[1.0.5] - Lvl 100 - Blastrophe's LA / Frenzy Life Based Crit Ranger w Video (Lioneyes or Voltaxic)

Yea 1000% you can't play LA ranger without godly gear. Looks like GGG wants everyone to play Scion DS/ST right now. O well... guess I'll farm paragon levels or something
Last edited by Karlz3r#3697 on Nov 22, 2013, 5:59:35 AM
Karlz3r wrote:

With the 2nd tree you get nearly no crit multiplier which means you'd need to rely heavily on your gear to get a good amount of crit multiplier i.e quiver + amulet will need near perfect crit multi even then your crit multiplier will be too low imo and that a 100 point tree also so points are pretty thinned out. Maybe drop out of the duelist tree to spec into deadly draw and heart seeker which are pretty vital for a crit build.
Shadow LA/Frenzy Crit Guide : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/470867 || Best Life Belt on PoE for Mirror : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/521100
IGN : Blastrophe
Have you tried using this build on a fresh ranger/shadow?

I tried this build and I have no trouble clearing through packs of mobs,piece of cake.
Here's my gear atm :

But i lack single target DPS...im using frenzy for that purpose atm,supported with 2x faster projectiles and life leech,using clarity aura to help spam it,have 16% critical chance and 390% crit multiplier,i keep Blood rage permanently whenever having frenzy charges thanks to the shoes but it still feels kinda slow,im throwing poison arrow occasionally to keep the dps up but its not really working.

Also i'm level 51 with this current skill tree


I just use ice shot and kite them around.
How would you deal with this?
Last edited by Pyrelord#0915 on Nov 22, 2013, 5:06:11 PM
Pyrelord wrote:
Have you tried using this build on a fresh ranger/shadow?

I tried this build and I have no trouble clearing through packs of mobs,piece of cake.
Here's my gear atm :

But i lack single target DPS...im using frenzy for that purpose atm,supported with 2x faster projectiles and life leech,using clarity aura to help spam it,have 16% critical chance and 390% crit multiplier,i keep Blood rage permanently whenever having frenzy charges thanks to the shoes but it still feels kinda slow,im throwing poison arrow occasionally to keep the dps up but its not really working.

Also i'm level 51 with this current skill tree


I just use ice shot and kite them around.
How would you deal with this?

The above underlined quote cannot be true. You cannot stack 2 of the same gem type to my knowledge. So you should change one of them out for something to actually boost your damage.

IGN: Honkifyourhornyyy / Honkifyourhorny [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Honkifyourhorny#1066 on Nov 23, 2013, 7:32:00 AM
i completely forgot about that gem stacking thing xD guess I'll wait to get faster attacks and see how it goes from there on :)
Last edited by Khean#3617 on Nov 23, 2013, 7:57:49 PM
nvm, figured out
Last edited by four4444tw#1631 on Nov 24, 2013, 3:11:45 AM
Spokodude wrote:
just spec'ed into this build with my lvl 82 ranger, jumped into a 68 lvl map and couldn't kill SHIT. granted i don't have voltaxic, but a pretty decent ele bow

if u want to solo 68+ maps with this build without a voltaxic be prepared to be a little disappointed

rest of my gear for reference:

For all of you that are asking why do you have LOW dps

If you havent noticed, he has the PERFECT gear yet 25k on frenzy

that tells something

this build is not optimized at all (explained in my another comment...will link if someone wants it)

Pathetic to see that this guide made ppl think that LA is an expensive build. LA build isnt expensive to play at all
This build just scales badly for low end players and wasting his perfect gears
Last edited by four4444tw#1631 on Nov 24, 2013, 3:17:24 AM
Just a question Blast.

I see you are noding blood magic. is it a huge disadvantage to have no auras or is it still very viable?

I dont know if its better to go on aura and use bloo magic gem or use the nod and get the dmg back with other gems?

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