The Amazing List of Ideas
POE is one of the best games I have ever played. Not because of the graphics, or the gameplay, or even the storyline (although they are all awesome!). It’s the best because it's designed with a great philosophy: it's free, it's fair, and it's constantly being improved upon. IMO, very few other gaming companies can honestly say this.
As long as this is true, I will be a long term player (and donor). As such, I will periodically update this list with good ideas I have come across to help fuel the creative engine over at GGG. Good job guys!
Just to be clear, these are ideas that I think are good. You are welcome to post suggestions for this list, but there is no guarantee that I will add them!
Ideas that GGG actually implemented or resolved have a strikethrough.
A BIG thank you to the developers for implementing some of my suggestions!!!
Not everyone is a lone wolf; guilds, clans, or groups of some sort would improve the game experience tremendously.
- DPS & damage taken meters to see how you are doing and/or what killed you.
- The ability to create private chat groups: "/join SuperCoolPeopleOnly" (Credits to Cremice).
- Hunting Mini-Quest(s): I think adding some mini-quest(s) where you have to hunt down exotic beasts hiding in Wraeclast would be interesting side-quest adventures for players tired of grinding maps. Feel free to take this idea and run with it! (Adaptation of Drkzaleos).
- Inventory auto-sort (Credits to loCurnus).
- The option (please note how "option" is underlined) to have floating combat text (Credits to Hoolilol).
Shrines (Credits to Awanya).
- An ability to create a build on the online passive tree calculator, then import it in-game. Applying an online build in-game can get rather meticulous (Credits to Kurtlolz).
- Mercenary followers. You could further increase POE's itemization and storyline complexity by having little followers that talk to you and fight. They don't have to be human followers. In fact, you could add an entire "mercenary appearance" section in microtransactions.
- A notes tab on each character for reminders and build ideas. (Credits to muzzol)
- The Self Found League - Can only use the items you yourself found, no trading & items are destroyed when you throw them on the ground (if other players are near). (Credits to polymortis)
- Ability to move the chatbox around the screen, change it's colors, it's shape, etc. I still think it is very basic and unpolished.
Quality of Life & Bug Fixes:
- Option to always show item level without having to pick it up and type /itemlevel.
- Ability to show item level while in the sell screen for merchants (/itemlevel & alt don't work in that screen).
Show item level while in the player trading screen (since you can't pick another person's
item up and type /itemlevel).
- Search box for stash to easily locate items, gems, or currency (Credits to Kurosag1).
Confirmation button for breaking a 5 or 6 Link (Credits to oreo1981).
- Ability to set loot to a permanent default state other than SA (FFA, SA, PA - so you don’t accidentally enter a map with the wrong loot setting).
- Permanent small ping on your navigation map when uniques and maps drop (until they are picked up).
- When you hover over a gem, make it tell you how many of those gems you already have in your stash.
- Allow quicksilver flasks to be consumed in town.
- Item highlighting on inventory screens: rares get a yellow hued background, uniques gold, etc. Similar to Diablo 3.
A way to change your bandit decision after you have made it. You (GGG) constantly change the passive tree, what if those changes made killing all three bandits the better decision?
- Prevent people from advertising their trades via party names; it makes it more difficult to find groups and detracts from gameplay.
- Gauge that shows the % of map completed (can base this on total number of monsters remaining or % of map explored). The /remaining feature doesn't help much if there are more than 20 monsters.
- Ability to see player names on player navigation map (I bolded this because it's probably my biggest frustration with POE. Only EVERY GAME EVERYWHERE has this feature. Please add it!!).
- Making it so that typing slash (e.g. /itemlevel) commands won't remove you from party chat, trade chat, etc. Or at least make party chat the default chat when in a party.
- The ability to generally move and manipulate items in our inventory while a vendor window is open; there are frustrating limitations when you compare it to the normal stash or inventory window (Credits to hemoglobin1972).
- The current twitch chat shortkey "^" is annoying. I am now unable to use ^ to reference/agree with the person who typed above me. Additionally, what aboot teh happeh faceees!?!? ^^ (Credits to vTact).
Making it so clicking outside the text box after you typed something doesn't delete everything you wrote (monsters attack you while you're typing).
- Ability to see ignore list. How are we supposed to see who is currently in there??
- The name of the party gets cut off on the social screen; I can't see the rest of the information people put in party names. Ability to scroll to the right would be nice.
- Ability to link what others link in chat (so you can show your buddies and get their opinions on it - price checks, etc.).
- Ability to give someone else party leader.
Show overcapped resists: Maybe have something like 75/143 lightning resist (Credits to Schnupfndrache7)?
- Display that clearly shows which auras are active as you are selecting the auras in your skill slots: Maybe add the little circular rotating graphic that shows which auras are ON/OFF to the skill selection menu that comes up when you click one of your skill slots.
- Way to message all of your friends at once (/f all).
- Option to temporarily kick a party member to where they can't simply rejoin immediately after you kick them (temporary ban/unban option). Making a party private is NOT a substitute for this; I am sick of hearing that. An option is needed to keep the party open publicly while excluding a troublemaker.
15% exp penalty is a bit high, 10% would be more reasonable considering the bugs and desync issues in this beta. I'm all for a challenging game, but the desync kinda ruins the challenge.
- Show status ailments under name bar for monsters (see how many shocks you’ve applied, etc.).
- Show how long ago friends were online. Sometimes you make a friend and then they quit POE for whatever reason and just waste your friends list space forever.
- Physical, Elemental, and Total DPS on weapons. (Credits to Kefkas).
- Ability to see passive refund effects on your character stats screen before spending the refund point. Vice versa with spending a passive point.
- Ability to select a certain amount from a stack in the trade window. I seriously cannot imagine why this is disabled...
- When shards stack into an orb, make that orb stack into other orbs rather than creating a new single orb in a new single space (space saver).
Ability to make a note for each friend you add. e.g. “I met this person on Monday” or “This is the guy I am waiting to get online so I can do X trade.” It's easy to add people and then forget why you added them or who they are.
- Show which maps are activated on which instance in the Eternal Laboratory instance manager (so you know which one you should join).
As far as I know, there is no sound effect for picking up or dropping a flask.
- Say who the player was killed by and have the monster insult you: "Crustacean Sniper has killed Neosoph." "Crustacean Sniper: Noob." (Credits to SimonKing)
- Ability to limit # of players that join your party.
- Ability to type text above your head like in Diablo 2. That was a lot of fun!
- Ability to filter who can join party by lvl.
- A quick way to reply to the last player who messaged you by typing "/r <text>" or something along those lines (Credits to Cremice).
- Arrows on the edges of the minimap pointing in the direction of your other party members who are outside of the visible map area. If you join a zone you should be able to find your friends quickly without having to scroll all over the map (Credits to Cremice).
- Summoning a new creature when you have the maximum number of that creature type should replace the existing creature of that type with the lowest health. If my most recently summoned zombie is about to die, I shouldn't have to summon 4 more just to get them all at max health (Credits to Cremice).
- The option to go /AFK so that players will know you've stepped away and aren't simply ignoring them (Credits to Cremice).
- An idle timer to display how long a player in your party has been inactive. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with which players are wasting space idling in town as opposed to which players just went there to buy/sell items (Credits to Cremice).
- A privacy [stealth] feature so you can hide from everyone if you want to play solo (Credits to Cremice).
The ability to exit to the character selection screen instead of all the way to the login screen (Credits to Cremice).
- Map Mod Idea: "Players are drunk" - Players randomly experience blurriness, screen shaking, or random colors.
Increase drop rate of higher level maps for higher level players. The current rate is frustrating (in a bad way) and destroys my motivation to reach level 100. People will play longer if they are getting decent chain drops of reasonable lvl maps.
- Adapted from Faerindel's post: A map (rare drop, maybe unique "Limbo Map") in softcore that you would use to get your 10% experience back after you die. The map has zero IIQ, so no items would drop. It would be a double or nothing type of map where you could earn your experience back, but if you died in there you would lose another 10% on top of what you already lost. The level of the map could be your ilvl (maxed at 77). This item could act as a "get out of jail free" card for dying in softcore and present itself as another form of currency in POE.
- Give maps a time trial incentive: If you complete a map before the timer runs out you are rewarded with a chest or maybe a "Cartographer" NPC that rewards you with maps if you save him/her from the boss in time (Credits to Tuftronic).
- Helm item effects should replace the helm you put them on. For example, putting ice crown on Alpha's Howl looks terrible. An option to not show helms in-game might alleviate this problem.
Discounted microtransactions for regal, divine, exalted members, etc. This might be a better incentive for people to donate as this would be a permanent discounted sale rather than a finite amount of points (virtual economics 101).
- Ability to look by last topic in forum profile, not just posts.
- More BBCode options. I'm curious why it is so limited? Where are the colors, sizes, strikethroughs, etc?
- Polls (Credits to Schnupfndrache7).
- Show itemlevel on forums (Credits to xyz).
- Ability to post your entire character (gear, passive tree, stats, etc.) in one click the way you can with items.
- Character counter on signature edit page. It's hard to tell.
- Ability to quote more than one post at a time when you are responding.
- This one is more geared for the community: A spreadsheet that shows what map lvl is most efficient for experience farming at which level (e.g. player lvl 75 would be lvl 70 map, player lvl 80 would be lvl 73 map, etc.) The spreadsheet would show which completed maps will yield the highest % experience at your character level. On the spreadsheet you could also show how experience works in and out of parties. Only player lvl 70-99 would need to be mapped out.
Please bump this thread if you like the ideas!
IGN Valeeras Last edited by Neosoph#4798 on Mar 7, 2014, 8:18:42 PM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
Posted byNeosoph#4798on Jul 11, 2013, 6:22:21 PMBanned
IGN Valeeras Last edited by Neosoph#4798 on Jul 27, 2013, 10:54:13 PM
Posted byNeosoph#4798on Jul 11, 2013, 8:40:39 PMBanned
- Option to always show item level without having to pick it up and type /itemlevel. Yes, +1
- Always show item level while in the sell screen for merchants (/itemlevel doesn't work in that screen).Yes, +1
- Show item level while in the player trading screen (since you can't pick another person's item up and type /itemlevel)Yes, +1
- Ability to limit # of players that join your party. You mean party leader gets a confirm/deny dialog box? Then yes, +1
- Ability to filter who can join party by lvl. Should just display the attempted join's level in the dialog box, so -1
- Ability to set loot to a default state (FFA, SA, PA - so you don’t accidentally enter a map with the wrong loot setting). I hate loot options, but if these must exist, then yes, these options should be available, it's stupid the way it is now. + no number because I hate loot options
- Permanent ping on your navigation map when uniques and maps drop. No. Use your eyeballs. -1
- Four-linked items able to be vendored for 1 fusing. Tough one. My gut reaction is no though, would make fusings too common. +0
- Prevent people from advertising their trades via party names; it makes it more difficult to find groups and detracts from gameplay. You mean remove the option to type any party name whatsoever? If so, yes, +1
- Increase drop rate of higher level maps for higher level players. Perhaps, but in general map drop rate should be low enough that you're encouraged to use Alchs on maps. +0
- DPS & damage taken meters. Hell no. Learn to play. -1
- Gauge that shows the % of map that has been explored. No. You shouldn't be able to get a feel for how big an area is just by walking a few screens through it. Perhaps an indicator when the entire map is explored, but definitely no progress bar. -1
- Ability to look by last topic in forum profile, not just posts. I think current functionality is sufficient. -1
- Ability to see player names on navigation maps (this is a big one). Yes, +1
- Typing slash (/itemlevel) commands won't remove you from party chat, etc. If your previous suggestions are adopted, there would be no reason for the /itemlevel command to even exist anymore; it would simply be displayed. -1
- When you click your attack on an allied player your attack hits that players target. Hell no. Use your eyeballs. -1
- Ability to link what others link in chat. You mean the ability to copy and paste links? Say hello to even more powerful spammers. Hell no, -1
- Machine that rapidly uses the orbs you put into it to get a desired result. E.g. Six-linking an item. The current optional currency-locked-on-cursor functionality is fine. -1
- Mercenary followers. You mean sanctioned bots that follow you around? Hell no, -1
- Display that clearly shows which auras are active. Maybe add the little circular rotating graphic that shows which auras are ON/OFF to the skill selection menu that comes up when you click one of your skill slots. When you actually have the skill on your bar, this already happens. -1
- Way to message all of your friends at once. Cool, original idea. Yes, +1
- Option to temporarily kick a party member to where they can't simply rejoin immediately after (ban option). Yes, +1; actually, those dialog box options for a join attempt should be yes, no, ban.
- 15% exp penalty is a bit high, 10% would be more reasonable considering the bugs and desync issues in this beta. Your logic is backwards on this one, you test the most extreme conditions in beta then maybe tone things down for full release. Still, tough issue. +0
- Show status ailments under name bar for monsters (see how many shocks you’ve applied, etc.). Hell no. Use your eyeballs. -1
- Show how long ago friends were online. Who are you, a stalker? No, -1
- Ability to make a note for each friend you add. e.g. “I met this person on Monday” or “This is the guy I am waiting to get online so I can do X trade.” Yes, +1, although in the meantime just keep a notebook and a pen by your computer
- Show which maps are up on which instance in the instance manager. Huh?
- As far as I know, there is no sound effect for picking up or dropping a flask. I think there is, but now I'm not so sure.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 11, 2013, 8:49:31 PM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Jul 11, 2013, 8:47:52 PM
Thanks for the feedback ScrotieMcB! Of course, I completely disagree with almost every one of your -1's. :P
IGN Valeeras
Posted byNeosoph#4798on Jul 11, 2013, 8:54:02 PMBanned
I like many of the suggestions listed, many of which would be a massive boost to the QoL in PoE
also, free bump
Posted byAmoondrae#6042on Jul 12, 2013, 11:09:10 AM
Nice list, agree with most, especially showing item levels on items and reducing the xp penalty a bit.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...
Posted byTuftronic#5835on Jul 12, 2013, 11:18:55 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I loled Scrotie. I agree with every one of your ratings/comments.
Hell no indeed (for mercenary followers).
What is this? WoW?
Posted byTremorAcePV#7356on Jul 12, 2013, 12:35:42 PM
I also agree with most of these ideas!
IGN Valeeras
Posted byNeosoph#4798on Jul 12, 2013, 5:51:50 PMBanned
IGN Valeeras
Posted byNeosoph#4798on Jul 12, 2013, 9:51:58 PMBanned