The Amazing List of Ideas [Updated 03/07/2014]

IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
Ok my post was huge, and hits every points mention not implemented before (and opinions). Here is a shorter list of what I would like to see on the sooner side. I have 3 items at top that I would like to see as soon as they can (one of them is basically just a port of what they have on their website to a separate mini download with more flex-ability on our computers (and being able to mess with it offline is cool too).

The second list in the post is things I would like to see (and in some cases am surprised it wasn't already in, but limited staff I can understand) but doesn't affect me much.

EDIT: changed the passive asking, to just adding a summary panel, missed the text saying we could use it full screen, (I do wish we could zoom out more, but you can get around that by holding ctrl and zooming the internet browser instead of just the skill tree (of course the mouse over text pop up's get smaller and harder to read.)

Really Really Want
  • ************An ability to create a build on the online passive tree calculator, then import it in-game. Applying an online build in-game can get rather meticulous (Credits to Kurtlolz).Sounds good but I have no idea how to implement this. How about a downloadable tree we can play around with and including a summary tab on the side that shows the effects of all of our activated nodes. Have it able to zoom out farther, and if possible the option to print it out on a single page (dashed lines for unactivated and solid lines for the path) Not sure how big it really is so might end up 4 pages we could put together. I find the summary as important or more important then the path itself truly. If it's suggested that 240% life in nodes, and grab certain keystones, I can plot out my own path or recreate it / apply it to a new class. Also the option to look at it full screen and zoom out to see entire tree. Means with a lot of us running 2 monitors I can through this mini program up on screen 2 with the tree there and then when I need to apply my points in game it's as simple looking over and seeing what's on my preplanned build.

    Beats doing math and hand counting every dang node (and then doublecount a few since there is no easy way to mark it counted). It will give em a place to mess around with the skill tree outside fo game and learn it. Also means that when someone makes a build, they can list the total of their stats, so if tree updates and their path gets messed up, we have an idea of what stats they went for and how much, and then can reconstruct it as much as possible ourselves.
    Guess i should read, just found the full screen option on passive skill tree page. Would like a summary panel to be added to show the totals of all activated nodes.
  • ****Gauge that shows the % of map completed (can base this on total number of monsters remaining or % of map explored). The /remaining feature doesn't help much if there are more than 20 monsters.Honestly a light shading of unexplored parts would be just as nice. Big maps may have empty spaces on the minimap where nothing showsup, but still be unexplored so having it marked clearly would be nice (maybe an option to toggle map brightness, highest has he shading, the lower has what we have now?) Basically instead of how far we have left to go, it's an indicator of where we are missing so we know where to go. Knowing I have only 80% of the map cleared is all happy and fun, but if I can't find where that last 20% is, then that is 0 help to me.
  • ....Ability to see player names on player navigation map (I bolded this because it's probably my biggest frustration with POE. Only EVERY GAME EVERYWHERE has this feature. Please add it!!).Already in the works it seems?? This. By far this should be done. Everyone has an X already, and it's linked to the characters, having the name pulled over should work or someone elses color idea of color coding the X's to the party members names in the upper left would be fine (might be able to be done client side), Including a direction people are when off of your screen)

ValheruWolf wrote:

Other Stuff

Neosoph wrote:
The Amazing List of Ideas


  • The ability to create private chat groups: "/join SuperCoolPeopleOnly" (Credits to Cremice).Interesting, Would be cool to see this, D2 had something similar with their channels. basically users could create their own channel name, give the name out to friends and anyone with the name could join, Be useful for Guilds to have an open chat channel to others in or out of a guild. With people making their own there could be less global channels as people won't use them.
  • The Self Found League - Can only use the items you yourself found, no trading & items are destroyed when you throw them on the ground (if other players are near). (Credits to polymortis)I would rather all drops be instanced here probably, and maybe an increase in drop rate since we can't trade items we have no use for, to get other items we are looking for.
  • ....Ability to move the chatbox around the screen, change it's colors, it's shape, etc. I still think it is very basic and unpolished.Yes. Please.

Quality of Life & Bug Fixes:

  • Option to always show item level without having to pick it up and type /itemlevel.Would like this, just text at the bottom of the item description. Would fix all other item level issues. Since we can get this information through a command it's not a secret. I deleted all other Item level lines as this is my single solution to all of it.
  • Allow quicksilver flasks to be consumed in town.Yes please.
  • ....Party creation restrictions.Have a more advanced party creating insterface, adding a trade type party (so separate from playing parties) level restiction, number of player restriction, etc. Deleting the other entries below as it's all summed up here in 1 interface)
  • ....Making it so that typing slash (e.g. /itemlevel) commands won't remove you from party chat, trade chat, etc. Or at least make party chat the default chat when in a party.Just an option to lock default chat to something and it shouldn't change commends or not. Commands are usually only working on yourself so it's not party of private or general chat. It really should not affect chat default at all....
  • ....Ability to see ignore list. How are we supposed to see who is currently in there??Not sure why this isn't possible. If someone is bugging you one day then a temp ignore, but a list to see who's on it so you can unignore them later when it hopefully will no longer be an issue (if it is you can always add them back to the list)
  • ....Ability to give someone else party leader.Not sure why this doesn't exist. Should have been a default.
  • Way to message all of your friends at once (/f all).Yes
  • A quick way to reply to the last player who messaged you by typing "/r <text>" or something along those lines (Credits to Cremice).Yes, though another game uses the tab button (not sure if it does something here) and cycles through people that recently messages you on the whisper command, so tab once for last person, tab twice to get next person back, etc.
  • A privacy [stealth] feature so you can hide from everyone if you want to play solo (Credits to Cremice).That would be awesome for some people and a moot point for others. Personally considering AFK to be part of this option.



  • Show itemlevel on forums (Credits to xyz).Refer to item level solution at top (add one more row in item description at bottom with the item level.

Please bump this thread if you like the ideas!

Last edited by ValheruWolf#4573 on Mar 14, 2014, 10:51:59 AM
IGN Valeeras
First post here, now moving on...

My idea would be, items with +attribute modifiers having their attribute requirement lowered by the amount they add to them, if matching. I think it makes sense, otherwise if you manage to equip them through another aux. item, and then unequip them for whatever reason, you'll need an aux. item to equip them again if needed, and it can be gone for any reason by then.
I don't suppose there's a problem or exploit I can't see from this somewhere?
Migck wrote:
First post here, now moving on...

My idea would be, items with +attribute modifiers having their attribute requirement lowered by the amount they add to them, if matching. I think it makes sense, otherwise if you manage to equip them through another aux. item, and then unequip them for whatever reason, you'll need an aux. item to equip them again if needed, and it can be gone for any reason by then.
I don't suppose there's a problem or exploit I can't see from this somewhere?

The fact that they can still use and Aux item to equip it anyways and that opens it up at lower level. It would be better worded as when you try to equip an item it will calculate your stats including bonuses on the equipment before checking if you have the stats to wear it. (I understand this is what you actually meant)

But truth is, as long as your build doesn't require the attribute necklace, or rings. you can use one of those to help you equip the item and I have a few of those in my stash (and I bet 90% of us do) So not that huge of an issue for the most part.
an indication of devourer whereabouts, i have a weak heart
Last edited by matheusams#7316 on Mar 9, 2014, 6:07:24 PM
Nice list, good ideas.

Here are some ideas I've posted, if you think they're interesting you may add them:

Proxy Encampment - Hideout: A custom savepoint with in-game mechanics. Bluflonalgul

Premium Stash Management Tools: Bundle of tools to manage huge stash. Bluflonalgul

Training Totem Hit Analyzer: A dummy to understand detailed effects of weapons,spells,gems and passives. Bluflonalgul
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