Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
Hi Blenders,
Anyone have ideas for better optimizing this tree? I realize it looks different than what most people will be doing. I use some MF gear and am currently lacking a bit for resists and life on my gear, so the extra endurance charge, resist nodes and life nodes are pretty mandatory for me. I also use a soultaker and dagger so weapon-specific nodes are out and I need the extra INT for the dagger. Tree in the spoiler. Last edited by pokerfink#2472 on Aug 20, 2014, 1:27:31 PM
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Good points guys, i haven't had time to update it, but you point out some good optimizations we can make to the build. I'll update the tree tonight.
Twitch: im2P | |
Hey, I used that glass cannon build on my 79 level Scion(almost the same build except 3-4 nodes) to see how it goes. Here is my opinion(I used blender build before too);
-I had 56k DPS with Dual Strike before, now I have 80k DPS.(with Hatred) -I had 3.5k HP before the patch with old Blender build, now I have 2.3k HP which is bad imo even for a glass cannon build. -I had all my elemental resists maxed before the patch (at least max+20 with all of them), now I am having a hard time to make all of them maxed with the same gear. -I had 10k armor before the patch, now I have 6k armor. If I use grace it goes up to 10k. So I can say I lost 3-4k armor with this build. It boosted my DPS unbelievably but I don't think it's worth to lose that much HP and armor. I hope this information help you. Thanks for the build. |
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Hey, this is the passive tree I'm running right now: I think it's pretty good as it is, but I'm still iffy on the life leech nodes. A big reason why is I'm using it is because I have no life leech on my gear. Speaking of which, this is what I'm running with atm:
Last edited by Zyphro#2150 on Aug 23, 2014, 10:47:16 AM
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Any comments on my tree? I'm running 2 sword cleaver. What nodes are better in general 12% increased physical damage or 4% attack speed? IGN: OsyWitch
Time zone: UTC+2 |
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can you update the trees please ?
what about cleave ? it looks better (early game atleast) and doesnt need melee splash that can be replaced by fire damage or inc aoe ? Timezone : GMT +1
IGN : Fleshflower (Softcore) Feel free to message me in game or on the forum, i'm not playing very often. |
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Hello. I`m really in to this build, but there is a problem. In links where the skill tree is, first 3 shows nothing but 2 passives from start, and the last one is missing points.
I mean, there is empty spaces on the way to skill. Like after one handed attack speed is the last one marked, next comes Water dancing and strenghth WHICH are empty! And after that Life which again gloves in light. And it`s not the only place like that, actualy it is the easiest one to guess how did u get there, but some others like Thick skin or Fencing, no idea. There is at least 3 ways to them. |
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Finally decided to dust off my ancient cleave duelist and give him a fresh start. The tree I'm currently using, level 85. My gear
Good old cleave, current dps at 71k. Looking to grab some more damage in a few levels and maybe some life regen as well to help with managing blood rage degen. If anyone has ideas on how I could further minmax my tree, please do let me know. On the defenses side, I have 5.1k hp, 7k armor, 3 second cwdt immortal call, capped resists, and a decent bit of life leech to top it off. Last edited by ClickyClicky#4495 on Aug 24, 2014, 9:41:46 AM
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About Cruel Bandit reward,
Is 18% Phys lot better then 8% attack speed? cuz i like attack speed for whirling blade also. im not sure who to save |
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Hey guys this is my build with a little twisted since I like to get Unwavering stance. Also this is an axe-only build. Tell me if I can improve it in anyway :) IGN : LootinThree Last edited by solomonvn#5949 on Aug 24, 2014, 9:01:21 PM
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