Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

can this build be done with new soul taker insteed of the old legacy one??

also is passive still uptodate with new patchs?
cas5nq wrote:

I'm also having trouble upgrading because I rely on wurm's to have enough intelligence to use Enfeeble and Hatred. How do you get enough intelligence to use these auras? Our build only has 1 intelligence skill point deep in the Templar tree I probably won't reach until lvl 85-90

For INT stats there is one +30 node in the ranger tree (Wisdom of the Glade) and ofc that +10 node in the Templar tree next to Amplify - you will go there in the end if you use Cyclone.

But in my opinion most INT you can get by using a decent Carnage Heart Amulet , which i consider as an enabler of this build together with BoR when it comes to endgame maps.

This amulet is just great considering its attributes (+40-55 to all atributes , 6-10% LL and +10-20 to all resistances) you wont find better amulet for this build keeping in mind its stats - the only trade off is that it reduces your HP a bit (running at ~4.8 k HP at level 88 with Carnage Heart).

With the +30 node , the +10 node and +48 from Carnage i own , i can run Concentrated Effect support gem close to level 20 - and that gem bring a lot of dmg to my Cyclone.

Being now at level 88 with this build (no SoulTaker yet) i can say that the only major downside of it is that you wont be able to run with gear with MF stats in end game maps (70+) , but i already think this is a "problem" for many others successfully endgame builds as well.

Other then this i can say that this build is great for soloing in endgame maps as OP stated , and it doesnt even make you to spend anything at all to go there , except maybe for few exalts for BoR , but those you can get easy by farming Piety/Dominus/low level maps with some MF gear.
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Feb 10, 2014, 4:12:06 AM
What about lvling cwdt to 20 and then making it +20% with gemcutter recipe?
Njordr wrote:
What about lvling cwdt to 20 and then making it +20% with gemcutter recipe?

I dont think quality for CwDT affects in any way defensive setup for it like in CwDT - Enduring Cry - Decoy Totem - Random Curse setup(combo)

I think , though i may be wrong , an increased quality of CwDT will only affect offensive setup(combo) , like when you link to CwDT offensive spells (CwDT - Fireball for example), having a bigger quality CwDT will increase the damage of those spells with the % from CwDT quality

Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Feb 10, 2014, 8:03:55 AM
My duelist is currently level 56. Moving through Act 1 Merciless pretty easily. I got killed once in the fetid pool, those little skeleton dogs just did way more damage than I was expecting.

Here's my gear:

I'm self found, so several items need upgrades. I probably need to get an Onyx amulet (or an Agate or a Turqoise) with good stats so I can level Enfeeble a bit more.

If I can make one recommendation, it's to get Multistrike as soon as you can. I was being cheap with my currency and just picked it up today, and it makes such a huge difference that I regret not getting it way back at level 19 when I could run it.
This is a great build, I basically fell into it before I wised up and found this guide. I like running haste and hatred auras on lower 67-69 maps and grace and determination on the harder ones. Also I think you can grab a devoto's and a 5-6l chest instead of BoR for use with other builds -ranger, and faster farming.
I have a few gear upgrades for you guys if you're looking ;)

-msg me-

Last edited by Hateblood#7003 on Feb 14, 2014, 10:58:42 AM
4 ex at ur sword hyper!
how come i cant tank anyhitng??

i got 6700+armor not buffed

2981 life

all res 65% block is 45% lvl 69 i can barly do dom..

got a anlmost pefect legacy st with a 198+dps sword and my cyclone dps is 8633dps.. wtf
dirtydevil87 wrote:
how come i cant tank anyhitng??

i got 6700+armor not buffed

2981 life

all res 65% block is 45% lvl 69 i can barly do dom..

got a anlmost pefect legacy st with a 198+dps sword and my cyclone dps is 8633dps.. wtf

Link gear and passives.

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