to mean 'the loot that the game assigned to them'.

It's very satisfying sitting on a piece of loot and stealing it from right under your teammate's nose, and laughing "sucker!" to yourself.

If you get joy out of this, then continue to have fun. Personally I would HATE to have that done me, and would feel equally joyless doing it to someone else. I'd much rather just quit that team.
In a very grind heavy game the death penalty equates to...more grinding.

Your sig. Is some of the truest words ever spoken.
Ok ok. Let the FFA be still the only loot option in the game. BUT THEN: Make it possible to pick up loot even when someone stands on it! It is absolutely RETARDED and not competitive in any way if I cannot pick up my item which has my name on it because someone placed his buttcheeks on it.

I understand the idea: whoever clicks it first picks it up - and I support it. But chilling on my gems instead of killing monsters is plain stupid.
Last edited by Scorptice on Feb 28, 2013, 12:13:20 PM
For me FFA has only one positive aspect: player must stick together to play. That's it.

The debates FFA/ no FFA isn't a debate, as it involve the personality beyond the avatar. Some are honest people, and will not ninja loot the crap out of anyone, some are not and will try to do it, some are even worse, and will use an autopick script to be sure to have it.

So as this is a "moral" choice more than a good/ bad gameplay decision, there is no right decision (keep/ remove it), the only option, is to let each people creating a party decided what they want (a check box would be nice): either FFA/ timed/ separated.

I personally find the timed separation to be the best, but again, it's only a matter of your personality, no one is right or wrong about it.
The reason as to why there should not be any sort of "toggle" option for loot, is because it would differentiate the way people acquire loot, while being in the same league as everyone else.

The game is meant to be competitive and it's not meant to cater to every type of player.
Lvl 58 Power Siphon Witch

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