Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

To the guy who said 46k Molten strike feels higher than 80k Dual Strike, I tested this today with Dominus kills and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but for me 53k Molten Strike was almost twice as slow as 73k Dual Strike. This was the first time I tested Molten strike in this build. Not very impressed with the results.

And this is considering the fact that I have Ele weakness on hit, which I would imagine helps Molten Strike more than Dual Strike.

73k Dual Strike in BoR (Melee dmg on full life, Added fire, Multistrike, Hatred aura)
53k Molten Strike in BoR (Melee dmg on full life, Weapon ele dmg, Multistrike, Hatred aura)
IGN: HoboSwordMaster
zzang wrote:
im also curious can you manage atzriti or uber atzirit with the blender build?

Atziri should be doable. I've only tried her once with this build (several levels ago) and came pretty close to killing her with shitty gear and gems (18/0 Cyclone, 8/0 Concentraded effect etc.). Plus, I died like three times to the guardians and once to the Vaal, so...
IGN: HoboSwordMaster
Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 20, 2014, 8:55:35 AM

your build is really fun and suits me very well... i just wanted to tell you that your passive skill links are broken for the late game and 120 points versions! Plz fix it :)
Ive been following this guide for some time now and i was wondering if anyone can show me what kind of gear a level 51 should have and what dps they should be hitting thanks :)
What came first Mcdonalds or KFC?
Have done 4 Atziri kills so far with this build at level 92. Will post my gear and tree below for those who are interested.

You can watch my sloppy play of one of the kills here:


Still haven't fully leveled my blender gems since I primarily use DS. For Atziri I used BoR with the following gems:
19/0 Cyclone
19/0 Added Fire
17/0 Concentrated Effect
20/20 Life Gain on Hit
Total: 27k Tooltip DPS

For the mob phase I swapped to a second BoR with the following gems:
20/0 Dual Strike
20/20 Melee Splash
20/20 Multistrike
20/0 Melee Damage on Full life
Total: 46k tooltip DPS - kinda slow, but managed to clear ~70-80% of mobs.

For mobility I used mostly Whirling Blades. The Downside to Whirling Blades is high risk of desync which basically means death when fighting Atziri.



General stats:
Auras: Grace+Hatred
Life: 5.2k
Leech: 6%
Regen: 238
Phys dmg reduction: 48% (78% with flasks)
Resists: 77/76/76/-13
IGN: HoboSwordMaster
Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 20, 2014, 12:24:53 PM
Hi. The build looks awesome, I'll start making it right now. Is there something wrong with the passive skill trees?

- FT
Hey and thanks for the guide. Is BoR still really good even if I play ambush? Since it's level 18-12-6 on the gems. Thanks in advance!
It's for you to decide whether or not it's good for you. In new BoR the 6% attack speed difference isn't huge but it's noticeable. The Blind chance difference between 9% and 12% isn't huge as well but again can be noticeable. Especially if you have slow APS on your weapons.

In a 6-link chestpiece you could link 20/20 versions of BoR gems: Melee Physical Damage, Faster Attacks and Blind in addition to Cyclone, Concentrated Effect and Life gain on Hit.

You would lose a slot for Added Fire Damage, Weapon Elemental Damage or something similar. Which can mean losing 5-8k tooltip DPS at high levels on Cyclone, which is a huge amount.

On the other hand, you would gain 2% more phys damage, 10% increased phys damage, 18% increased attack speed, 3% extra Blind chance and 37% increased Blind duration from the 20/20 versions of BoR gems. Even more than that with corrupted gems.

In my testing I lose 6.6k tooltip DPS on Cyclone when using the above setup in a 6-link chest, compared to new BoR. (Went from 26.5k to 19.9k)

The difference (with the same setup) between the new BoR and the old BoR however is merely 0.7k tooltip DPS on Cyclone.

In short, the new BoR has slightly less DPS and a bit less survivability from Blind. Personally I think it's fine overall as long as you get a high life roll. I think the life nerf is actually the biggest problem with the new BoR.

Hope this helps.
IGN: HoboSwordMaster
Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on Jun 20, 2014, 1:07:35 PM
My friend gave me an account and ... I have question about mana I'm new in game and I don't know maybe everything... now I'm lvl 35 duelist ofc ... and using Dual Strike/Double Strike...My lucky friend droped Tabula Rasa and I using it ... but my mana ending fast in fights...
What I can do ??
Buy rings and necklace with 50%+ mana regen??
Or change some passives to: mana regen or gain on kill ??
Ofc I using clarity + Reduce mana+ mana Leech eeeh, I want plaing without soul taker.
It its possible to do ultra powerfull blender machine wihout this expensive item???
My skill tree is the same as in the guide, ps.

I dont have MILIONS OF EXALTS IM NOT LUCKY BOY to buy pwnzord gear ... any solutions?? or sugestions?

Beginner gear:

Hey, this has been a great guide so far but it seems to me that under the passive tree section for the late-ish passive tree it looks like it's not been fixed yet, would appreciate it if it's fixed so i can continue following the guide! :) , Cheers!

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