Ice Shot

Slicer9875 wrote:
Alternatively, just make the cone actually deal damage I didn't see any impact when I shot at point blank range while surrounded by mobs.

You do know what a cone looks like, right? It's not going to hit anything next to your target, that's just not how cones work my dude.
tag here show what now. but still cant use with wands
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by SuperDrop#0420 on Jun 7, 2020, 5:39:59 AM
I played Ice shot of penetration selfcast as a deadeye with a couple of mirrors worth of gear and had a pretty good time with it.

The baseline clear of ice shot of penetration feels pretty awful and its something you really have to solve.
The skill and its clear starts feeling pretty epic when you add the fury valve amulet which is in my opinion the only way to make this skill a viable option.
Losing the amulet slot however really hurts the dps its able to output.
You're losing out on the omniscience angle or even just massive shocks via yoke of suffering.

Can we get the fury valve effect added to ice shot of penetration to open up the amulet slot? if not crank the numbers up a bit, thank you!

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