Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
" Looking at the reply box, click your picture at top left, your character screen will come up in the screen. Click anything to link it. Click on the passive tree tab to get the tree link. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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Got it, thanks. here is my gear.
Last edited by zombie93#4937 on Jun 11, 2014, 12:53:15 AM
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Oh wow... Going all that way to get those mana reserved nodes for Vitality is not worth it IMO. I'd rather just invest in more life/damage. Granted there are quite a few 8% life nodes on the way to it, but I'm not convinced that's still worth it.
I count 193% increased life in your tree. I have 214%, granted I'm level 91. If you level up and add 3x 6% life nodes our increased life will be equal. My tree:
You also lose on a ton of damage nodes, I count 264% increased phys dmg in your tree, while 396% is in mine (12% specced swords only, the rest for swords+axes or any 1h). So I'm not quite sure how exactly your build is supposed to have more damage. In addition your tree has 28% less attack speed. You skipped all those nice damage, attack speed and life nodes from Ranger's area in exchange for reduced mana for Vitality. I honestly don't think it's worth it. For dual strike to go over 80k is not uncommon when you're not using melee splash. My DS linked in BoR with Added Fire, Multistrike and Melee Dmg on Full Life goes up to 100k and more. That's obviously impractical for anything but boss fights or dom runs, that's why Melee Splash is a must. Also I find it interesting you've chosen Haste over Grace. The survivability boost from Grace is in my opinion more valuable compared to the mobility and slight dps boost from Haste. Although I guess it helps for more APS for Blind and stuff. IGN: HoboSwordMaster GMT+2 Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 11, 2014, 3:35:43 AM
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So yeah kinda what I was saying, 5k life, 8k, armour, 60k dps (and higher depending on gems, pots etc) you spec into all that damage which isn't needed. Yes haste instead of grace but I switch them out. The ability to run any combination of three auras allows for HUGE flexibility with what map I'm running, add dps or defense. This build while not being amazing in any one area is excellent in all, and still far better overall than 99% of the others. Don't take offense to it remember it's my opinion. Can you kill atziri with zero deaths? Run every rare rolled end game map? I wanted to answer those questions positively when I built Kripsys.
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Nah, you said your build would have more health and dps, (I think you said that, did I misread?) which is not entirely true. Health is the same, dps is lower.
But yeah, I guess the big advantage is more armour without the need for Grace (I've got over 8k with Grace btw) and the extra aura. Personally I don't think it's worth it, despite the extra flexibility for maps. Also I prefer the extra dps because I don't have a weapon quite as nice as the one in your build. IGN: HoboSwordMaster GMT+2 Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 11, 2014, 1:01:24 PM
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hi there,
after a long break, i'm coming back for the game, at this stage there's no reason to start a char at the 4 month leagues. Seing i got in stash a legacy BOR (sadly no SoulTaker) i thought in returning for something that i enjoyed playing alot. Since my Duelist has 103 points to allocate, was thinking something in the line of: With the next few points being allocated in the atk speed and dmg nodes of the duelist beggining area. Give your thoughts on the build pls. now just for a couple quick questions :) ? Seing that i plan to run hatred+Grace, not leaving much mana room, how much mana after reserved would you think i need to be able to run (Dual Strike+multistrike+meleesplash+conc. effect) without problems? and how about mana leach will 2% be enough? still abit on doubt about the 4th gem to use, what would be better to suport the combo DS+MS+meleesplas? concentraded effect / melee dmg on full life / added fire dmg the weapons i got atm are Last edited by Mokado#3345 on Jun 11, 2014, 12:01:53 PM
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" Yes it does against the original posters build, have more health and dps, (that is what I was mainly referring to, and against the most recent posts of others builds) the dps I linked was with molten strike, if I linked with dual strike it would be over 20k dps higher.. Honestly 46k dps with molten strike feels higher than 80k dual strike. |
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Like I said, I'm following the OP's tree with just some minor changes and I have over 5k life (5300 now). It all depends on your gear, which is subject to change and can't be a part of a "build". In terms of life nodes from your passive tree (which is what we're discussing), you have almost the exact same amount of +% life. A bit less actually.
In terms of damage, again considering the passive tree, you've skipped a ton of damage nodes (something in the area of 130% compared to the OP). You've compensated that with better gear (370 pdps axe is quite nice). You can't advertise that as your "build having more dps". IGN: HoboSwordMaster GMT+2 Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 11, 2014, 1:24:52 PM
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I'm sorry if I'm being too critical or whatever, I just got the impression your passive tree would somehow magically have more life and damage at the same time. That's probably not even what you were implying.
IGN: HoboSwordMaster GMT+2 Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 11, 2014, 1:19:25 PM
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