Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
If someone feels the need to discuss Self-Found
after release, make a new thread, please. There were changes done, which might make former critique in here obsolete.
Dev responses now in the 4th post!
Player feedback and thoughts now in 5th post! All posts last updated September 10th 9:15 UTC. This thread may be moved to an appropriate subforum by a Dev. By now it is obvious that there is heavy interest in this topic. The purpose of it being in General Discussion is served.
September 10th UTC
*Updated first post, changed the main objective at about page 82. September 3rd UTC *Added player feedback to Packet#7. *Updated Pros Section for future updates. *Updated Cons Section for future updates. *Restructured suggestions in the first post. Many self-found players are not wishing an own SFL. These players suggestions are covering confounding issues being discussed in this and other threads heavily. *Added player feedback to Packet#7. September 2nd UTC *Completed Packet#6. Thanks for the feedback! *Started Packet#7. August 31th UTC *Added Temporary Self-Found suggestion to the other suggestion corner. It is a pretty creative reaction to the suggestion of moving characters to Void League. August 30th UTC *Started creating Packet#6 in the Feedback&Thoughts corner. *Updated first post, changed the main objective at about page 48. *Added counter-argument to the Cons/Solo corner concerning MTX effects. *Added additional feedback to Packet#6. *Added additional feedback to Packet#6. August 29th UTC *I added 2 suggestions to the other suggestions section. One including the Quest-Reward route tommyrot and others suggested, two the suggestion of ScrotieMB's to make content more accessible by modifying many different places of the game. *Furthermore I completed Packet#5 of the selected posts. It was harder to fill it this time, as many points keep getting repeated. Let's try to keep it original and make more suggestions other than an own SFL. *Added additional specified suggestion to the Descent-League suggestion. *Added Cross-Thread section for in Feedback&Thought's section. *Added ephetat's Recent lack of Interesting Design Disclosure *Added Currency-Overhaul suggestion in the other suggestions section. It is a Reddit-Post trying to give two different solutions to make crafting in low-level brackets appealing again. *Added ScrotieMcB's Don't Remove MF from the Game; Just Cut it in Half. It discusses solo and group play discrepancies somewhat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ITT we want to help GGG in the most constructive way without taking too much of their time, which is lately heavily invested into the production of Act 3x content and more. UPDATE: It seems that the discussion is stagnating heavily. I fail to see many fresh points and constructive feedback is also lacking. I could however be wrong. If that is the case, don't hesitate to tell me. I will try to make the Thoughts&Feedback corner in my 5th post more appealing to read. If someone has a good idea concerning this, don't hesitate to PM me or post about it. My ideas so far: *Name the links with "one-liner", something like post titles. *Include small abstracts to each link. I doubt I can fit the complete posts rather than using links. Post limits and such. Once I finished that off, I will suggest support to close the thread after consoling senior staff. I will still update this thread with interesting cross-thread references. I just don't see any point in going around in circles in here anymore. Thank you for the participation everyone, you made this very thread possible.
I would welcome even more actual first hand self-found feedback.
Remember to share your average time spend in-game, as well as points in-game which were hard to overcome. It would be really valuable if you could state how long it took to overcome this points. Tell us about your builds, equipment and so on. Everything that could matter balancing wise! Don't forget to mention if you play solo exclusively! We summarize core theories, pros and cons advertised in the mothership which is the highly visited thread "The Self Found League" in the Suggestion subforum. (Link included) We take the following points as given: - GGG does not introduce a league which is easier than it's parent league - Paid Leagues will not be able to be easier than Standard League - GGG can't influence the default leagues loot without possibly harming the economy This points are derived from GGGs past decisions and statements I experienced. Feel free to further strengthen them with quotes of GGG you can find. There are some but given the forum structure they are hard to locate precisely.
GGG does not introduce a League which is easier than it's parent League
Derived from the decision behind the Anarchy and Onslaugh league, which added no aspects making the overall gameplay easier than their respective parent leagues. Paid Leagues will not be able to be easier than Standard League Otherwise GGG would harm their core philosophy concerning their F2P model. For more info about Paid Leagues: GGG can't influence the default Leagues loot heavily without possibly harming the economy Without any future league-wide character or item wipes any experiments and it's external effects might lead to a huge disparity between dedicated traders, hardcore gamer and the leisure-focused gamer. This might be reduced over time again, could however negatively impact leisure-focused gamers PoE experience in various forms. Based on aforementioned points one may suggest:
Balance the game with taking (solo) self-found playstyle more into account.
There are many Thoughts&Feedback given that make confounding issues apparent. For this purpose I redirect to the posts further below, giving an overview of player posts and giving other suggestions affecting such confounding issues. Dedicated threads are also available.
An own self-found league does not really appoint any problems around the self-found playstyle given. A balancing process around self-found play would be needed anyway.
The wish for an own league might disappear with severe issues appointed. Appointing balancing issues does not segregate the playerbase further and helps self-found player enjoy many different league settings available.
Introduction of a (Solo?) Short-time Self-found League.
The Self Found League could have modified droprates to ease crafting capabilities. After the end of the league, all characters and items will be transferred to the Void League.
The parent league Void League is already implemented by GGG at the Descent Races. It is basically a graveyard, denying any access to your characters and former items. With this league being the parent league GGG does not have to care for any aforementioned points.
GGG could use the Self-Found League as an experimental testing environment. Reasons for this thread: - vocal disappointment about loot & crafting balance lately - vocal wish for a self-found league since April 2013 and longer - the Suggestion Thread is not structured and valuable ideas are hard to extract Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Feb 7, 2014, 6:24:18 AM
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- Emphasize the usage of currency to craft items rather than trade them in. - De-prioritizes trade and re-prioritizes item drops.
Trading could be a core game mechanic by game design choice
and removing it may dumb down the experience GGG wants their players to experience.
Removes player interaction and bounds which may come up in a barter heavy trade environment.
Concerning Self-Found League: - Makes an enjoyable self-found experience as min-maxer possible, as group-play may not be overshadowed by competition with trading players.
However it is not unlikely that it will not change differences in overall performance between hardcore and casual gamer, likely also correlated with current differences between trader vs. self-found player.
- League participants can't get affected by RMT or Cross-League trading. - Increases appreciation for (in the trading environment) mediocre considered items. Concerning Solo: " " Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Nov 5, 2013, 3:42:09 PM
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- Drop rates are fine and possibly increasing them will devalue in-game accomplishments.
Certain mid-level items may be hard to come by which makes progression a hard act.
Currency sink may be balanced (especially in end-game) around trading.
- A self-found balance is hard to accomplish without affecting trading players. Concerning Self-Found League: - Trading is to be considered a core mechanic to the game, removing it might be against GGGs game design or devalue the game itself.
In case of being forced to trade in order to progress might devalue subjective PoE experience.
- More leagues divide the community even more.
However this point is mood as the community may be heavily divided already.
- Self-Found is also without an own league playable, a even play-field will change nothing on the current Ladder balance.
Same logic may be applied to Hardcore League.
- Increased expenses on GGGs side for maintenance and monitoring of the league.
However it could supply a big, valuable sample for balancing purposes.
It may not really make more expenses than current short-term leagues. Concerning Solo: - Player interaction is a known recipe for binding customers on a game. - optical MTX value is decreased as showing them off becomes obsolete.
" Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Nov 5, 2013, 3:43:02 PM
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Qarl's Thoughts:
After false implications about self-found players motivation from my side. I am sorry!
" Other Suggestions:
" "
" Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Nov 5, 2013, 3:43:26 PM
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Remarkable thoughts and feedback:
This is only a minimal selection of the actual discussion! It is awfully biased considering that I preferred self-found feedback over thoughts because it may be actually useful for the Devs. If you found well reasoned opposition missing in here, PM me! Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Nov 5, 2013, 3:43:43 PM
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That's a whole lot of post and all of it ignores the fact that you can play selffound on any league you want....
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" Damn, fuck me! Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 30, 2013, 2:11:47 PM
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" I agree with this, if there's going to be a SFL, I think it needs to differentiate itself enough from the main leagues to be a distinctly different experience, other than just not trading. Otherwise I really don't think people are going to be able to gain any traction with the idea. |
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" And your short and simplistic post ignores the fact that all the current leagues have drop-rates to reflect the economy rather than playability - the whole point of establishing a self-found league which de-prioritises trade and re-prioritises drops. |
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" Imo it doesn't reflect the economy really, the map system is more to blame for this than anything else. It is entirely possible to have a reasonable experience playing self-found, the problem is people are trying to compare to an inherently more effective route, I'd go as far as calling trading a shortcut. Granted, you may not LIKE the difficulty of the game self-found and I can't judge anyone on their preferences in that respect. Edit: Not just the map system, but partying and MF gear too. |
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