XP loss goes against gameplay itself
I quit the game ages ago because of the XP loss, it just got to the point where it was disheartening to continue. Several of the people I got into the game also quit because of it. I just don't see the point of a death penalty in the standard league, if I wanted to play passively in fear of dying I'd play hardcore.
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Last edited by GhostOfLiemannen#3153 on Oct 19, 2013, 11:51:17 AM
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" And yet you have not quit the forums.... Standard Forever
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" I don't really agree. I think its already a slap on the wrist for everyone. Even an MFer who is ok with dieing is getting a penalty. They aren't lvling or are lvling very slowly. Even if they claim that they don't care, its still a penalty. Standard Forever
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ScrotieMcB quite like your idea and was proposing to destroy items as penalty in CB. Half joke half really hoping. Because let's face it unless you planning to die often losing 15% exp is nothing. Shock I need to play game few more days. Though why backdoor with eternal orb, and why just durability?
You die you get 1 random equipped item get's trashed and replaced with placeholder with gems, which gives no benefits neither to gems(xp or any else), nor to your character from gems. And Get's destroyed as soon as you put it into stash or inventory, placing games at free places. Harsh? Sure. Fair? Sure. Beneficial for the game sure. Strong items get removed from economy eventuly great. Opens market for cheaper and less strong items which are possible to craft,andeventually drops prises on strong ones to expensive, but sensible. The question remains what to do with uniques. Some of them are build enabling . And if get destroyed pretty much kill character. Some of them overpowered and would only benefit from some sort of sink and risk of losing. Some of them are build defying (not enabling but if gone still effectively kill character) and OP, those are hardest. And there can't be different aproach to them since what was yesterday trash unique, tommorrow may become OP. Have mixed fillings about gem exp drain on death. Seems not worth it and can be abused. P.S. Game not hard. And lvl 80+ supposed be achievement. And what you really plan to do with last 20 points? Increase life by 0.4%, or attack by same amount? Most likely core stuff was taken long ago. P.P.S stupid spellcheck OCD forces to edit my posts. Last edited by bormoth#6543 on Oct 19, 2013, 3:37:50 PM
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" You probably haven't played any of the previously mentioned games with, most of the time, insane (compared to PoE) death penalty. Many games that I've played had a (small) chance to drop one of your equipped items. Or even better example - Ultima Online(best pvp game I've ever played /handsdown).. people could loot ALL your shit on death (you would drop all your items in pve death as well - gotta get a new horse and find your, hopefully, non-looted body). Was this holding me off of playing UO? Hell no, that was the BEST PvP experience I've ever had - very thought-provoking, adrenaline-full, complex, simply amazing PvP. And here people can't handle PvE penalty? Go hard or go home. " Haven't you thought that the problem is not in the death penalty, but rather in your lack of skill? Death has to be punishing. Not for the sake of punishment or keeping people in fear of dying, but for reason such as understanding your faults and becoming a better player. " I'm more than okay with this. " Reasons for such penalty are numerous. It's (the penalty) not even that harsh, lol. You can improve your build, your items and you can adapt to current desync issue. But instead of that.. better choose to whine over trivial/(merely)nonexistent issues. "I accept Nujabes as my Savior." Last edited by 1988288#4403 on Oct 19, 2013, 7:37:01 PM
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" Standard league does what? Show the standard of the game's mechanics. If Standard had no death penalty, didn't have the penalties to resistances in the harder difficulties, and in every other way lacked the basics of the game, how would one prepare for Hardcore? Standard league is for two types of people. Those who don't have the time or simply do not want to put forth the effort of conquering the game has a hardcore gamer. Nonetheless, certain basic mechanics must remain in the game to help keep it interesting. If you die and lost nothing, there is nothing preventing you from simply returning and zerging the place of death over and over, and winning without trying. Death penalties, whatever is determined from the developer, are there to punish those who die without planning and properly preparing for certain areas and for those who haven't played yet. I know I'd much prefer dying and losing something, and have to plan how to defeat what killed me, than just taking a quick save and finishing off the boss without any effort. |
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" Yeah, because the game isn't coming out of beta next week. I couldn't have just started reading the forum again because of that. | |
You weren't around when there was no EXP penalties. People were just brute forcing the game, and accruing massive amounts of deaths with no penalty except for a free teleport.
With a downside added to death (which there really needs to be, otherwise the game is no longer challenging) people stopped using deaths abusively, and the game became more of a challenge (not harder) and people began to think about builds more creatively than getting massive amounts of dps. "Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
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" ...or people who want to try strange non-tank builds? I'm a standard player but by no means do I not play often enough or lack the ability or effort to "conquer" HC. I just much rather play an experimental build that might not work until end game without having to start with different skills to convert later or to die before I reach my goal having to redo it all. I've played my fair share of HC in races. IMO it's boring, max life, high defensive, cautious play, boooooo. I know some people enjoy that but not my thing. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063 Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856 Last edited by Moosifer#0314 on Oct 20, 2013, 4:46:35 AM
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