Our view on map drop rates

I haven't run a map since level 59 because I simply haven't found any. I'm currently level 62. You can present data and give stats all you'd like, but that doesn't change the fact that:

1. To participate in the end game, you must rely on RNG that you have almost no control over
2. Long runs where you have no maps are long runs where you have no fun

I'm going to run through pyramids one more time, but if I don't find any maps, I'm probably going to retire my high level character until changes are made. I'm simply not enjoying myself.
Ran some maps last night with the wife, and finally started the elusive 3 maps per run.

Funny thing is we didn't do anything higher than 35% IIQ

we started off doing lvl 60 and ended up with a few lvl 62's and lvl 63's

I'm not sure if the drop mechanic is broken or not but it really does help to try and get the +% magic monsters

Also like some of the higher level people have stated, you really do need about 5 or 6 maps to start with because you'll go up to three maps without getting anything and then start seeing 2-3 maps back to back.

I think we did almost 10 maps last night though and only got one chisel the whole time.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
MrDDT wrote:
Chucullinn wrote:
level 65 map with 125% map item quantity on it.

Number of maps dropped = 0

Conclusion: Map system is broken

You know what RNG is right? Just because you didnt get a map drop on that map doesnt mean its broken it means you had bad luck and it COULD mean its broken.

However, I will tell you right now after running 100s of maps, the IIQ% matters! IIQ% and +Magic, +Rare makes the biggest effect on getting maps in that order.
Having all 3 makes a HUGE diff on # of maps and # of higher level maps you get.

So take a tip, and try it out run a ton of maps.

Ferumbras, if you are talking about level 60 maps just use them. Worse case if you dont is you go back to where you would have been farming anyways, if you do, you can keep doing maps. There is no loss.

Save your higher level maps for your higher level play, and try to use orbs on them to keep getting higher/more maps.
I wouldnt make the level 60/61 maps very hard as they drop pretty easy.

I think your forgetting something here, + rare and + magic dont add quantity to maps (+3 or w/e might as well be nothing). After running 100s of maps with partners/friends, and many solo, I havent seen a map yet with magic/rare having 100+ quantity, and ive been abusing chisels, so any map that has 100+ is just loaded with 5-7 gutwrenching mods..these mods and quantity do nothing for map drops and i wont be sold otherwise..ive been doing all kinds of various map mods upon customization and I am firm on the fact that it is just not worth it to run high quant maps vs maps that have 20%+magic monsters and 50% quant, conventionally you can expect same result infact these maps have produced more than a list of hard mod maps (no regen + 50% regen slower + burning patches + enfeeble + vulnerability etc...).

As of now there is absolutely no reason for me to run these maps thinking im gonna get showered in maps or rewarded in that sense by finishing such deadly maps..i ran 3 maps in a row yesterday all 100+ quant led to 1 map, aside from all the other ones in between yielding nothing different, the map drops are not siginificantly affected by the change in quantity as we think it should or the system intended it to be/work, i hate to say it but after all the hours and simulation and evaluation i still feel like im in the dark about how this shit really works, i probably feel this way because it doesnt seem like its functioning properly..rolled a map yesterday with 42%area 21%magic 20%rare +41quant , this map dropped 4 maps, giddy up.

P.S. Edit - RNG is too random and spontaneous to even be understood so why is it the basis of endgame..there should be another helping/determining factor other rolling the dice.

Last edited by butcherspupil#7882 on Sep 23, 2012, 11:56:12 AM
Just finished my pyramid run and killed the boss. Not a single map. This stuff just ruins my will to play. I know I could just trade for some 60s from some of the richer players, but that's not the point here.
butcherspupil wrote:

I think your forgetting something here, + rare and + magic dont add quantity to maps (+3 or w/e might as well be nothing).

I dont see how you can think that +magic and +rare doesnt add to the quantity of a maps or for maps.

You even said it does in your post. Mind explaining why you just dismiss this?

You know that +300% item drop is more than the 30% you might get off a mod right?
Last edited by MrDDT#4590 on Sep 23, 2012, 12:15:41 PM
I meant they dont add quantity to the map, aside from there unpredicted drops as monsters, ..im really not in the mood to argue with you about this so dont be a nerdwad please, and secondly dont talk to the people that endlessly play and test this game day in and day out like were walk-in noobtards, you wanna sit here and defend it to death and say its working properly? go ahead, you look like a fool, and you seem like the type of person that just sits around and counter-argues, if i cant see you in merciless countlessly running maps than your not worth my time conversing about this subject, I have nothing to prove or explain to you, were all in merciless running maps everyday simulating, where/who the fuck are you? who cares..may the flame burn bright
Try killing a magic or rare with 25% map quant or 100% and see if you have a significant difference in map drops, you dont at all, end of story..these are results, you gonna tell me to log them next? ill just take a ss of my stash after running about 300 maps and you can see that theres hardly anything to show for it after doing numerous variable modded maps ranging from 20% - 120%.
Just take a look at the reactions in this thread alone, read the merc logs, doesnt take a genious like you to figure out that its not producing the way it should.
MrDDT wrote:
butcherspupil wrote:

I think your forgetting something here, + rare and + magic dont add quantity to maps (+3 or w/e might as well be nothing).

I dont see how you can think that +magic and +rare doesnt add to the quantity of a maps or for maps.

You even said it does in your post. Mind explaining why you just dismiss this?

You know that +300% item drop is more than the 30% you might get off a mod right?

who the hell is talking about item drop in the first place? this is about mapdrops last i checked
butcherspupil wrote:
MrDDT wrote:
butcherspupil wrote:

I think your forgetting something here, + rare and + magic dont add quantity to maps (+3 or w/e might as well be nothing).

I dont see how you can think that +magic and +rare doesnt add to the quantity of a maps or for maps.

You even said it does in your post. Mind explaining why you just dismiss this?

You know that +300% item drop is more than the 30% you might get off a mod right?

who the hell is talking about item drop in the first place? this is about mapdrops last i checked

Hey "buddy", you know that maps are items right? Thus effecting item drops effects map drops (save for IIQ on gear and from support gem).
butcherspupil wrote:
Try killing a magic or rare with 25% map quant or 100% and see if you have a significant difference in map drops, you dont at all, end of story..these are results, you gonna tell me to log them next? ill just take a ss of my stash after running about 300 maps and you can see that theres hardly anything to show for it after doing numerous variable modded maps ranging from 20% - 120%.
Just take a look at the reactions in this thread alone, read the merc logs, doesnt take a genious like you to figure out that its not producing the way it should.

You trying to say that IIQ% on maps have no effect on map drop rate? Is this really your stance?

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