BloodMagic from gear swap broken!

hopefully GGG is thinking about buffing BM-Gem . They can reduce the Multiplier from 245% at lvl 1 to something like 175% lvl1 to 125% lvl 20.
Last edited by Tarbloodkeep#7100 on Aug 21, 2013, 9:46:48 AM
Schn1tt3r wrote:

I think, with a change this big that affects many players, a refund is in order.

I think I know the answer, but are you serious ?
IGN : @Morgoth
[Mod Edit: Removed]
Last edited by Totemizer#0490 on Aug 21, 2013, 10:19:08 AM
Schn1tt3r wrote:
I don't care that this has been fixed. I do care, however, that they weren't fixed in a timely manner and I have two high level characters that depend on this. Had I known they were exploits (exploits get fixed fast and I waited a good 3 months before making these chars to see if this would be fixed) I would not have made those builds.

I think, with a change this big that affects many players, a refund is in order.

Had you known? Seriously? Why exactly did you assume that they were legit? Your using items and gaining bonuses without wearing them? How in that did you figure that it was intended?

All you had to do was ask in the forums, e-mail a dev, or PM a dev and you would have had your answer.

Edit: To all of the try hards trying to take a dump on peoples opinions just because they aren't top ranked or run high lvl maps all day, please get a life and keep crying.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Aug 21, 2013, 9:55:10 AM
[Removed: Off-topic]
Last edited by Totemizer#0490 on Aug 21, 2013, 10:24:53 AM
They definitely need to reduce the multiplier on the BM gem. Useless.
ॐ "Metal Gear!?!?!?" ॐ
Onslaught: FixinToDie + Awnslot
"Damn you GGG for taking away our ability to completely circumnavigate the drawbacks of bloodmagic items while still receiving all of the benefits. What could you possibly be thinking. Why would you make so many auras if we can't cheat to use them all?!?! I mean how is this fair, we actually have to make choices now? Come on! How am I going to get Armor, Regen, Evasion, Cold, Fire and Lightning Resist AMD Damage now?! It's like you are trying to force me to make a character within the intended parameters of the game. Screw this, if I can't seriously exploit this game anymore I just RAGE QUIT!."

If this is you I would like to thank you for Beta Testing as you showed GGG a major bug which they have corrected. You have done your job as a tester. IF you feel this has ruined you POE experience please feel free to leave now, as you have done an excellent job, but GGG does not wish to hold you against your will. If however you feel you can calm yourself down, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and march on please do so, as I am sure they would love to have you.

Don't unabashedly run an exploit character and then cry when it gets fixed. All you did was prove to GGG that it HAD to be changed. I am just sorry they didn't fix this sooner before it got ingrained into peoples minds that this sort of no-drawback switch-a-roo was "legit".

I can see your / Back is turned and / If I could I'd / Stick my knife in.
Crawl Away, TOOL

Don't get hacked. Make a new email for your account and use a long password.
Mark_GGG wrote:
If you loose blood magic, then your skills no longer reserve life rather than mana, so they will revert to mana when they notice this. Currently this only occurs on changing area, but in future we hope to eliminate this completely by having it update if the aura is currently on you at the time of the change.

In short, yes, this is intended, and was in the patch notes.
If you want to gain the benefit of a piece of gear, you should be wearing that gear. If you take it off, you should no longer gain benefits from it.

What about Blood Magic gems ?
Do you plan to boost it ?

For example:
lvl 1:
245% Multiplier: Spend Life instead of Mana for Supported Skills
145% Multiplier: Spend Life instead of Mana for Supported Auras

lvl 20:
fuck i should have sold my simula's before this patch
The blood magic gem multiplier needs to be reduced for aura reservation. Perhaps a new support gem that affects reservation only, and that reserves energy shield in addition to life (i.e. the amount of energy shield reserved could be a % of your total ES, that is proportional to the amount of life reserved, designed to work with flat life reservation, % life reservation, and builds with low ES). This will help balance life builds without buffing ES builds.

Or damage needs to be reduced for solo play. Mass auras (i.e. max resist from purity, multiplicative armor from determination) are essential for high level map survivability and reflect mitigation. Without a change to either improve access to mass auras for soloers or to make mass auras less necessary in solo play, higher end content will be gated to include only groups, the top % of players by wealth, or a very limited number of builds. Combining this with group play being gated to include only players with excellent computers (due to gfx spam, item spam, minions, etc), does not position the game well for full release (implementing customizable loot filters and the option to disable party member GFX would help).

As is, the changes disproportionately nerf life based builds that use attack damage (and soloers), categories that are arguably lower in the power totem pole to begin with.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Aug 21, 2013, 2:18:04 PM

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